Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- stos — Converting the American sign language into speech or text, and vice versa.
- stpipe — Framework for calibration pipeline software
- stpsf — Creates simulated point spread functions for Space Telescopes (James Webb, Roman)
- stream-analyser — A tool that analyses live streams
- streamdeck-plugin-sdk — Write Streamdeck plugins using Python
- streamlabsio — Get real time Twitch/Youtube events through Streamlabs SocketIO API
- string-fixer — Change quote style in Python files
- struct2args — A tool to convert structured data to cli arguments
- struqture-qutip-interface — no summary
- stsci.image — Image array manipulation functions
- stsci.imagestats — Compute sigma-clipped statistics on data arrays
- stsci.stimage — Various image processing functions
- stubdefaulter — Autoadd default values to stubs
- student-success-tool — School-agnostic lib for implementing Student Success Tool workflows.
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- styled-prose — Generate images and thumbnails based on bitmap transformations of rendered prose
- subliminal — Subtitles, faster than your thoughts
- suhteita — Relationships (Finnish: suhteita) maintained across distances as load test core.
- suiteas — An opinionated testing suite organizer for pytest
- sunpeek — Large Solar Thermal Monitoring Tool. Implements the Performance Check Method of ISO 24194
- superalgorithm — Python framework for algorithmic trading
- supercharged-cli — CLI to setup a website connected to the Supercharged Network
- surrogates_interface — Interface for surrogate models.
- svtter_template_creator — no summary
- SWFUtils — SWFUtils is a Python library for handling files in the Standard Workload Format (SWF). It provides utilities for reading, writing, and manipulating SWF files.
- sybil-scorer — A sybil scoring tool
- syft — Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server
- syllabub — Keep Python project conventions up-to-date and worry less about trifling matters. 🍰
- sync-ends-api-service — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads
- sync-pre-commit-lock — PDM plugin to sync your pre-commit versions with your lockfile, and install them, all automatically.
- synck — cloud file sync
- synthmap — A toolkit to recover geodata from collections of images
- t2j — t2j converts TOML input to JSON output and vice versa.
- tabler — Simple interface for tabulated data and .csv files
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- tabular-augmentation — Implementing easy-to-use methods for classical and novel tabular data augmentation and synthesis.
- tach — A Python tool to maintain a modular package architecture.
- tad-dftd4 — Torch autodiff DFT-D4 implementation
- tai-alphi — Logs y monitorización de recursos
- talklib — A package to automate processing of shows/segments airing on the TL
- tan — The compromising code formatter.
- task-weaver — A flexible task scheduling and server management library
- taskipy — tasks runner for python projects
- tavern — Simple testing of RESTful APIs
- tbi-readgen — A simple yet powerful Python project generator.
- tc-analyzer-lib — A platform agnostic analyzer, computing the TogetherCrew dashboard metrics.
- tc66c2mqtt — Sends MQTT events from TC66C device
- tclint — A CLI utility for linting and analyzing Tcl code.
- tdmt — The Tabular Data Management Tool (tdmt) is a command line app to explore and transform data with a clear audit trail
- team13hackertype — An example of a package developed with pyenv, built with build using setuptools, uploaded to PyPI using twine, and distributed via pip.
- ted-talk-video-downloader — Awesome ted_talk_video_downloader created by WagnoLeaoSergio
- telegramTransfer — A tool for transferring files through Telegram
- telemed-sk — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- tempita-hotoffthehamster — A very small text templating language
- tensorlink — Tensorlink is a library designed to simplify distributed model training and inference with PyTorch, offering tools to easily distribute models across a network of peers and share computational resources both locally and globally.
- terminus-cli — Access terminals from your computer, in your browser.
- tesla-ce — TeSLA CE
- tess-atlas — All the TESS exoplanets!
- tessdb-server — A package to collect measurements published by TESS instruments into a SQlite database
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- test-saspersic — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- test-stages — Group Tox, Nox, etc environments into stages, run them in parallel
- TEST-TC — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- teste-gces — Trabalho desenvolvido na matéria de Gestão Configuração e Evolução de Software da Universidade de Brasília
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- textual-web — Serve Textual apps
- tf-gces — no summary
- tgradish — Simple video converting cli utility specializing in Telegram videostickers with the ability to bypass the 3 second limit
- thabit — Thabit: evaluate multiple LLMs on your data
- thds.mops — ML Ops tools for Trilliant Health
- the-hop-test — Run the Hop Test against your python code repository
- thebridge-autocheck — Automatic correction for The Bridge Exercises
- thirdwave-sdk — Thirdwave Python SDK for interacting with blockchain wallet intelligence API
- thx — Fast command runner for Python projects.
- tias — Quickly run code in almost any language
- ticos-agent — Ticos Agent
- tid-home-prices-prediction — Train a xgboost model to predict housing prices in Bangalore
- tid-salary-survey-prediction — Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
- tiger-eval — Text Generation Evaluation Toolkit
- tilepy — Computation of the tiling scheduling of large localization uncertainty region event with multi-wavelength pointing telescopes.
- time-until — Application that calculate time duration until reach a given date
- timew — Python interface to your timewarrior database
- tinkerforge2mqtt — Emit MQTT events from Tinkerforge devices
- tiphidata — Build multi-modal Agents with memory, knowledge, tools and reasoning for security analysis.
- tjutils — Python Utilities for TJ P
- tks-bot-framework — A bot framework for signal providers for Freya Alpha.
- tks-essentials — Essentials for our TKS projects.
- tml-mnajibi — A command-line tool to convert .txt and .md files to .html format
- tmtcrunch — Python utility for TMT-based proteomics
- tntn — Python wrapper library for tunneling apps
- todolog — Actively Manage ToDos!
- tomcli — CLI for working with TOML files. Pronounced "tom clee."
- tomfig — no summary
- toml-bench — Benchmarking for python toml libraries
- toml-fmt-common — Common logic to the TOML formatter.
- toml-i18n — A lightweight localization module for Python projects
- tomlev — TomlEv - Open-source Python framework to manage environment variables
- tomlparams — no summary