Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- py4ai-core — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- py4ai-data — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- py65emu — Python 6502 Emulator
- pyadvdocx — An open source project inspired from python-docx .
- pyaedt — High-level Python API for Ansys Electronics Desktop Framework
- pyaerocom — pyaerocom model evaluation software
- pyanalyze — A static analyzer for Python
- pyape — The Python Application Programming Environment.
- pyaphid — Identify unwanted function calls in your code
- pyapiX — Easy API client generator
- pyasic — A simplified and standardized interface for Bitcoin ASICs.
- pyasic-umhost — A simplified and standardized interface for Bitcoin ASICs.
- pyaud-plugins — Plugin package for Pyaud
- pybashify — Use Python to write bash scripts while interop w/ bash
- pyboke — pyboke: Static Blog Generator. (尽可能简单的静态博客生成器)
- pybrownies — Little helpers for Python developers
- pybuild-deps — A simple tool for detection of PEP-517 build dependencies.
- pycargoebuild — A generator for Rust/Cargo ebuilds written in Python
- pychumpchem — Input file generators for computational chemistry
- pycloudflared — unofficial cloudflared python wrapper
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pyCRT — Tools for measuring Capillary Refill Time using Python.
- pyctdev — python packaging common tasks for developers
- pydaconf — Configuration file provider that uses pydantic and type hints.
- pydantic-config — Support for Pydantic settings configuration file loading
- pydantic-settings — Settings management using Pydantic
- pydantic-settings-export — Export your Pydantic settings to documentation with ease!
- pydeps2env — A python helper to generate conda environment files from project dependencies.
- pydev-toy — Command line util to manage python projects
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pydistcheck — Inspect Python package distributions and raise warnings on common problems.
- pydjinni — An opinionated Djinni reimplementation written in Python.
- pydoc-fork — Fork of cpython's pydoc module to do just html document generation
- pydoc-markdown — Create Python API documentation in Markdown format.
- pydoclint — A Python docstring linter that checks arguments, returns, yields, and raises sections
- pydocstringformatter — A tool to automatically format Python docstrings that tries to follow recommendations from PEP 8 and PEP 257.
- pydocstyle — Python docstring style checker
- pydra-mriqc — Pydra tasks package for mriqc
- pydrex — Dynamic CPO calculations for olivine-enstatite polycrystal aggregates
- pyds-cli — no summary
- pyease — Python Library with helpful functions for the Eclipse Advanced Scripting Environment (EASE). See
- pyeletrica — Fundamental tools for electrical engineers.
- pyerk — Python based 'Easy Representation of Knowledge' (pyERK)
- pyetta — Tooling for automated testing on embedded bare metal platforms.
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyfanuc — Read data from Fanuc control
- pyFEM — Python Finite Element Method
- pyfltr — Python Formatters, Linters, and Testers Runner.
- pyfluids — Simple, full-featured, lightweight CoolProp wrapper for Python
- pyfrc — Development tools library for python interpreter used for the FIRST Robotics Competition
- pyfsd — An implementation of protocol 9 of FSD based on Python & Twisted.
- pyfunc2 — libs for cameramonit, ocr, fin-officer, cfo, and other projects
- pygetimportables — Python functions to get top-level importable names
- PyGlide — `PyGlide` (Python Guided Learning through Interactive Digital Education) is a python package for generating live notebooks where you can learn the content by listening to and reading from the slides at the same time you can write and execute yourown code from the slides in real time.
- pyhomelink — Library for AICO HomeLINK
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyink — Pyink is a python formatter, forked from Black with slightly different behavior.
- pyintegrity — fitness for service for metallic pipes
- PyIpernity — Library to access the Ipernity API
- pyirk — Python based 'Imperative Representation of Knowledge' (PyIRK)
- pyjamf — PyJamf Module
- pyjobshop — Solving scheduling problems with constraint programming.
- pyl2h — Python library for controlling Link2Home devices
- pylabframe — Python package to interact with laboratory devices and measurement data
- pyleft — Python type annotation existence checker
- pylint — python code static checker
- pylint-gitlab — This project provides pylint formatters for a nice integration with GitLab CI.
- pylint-pa — python code static checker, but passive-aggressive
- pylint-per-file-ignores — A pylint plugin to ignore error codes per file.
- pylsp-mypy — Mypy linter for the Python LSP Server
- pymdfu — Microchip Device Firmware Upgrade Application
- pymdgilib — Microchip Data Gateway Interface Tools
- pymend — Generate, fix and convert docstrings.
- pymerdoc — A tool for creating and managing Mermaid diagrams with modern UI
- pymicrostructure — Simulate financial markets
- pymtlibs — Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets in Python
- pymvil — Multivariate Interpolation with Limits
- pynalyzer — Meta code analysis tool, bundling together multiple code analysis libraries
- PynamicGain — Dynamic Gain input generation for distributed PClamp setups.
- pynball-rl — A python implementation of the classic reinforcement learning domain pinball:
- pynchon — Autodocs for python projects
- pynoo — Easily create new projects.
- PynyHTM — Python wrapper for the libtinyhtm library.
- pyotb — Library to enable easy use of the Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) in Python
- pyp2req — pyproject.toml to requirements.txt converter
- pyp2spec — Generate a valid Fedora specfile from Python package from PyPI
- pyperformance — Python benchmark suite
- pypescript-interface — Pypescript Interfaces. Typescript style Interface lib, for strongly typing objects in python
- pypfilt — Particle filters for Python
- pypi-poetry — no summary
- PyPkiPractice — A project that, given two input files, can simulate the usage of a Public-Key Infrastructure while devices communicate
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- PyPlumIO — PyPlumIO is a native ecoNET library for Plum ecoMAX controllers.
- pyPrairieView — Darik & Doug Do A Thing
- pyproject-api — API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects
- pyproject-appimage — Generate AppImages from your Python projects
- pyproject-bumper — Add your description here
- pyproject-dependencies — no summary
- pyproject-deplister — pyproject-deplister is a Python package for extracting dependency information from pyproject.toml files and converting it into the format of a requirements.txt file. With its simple and intuitive interface, pyproject-deplister makes it easy to manage and track dependencies for your Python projects, ensuring that you have all the necessary packages installed and up-to-date.
- pyproject-flake8 — pyproject-flake8 (`pflake8`), a monkey patching wrapper to connect flake8 with pyproject.toml configuration