Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- rstcheck — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstcheck-core — Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
- rstms-tq — Top-level package for rstms-tq.
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- rudi-node-write — Use the internal API of a RUDI Producer node
- runpod — 🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK.
- runpod-ext — 🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK.
- runpod-extension — 🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK.
- RunPodPy — A Python API Wrapper and CLI for
- runway — Simplify infrastructure/app testing/deployment
- rupantar — Simple hackable static website generator with a focus on minimalism
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- rye-easy — Rye Easy is a tool to help you manage your Python projects with Rye.
- saashq-wrench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Saashq apps
- sag-py-auth — Keycloak authentication for python projects
- sag-py-logging — Initialize logging from a configuration json
- sajilo-orm — Sarai Sajilo lightweight ORM inspired by Django ORM with nepali twist
- salesforce-functions — Python support for Salesforce Functions
- sambacc — Samba Container Configurator
- sammy-init — no summary
- sandal — Lightweight bootstrapping for project scripts
- sanskritutf — Sanskrit to Utf converter
- sansmic — Sandia solution mining modeling software
- sapapj-langchain-proxy — Connect langchain to SAP's AI proxy.
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- scape-sc — Single-Cell data Analysis via Perturbation Estimation
- scez — Single Cell Analysis, Easy Mode!
- schema-change-risk-engine — Common MySQL Schema Alter Issues Check Engine Package
- schema-compare — Compare database schemas
- schemathesis — Property-based testing framework for Open API and GraphQL based apps
- sci-annot-eval — The evaluation component of the sci-annot framework
- sci-oer — A cli application to help launch the sci-oer course container
- scikit-build — Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
- scikit-build-core — Build backend for CMake based projects
- scikit-build-core-conan — A conan plugin for scikit-build-core
- scikit-hep-repo-review — Review repos for compliance to the Scikit-HEP developer guidelines
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scikit-survival — Survival analysis built on top of scikit-learn
- scmver — A package version manager based on SCM tags
- scrall — Starr's Concise Relational Action Language - For Shlaer-Mellor Executable UML
- screenpy — Screenplay pattern base for Python automated test suites.
- scriv — Scriv changelog management tool
- scrumit — Package that converts raw text to scrum user stories
- scrummd — no summary
- scuzzie — a simple webcomic static site generator
- sdgym — Benchmark tabular synthetic data generators using a variety of datasets
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- sdmetrics — Metrics for Synthetic Data Generation Projects
- sdv — Generate synthetic data for single table, multi table and sequential data
- seapipy — A Surface evolver API for python
- seaplane — Seaplane Python SDK
- seaschedule — Get sea schedules from Maersk and other shipping lines.
- secret-scanning — A package that scans for secrets in text
- secrets.env — Connect the credential store to your app
- secure-strings — Protects passwords from accidentally getting into logs
- sekupy — Detergent for your dirty neuroimaging pipelines
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- self-stats — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- self-stats-app — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- semgrep-search — A tool to generate a custom Semgrep ruleset from multiple sources
- semv — A read-only semantic version commit parsing and validation tool
- semvergit — Manage your project's version numbers.
- sensord — This distribution package consists of two main components:
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sentinelhub — Python API for Sentinel Hub
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- sentry-forked-django-stubs — Mypy stubs for Django
- sepal-ui — Wrapper for ipyvuetify widgets to unify the display of voila dashboards in SEPAL platform
- serpent-cli — A CLI-based Python project template tool
- service-driver — api test framework cli
- setuptools — Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- setuptools-betterproto — A modern setuptools plugin to generate Python files from proto files using betterproto
- setuptools-changelog-shortener — "setuptools-changelog-shortener: add only newest changelog entries to long_description"
- setuptools-ext — Extension of setuptools to support all core metadata fields
- setuptools-generate — Generate shell completions and man page when building a python package.
- setuptools-gettext — Setuptools gettext extension plugin
- setuptools-git-details — A setuptools package to add details from git to your project.
- setuptools-git-versioning — Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440
- setuptools-monorepo — no summary
- setuptools-openapi-generator — A setuptools extension for generating OpenAPI clients
- setuptools-protobuf — Setuptools protobuf extension plugin
- setuptools-scm — the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
- setvis — Visualize set membership and missing data
- shamela2epub — A CLI and GUI tool to download a book on to an EPUB book.
- shandy-sqlfmt — sqlfmt formats your dbt SQL files so you don't have to.
- shaolin — Interactive visualization with holoviews and panel
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- shelloracle — ShellOracle is a pluggable terminal utility that takes a natural language description of a command and substitutes it into your terminal buffer.
- — Python Async Wrapper for Shikimori Api
- shimpan — shimpan
- shipgrav — Functions for marine gravity data processing and reduction
- showenv — Show informations about project, python, pip, libraries and OS
- showman — Eval & show typst code outputs inline with their source
- shplat — no summary
- sigllm — LLMs for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
- silverpeak-exporter — Prometheus exporter for Silverpeak SD-WAN Appliances.
- simba-ml — Simulation-Based Machine Learning
- similarity-engine-utils — Similarity engine utils
- simple-ai-server — no summary