Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- simple-build-system — A very simple to use build system for projects with primarily C++/Python code, intended for usage by scientific developers without a strong SW-engineering background.
- simple-dataclass-configuration — no summary
- simple-file-settings — Easily load and save simple configuration data to and from disk through a type-checked data class.
- simple-parsing — A small utility for simplifying and cleaning up argument parsing scripts.
- simple-rule34 — Simple api wrapper of for python with asynchronous support
- simplecloud — Local Network Cloud
- simpledali — Datalink protocol in python
- simpleiot-cli — SimpleIOT command line interface
- simplelogin-api — SimpleLogin API wrapper
- simplesitesystem — no summary
- singlepointsim — Abaqus FEA UMAT interoperability layer for quick, pythonic single-point analysis and material-model validation.
- singlestoredb — Interface to the SingleStoreDB database and workspace management APIs
- SIP — A Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries
- sip-parser — Scenario Instance Parser
- sirius-api — Create APIs that shine like a star
- sirtuin — AWS routines for Python projects
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- sitri — Library for one endpoint config managment
- skelebot — ML Build Tool
- sketchlib — Library of streaming algorithms for processing massive data.
- skforecast — Skforecast is a Python library for time series forecasting using machine learning models. It works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API, including popular options like LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost, Keras, and many others.
- skga — The python package implementing the HyperBRKGA algorithm optimizes hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms through a hybrid approach based on genetic algorithms.
- skyatc — no summary
- slap-cli — Slap is a command-line utility for developing Python applications.
- sleplet — Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets in Python
- slink-pyortal — Control PORTAL operations programatically from Python
- slitlessutils — A compendium of tools to analyze slitless spectroscopy
- slotscheck — Ensure your __slots__ are working properly.
- slowtestreporter — A small python package for reporting slow tests.
- slxpy — Simulink Python binding generator.
- slxpy-fork — Simulink Python binding generator.
- sm-serverless-benchmarking — Benchmark sagemaker serverless endpoints for cost and performance
- smart-pr-generator — A short description of your package
- smartdoor — Smartdoor system including NFC card detecting, key locking/unlocking, turning LED on/off, etc.
- smog-usage-stats — no summary
- smplcodec — A library to read and write .smpl avatar files
- smsctl — smsctl is a CLI for streamlined SMS management. It provides commands for managing projects, devices, tasks, groups, and chat records, letting you send, receive, and track SMS from one place. Designed for flexible workflows, it handles everything from bulk tasks to conversation monitoring.
- smslib — Python library for sending SMS messages via email-to-SMS gateways
- smvp — Send a formatted email from the command line
- snapsheets — Quick and Easy Downloader for Public Google Spreadsheets
- sneks-sync — Launch a Dask cluster from a virtual environment
- snex — snex - snippet extractor
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- soagen — Struct-of-Arrays for C++.
- socassess — make test-based assessment's feedback easy to setup
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- soil-moisture-prediction — Predicts soil moisture from cosmic ray neutron sensor data using a random forest model
- solcix — A Python wrapper for the Solidity compiler. Switch between versions, compile, and manage artifacts.
- sourcehutx — Async Python client for the Sourcehut API
- sourcery-analytics — sourcery-analytics is a library and command-line interface (CLI) for analyzing the code quality of Python packages, modules, or source code.
- sp-repo-review — Review repos for compliance to the Scientific-Python development guidelines
- space-srt — SPatial transcriptomics Analysis via Cell Embedding
- spade-norms — SPADE Normative Plugin
- sparsely — Scalable sparse linear models in Python
- sparx-lib — Sparx Implementation
- specsy — Model fitting package for the chemical analysis of astronomical spectra
- spectrafit — Fast fitting of 2D- and 3D-Spectra with established routines
- speechmark — A markup language for Speech and Dialogue.
- spherediff — Sample from the diffusion kernel on any n-sphere
- sphinx-ape — sphinx-ape: Build Sphinx Documentation for ApeWorX plugins
- sphinx-autodoc2 — Analyse a python project and create documentation for it.
- sphinx-autopyproject — Inject Sphinx Configuration from pyproject.toml
- sphinx-example-includer — Include code examples to sphinx documentation
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- sphinx-needs — Sphinx needs extension for managing needs/requirements and specifications
- sphinx_theme_builder — A tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple (opinionated) workflow.
- sphinx_toml — Minimal package to load data from a sphinx.toml file next to a file.
- sphinxcontrib-eval — Evaluate shell command or python code in sphinx and myst
- sphynxml — no summary
- spin — Developer tool for scientific Python libraries
- spotcrates — no summary
- springable — Nonlinear spring assembly solver and visualization
- spsm — A simple minecraft server manager
- sqlalchemy-migrate-hotoffthehamster — Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
- sqlean — Clean your SQL queries
- sqlite3-orm — Django style ORM for sqlite3
- squirrel-writer — A command line program to track writing progress
- sr.robot3 — Student Robotics API for Python 3
- srse-manchester — My Ontology Lookup Service
- ssb-project-cli — SSB Project CLI
- ssb-timeseries — SSB Timeseries
- sshared — 后端共享组件
- stag-ssg — Deadly simple static site generator
- stamina — Production-grade retries made easy.
- stanza — A Python NLP Library for Many Human Languages, by the Stanford NLP Group
- starcraft-data-orm — A Python package for StarCraft replay data ORM integration.
- starflow-py — Python package for starflow.
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- Stat-o-Matic — no summary
- statue — All your static code analysis tools, in one place
- stb-mnt — A universal tool for local microservice management.
- stcal — STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines
- stepcount — Step counter for wrist-worn accelerometers compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- steroid — Steroid
- stewchef — A MediaWiki API wrapper for RegiSoup
- stock-catcher — Read the latest stock news
- stonefish — Python code protection
- stonefish-code-shield — Python code protection
- stonefish-license-manager — Stonefish license manager for Python
- storage-sim — Discrete Event Simulator for Energy Storage Evaluation