Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- pyproject-local-kernel — Python Jupyter kernel using project/environment manangers like Rye, Uv, PDM, Poetry, Hatch etc.
- pyproject_metadata — PEP 621 metadata parsing
- pyproject-runner — Run tasks defined in pyproject.toml files.
- pyproject-scaffold — no summary
- pyproject-toml — Project intend to implement PEP 517, 518, 621, 631 and so on.
- pyproject-validate — Validate and format pyproject.toml files
- pyproject2conda — A script to convert a Python project declared on a pyproject.toml to a conda environment.
- pyprojectlib — no summary
- pyprojectsort — Formatter for pyproject.toml files
- pypyr — task-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml. cli & api.
- pyrabola — Simulate laser propagation through a system of planar and focussing mirrors
- pyrequirement — A simple tool to generate a requirements.txt from a pyproject.toml
- pyroll-cli — PyRoll rolling simulation framework - command line interface (CLI).
- pyrosimple — A stripped-down version of the pyrocore tools for working with rTorrent
- pysarpro — SAR processing in Python
- pysecrethelper — ...
- pysecurecircuit — Python library for secure multi-party computation using garbled circuits
- pyserde — Yet another serialization library on top of dataclasses
- pyservicenow — Python wrapper for Service-Now REST APIs
- pysmartmeter — Collect data from Hichi Smartmeter and expose it via MQTT
- pyspark-typedschema — Define (typed) schemas for pyspark dataframes
- pysrpm — Convert python source distributions to source RPM (or spec files)
- pystack3d — Pystack3D: A Python package for fast image stack correction
- pystrata — Site response analysis with Python.
- Pytanis — Utilities for the program organization of conferences using Pretalx
- pytask — pytask is a workflow management system that facilitates reproducible data analyses.
- pytempl-cli — Build and run your PyTempl apps from the command line with PyTempl CLI.
- pytest — pytest: simple powerful testing with Python
- pytest-bdd-ng — BDD for pytest
- pytest-broadcaster — Pytest plugin to broadcast pytest output to various destinations
- pytest-dirty — Static import analysis for thrifty testing.
- pytest-env — pytest plugin that allows you to add environment variables.
- pytest-jsonschema — A pytest plugin to perform JSONSchema validations
- pytest-mini — A plugin to test mp
- pytest-oar — PyTest plugin for the OAR testing framework
- pytest-pylint — pytest plugin to check source code with pylint
- pytest-watcher — Automatically rerun your tests on file modifications
- python-ai-kit — AI Kit is a CLI meant to augment your IDE agent.
- python-arango-mapper — fast and easy-to-use python-arango mapper library
- python-artifact-signer — no summary
- python-box — Advanced Python dictionaries with dot notation access
- python-cli-example — no summary
- python-configuration — A library to load configuration parameters from multiple sources and formats
- python-editor-hotoffthehamster — Programmatically open an editor, capture the result
- python-fortune-cookie — Fortune Cookie Generator for python.
- python-graphblas — Python library for GraphBLAS: high-performance sparse linear algebra for scalable graph analytics
- python-lemming — Lemming is a tool for formatting and linting code.
- python-license-manager — Python license manager
- python-lsp-black — Black plugin for the Python LSP Server
- python-lsp-pylama — pylama linting plugin for pylsp
- python-lsp-ruff — Ruff linting plugin for pylsp
- python-matter-server — Open Home Foundation Matter Server
- python-rdma-qe — Redhat Kernel RDMA QE Python libs and tests
- python-release-master — An automated Python package release management tool with AI-powered changelog generation
- python-simpleconf — Simple configuration management with python.
- python-suit — However it suits you
- python3-pip-skeleton — One line description of your module
- pytomlenv — Environment in TOML format.
- pytoolconfig — Python tool configuration
- PytorchImagePipeline — This is a repository for creating and running Pytorch Image Pipelines.
- pytransflow — Simple library for record-level processing using flows of transformations defined as YAML files.
- pytsa-ais — Toolbox for extracting trajectories and monitoring vessels from raw AIS records.
- pyTSx — Time Series Analysis with Python and Spark.
- pyutil-cfg — python util for cfg (configurations)
- pyvelocity — Automates task to check configurations about Python project to follow best practices to increase development velocity.
- pyvista-view — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- PyVRP — A state-of-the-art vehicle routing problem solver.
- pyvrp-zone-checker — `pyvrp-zone-checker` is a package wrapper for zone-checker in PyVRP
- PyWBT — A lightweight Python wrapper for WhiteboxTools command-line interface
- pywhiten — A python package for conducting Lomb-Scargle based prewhitening of stellar time series.
- pyxote — auto installer make with python
- qbwrap — This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- qc-selector — Subset selection with maximum diversity.
- qchecker — A simple library for finding statement-level substructures in Abstract Syntax Trees
- qctrl — Q-CTRL Python
- qctrl-workflow-client — Q-CTRL Workflow Client
- qgis-plugin-dev-tools — QGIS plugin development and packaging tools, which make managing runtime dependencies easy.
- qkit-core — qKIT quantum measurement suite in python
- ql-orange — Orange is a fork of Black Python code formatter maintained by Quantlane.
- qldebugger — Utility to debug AWS lambdas with SQS messages
- qoqo — Quantum computing circuit toolkit. Python interface of roqoqo
- qoqo-aqt — AQT backend for qoqo quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-braket — no summary
- qoqo-calculator-pyo3 — Python interface to qoqo calculator, the calculator backend of the qoqo quantum computing toolkit by HQS Quantum Simulations
- qoqo-for-braket — no summary
- qoqo-for-braket-devices — AWS's Braket devices interface for qoqo python quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-iqm — IQM backend for qoqo quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-mock — no summary
- qoqo-myqlm — An inteface to execute circuits from QOQO to MYQLM
- qoqo-qasm — Python interface of roqoqo_qasm by HQS Quantum Simulations
- qoqo-qir — QIR interface for roqoqo Rust quantum computing toolkit by HQS Quantum Simulations
- qoqo-qiskit-devices — IBM's Qiskit devices interface for qoqo python quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-qryd — QRyd backend for qoqo quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-quest — QuEST simulator backend for qoqo quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-strawberry-fields — no summary
- qoqo-tket — no summary
- qpp — Query PyPI, ask it anything.
- qt-dev-helper — Tool to help developing Qt applications
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- qualibrate — Qubit calibration software