Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- piston-v-taper — A trained machine learning model for predicting the force due to contact between a deformable end cap and a taper
- pivotcrop — Package for cropping directories of images based on a pivot point.
- pkg-about — Shares Python package metadata at runtime.
- pkgcheck — pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos
- pkgcore — package managing framework
- pkgdev — collection of tools for Gentoo development
- pkiviewer — PKI file viewer
- pkmodel-zxara — Pharmacokinetic modelling of drug delivery
- pkonfig — Pythonic agile application configuration helpers
- plain.importmap — JavaScript import maps for Plain.
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- plate-layout — A tool to create and visualize sample layouts for multiwell plates.
- plate-planner — A tool to create and visualize sample layouts for multiwell plates.
- plcrex — PLCreX - Simplification, Transformation, Analysis, and Validation of IEC 61131-3 Programmable Logic Controllers
- plinky — Dynamic link site>
- plom — Plom is Paperless Open Marking
- plom-client — The client marking tool for Plom
- PlutoManager — no summary
- plxcontroller — Controllers to create and modify Plaxis 2D and 3D models with enhanced functionalities.
- podman — Bindings for Podman RESTful API
- podtuber — Simple Python application to create podcast `.rss` files from YouTube playlists.
- poethepoet — A task runner that works well with poetry.
- poetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- poetry-190048221 — no summary
- poetry-190048221-rodrigo — no summary
- poetry-codeartifact — For using AWS CodeArtifact with Poetry.
- poetry-docs — no summary
- poetry-gces — no summary
- poetry-ger — no summary
- poetry-lock-listener — no summary
- poetry-plugin-compose — no summary
- poetry-plugin-simple-requirements-export — A different way to export your poetry requirements as a requirements.txt file
- poetry-sirius — no summary
- poetry-stale-dependencies — no summary
- poetry-victordscabral-gces — Trabalho individual de GCES
- poetry-vital14 — no summary
- poetrygces-pedro-vieira — no summary
- polarion-rest-api-client — An API Client for the Polarion REST API
- polars-streaming — Stream Processing Library using Polars
- policyengine-us-data — A package to create representative microdata for the US.
- policytester — Test kubernetes network policies
- polodb-python — Add your description here
- polugins — Plugin system for Polars.
- pome — Distributed accounting software
- poodle — Mutation Testing Tool
- poodle-test — Mutation Testing Tool
- poopip — poopip: for when pip is too slow 💩
- poppy — Physical optics propagation (wavefront diffraction) for optical simulations, particularly of telescopes.
- port-ocean — Port Ocean is a CLI tool for managing your Port projects.
- portfolyo — Analyse and manipulate timeseries related to power and gas offtake portfolios
- posextract — Grammatical information extraction methods designed for the analysis of historical and contemporary textual corpora.
- PourPy — A Python-based library to generate Pourbaix diagrams (potential/pH diagram)
- powspec — Auto and Cross Spectral Density Estimator
- poxy — Documentation generator for C++.
- pp-check — This tool is used exclusively for Poetry projects. As soon as you have a poetry project in front of you in the console, you can use this tool to quickly find out which script commands the poetry project contains.
- pplkit — Pipeline building toolkit
- pptoml — Library and CLI tool for parsing, validating, modifying, and updating `pyproject.toml` files.
- pptx2typ — A tool to convert PPTX files to Typst Touying scripts.
- pqp — Subroutines for structural causal modeling
- pranzo — couple experimental calo and rheo data
- pre-commit-download — Build-backend for downloading external single file binaries.
- pre_commit_hooks — Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit.
- pre-commit-update — Simple CLI tool and a pre-commit hook to check and update pre-commit hooks.
- preswald — A lightweight data workflow SDK.
- prism-ds — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- product-apriori — Apriori product relation test
- project-config — Reproducible configuration across projects.
- projectalice-cli — Project Alice CLI tool
- projetaai-azure — Enables Azure services integration with ProjetaAi/Kedro
- proofs — Mathematical proof assistant for students and amateurs.
- protein-turnover — protein turnover pipeline
- protein-turnover-website — Protein Turnover web pipeline
- protoblade — no summary
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- psiconfig — A module to validate and load config files.
- pspm — A simple Python package manager
- psqlsync — Tool to create basic PostgreSQL backups and restore them from local files.
- psychosnd — Psychopy sound analysis scripts
- ptl — pip-tools, layered
- ptr — Parallel asyncio Python setup.(cfg|py) Test Runner
- ptrnets — Easy access to pretrained models for system identification
- ptvpy — A command line tool and library for particle tracking velocimetry.
- PTWordFinder — A command line tool that help to find specific words from a file in any selected file.
- publicator — A better poetry publish experience.
- pueblo — Pueblo - a Python toolbox library.
- puffling — A test Python backend.
- pulp-cli — Command line interface to talk to pulpcore's REST API.
- py-ballisticcalc — LGPL library for small arms ballistic calculations (Python 3)
- py-build-cmake — Modern, PEP 517 compliant build backend for creating Python packages with
- py-codeforce — Py-Codeforces is a high-performance and type-safe Python library designed for seamless interaction with Codeforces. It offers both asynchronous and synchronous client handlers, allowing developers to choose the appropriate method based on their requirements.
- py-cptcore — Public python SDK for the CEMS CPTCore web-API.
- py-flaskbase — no summary
- py-glpi — A Python SDK for GLPI REST Api.
- py-to-win-app — Make runnable apps from your python scripts!
- py-uds — UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) protocol handler.
- py-unused-deps — Find unused dependencies in your python project
- py-vibracore — Public python SDK for the CEMS VibraCore web-API.
- py-web-lp — py-web-lp: Yet Another Literate Programming Tool
- py2dmat — Data-analysis software of quantum beam diffraction experiments for 2D material structure
- py2pack — Generate distribution packages from PyPI