Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- qualibrate-app — no summary
- qualibrate-config — Configuration for Qualibrate
- qualibrate-runner — no summary
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- qudas — Quantum data transform package
- quectelatcommands — A Python package for Quectel AT Commands
- QueryGuard — A guard against unruly sql.
- quest-ssim — Discrete Event Simulator for Energy Storage Evaluation
- quickconf — Simple and flexible TOML-file based configurations framework
- quicklab — Start Jupyter Lab sessions on the cloud
- r2gallery — R2-Gallery: 个人独立相册,其中图片储存采用 Cloudflare R2 实现。
- rabbitmq-email-notifier — A set of utilities for placing a message onto a queue for an emailer listener to receive
- radon — Code Metrics in Python
- raflash — Flash tool for ROM bootloader for Renesas RA MCUs
- ragaai-catalyst — RAGA AI CATALYST
- ragbits-core — Building blocks for rapid development of GenAI applications
- ragwrapper — A package for LLMOps related tasks
- rai-workflow-manager — The RelationalAI Workflow Manager for batch runs
- raillabel — A devkit for working with recorded and annotated train ride data from Deutsche Bahn.
- raillabel-providerkit — A devkit for working with recorded and annotated train ride data from Deutsche Bahn.
- RaNaCl1 — Read the latest RaNaCl tutorials
- ranlib — RAN library
- ranlibx — Global interface for RAN
- rapid-qc-ms — Realtime quality control for mass spectrometry data acquisition
- rarefaction — Rarefaction and Accumulation for Metagenomic datasets
- raster-footprint — Create GeoJSON geometries that bound the extents of valid data in a raster.
- rattr — Rattr rats on your attrs.
- raver — Ratio package management tool.
- rayter-generator — no summary
- RCAEval — RCAEval: A Benchmark for Root Cause Analysis of Microservice Systems
- rconf — Extensible Python package to resolve references and apply patches in JSON and TOML configurations
- rcrab — Simpe python project template
- rdsa-utils — A suite of PySpark, Pandas, and general pipeline utils for Reproducible Data Science and Analysis (RDSA) projects.
- rdt — Reversible Data Transforms
- read_toml — read_toml paths
- reader-yaojh — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- readmeai — Automated README file generator, powered by AI.
- ready-set-deploy — Ready-set-deploy is a deployment framework designed to be offline-first
- reait — no summary
- realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-shx — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- reCBZ — Utility for repacking and optmizing manga & comic archives
- recipe2txt — Scrapes recipes and converts them to txt or markdown
- recs — 🎙 recs: the Universal Recorder 🎙
- redbox2 — no summary
- redis-dict — Dictionary with Redis as storage backend
- redvox — Library for working with RedVox files.
- redvox-base — Specifies base dependencies used by multiple RedVox, Inc projects.
- refiners — The simplest way to train and run adapters on top of foundation models
- refurb — A tool for refurbish and modernize Python codebases
- regions — An Astropy coordinated package for region handling
- release-version — Yet another tool for bumping version number and updating changelog
- releaserr — Simple, purpose-built release manager for @gotmax23's projects
- reliably-cli — Reliably CLI
- remarshal — Convert between CBOR, JSON, MessagePack, TOML, and YAML
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- replicat — Configurable and lightweight backup utility with deduplication and encryption.
- repo-review — Framework that can run checks on repos
- repocutter — Checkout repos to current cookiecutter config
- repod — Tooling to maintain binary package repositories for Linux distributions using the pacman package manager
- reponews — Send e-mails about new events on your GitHub repositories
- reptor — reptor allows you automating pentest reporting with SysReptor.
- reqrover — A better pipreqs using only local search.
- requests-extensions — DataKitchen Inc. extension of requests package
- requirements-language-server — requirements.txt language server
- researchgraph — Add your description here
- responses — A utility library for mocking out the `requests` Python library.
- respyrar — Monitor air quality - Monitoreá la calidad del aire
- resume-enhancer — A CLI tool for optimizing and tailoring resumes based on job descriptions using AI.
- retake-pgsync — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- rev-tun — Tool to manage ssh reverse tunnels with ease
- reverie-sdk — Reverie Language Technologies SDK
- reverse-patch — The utility for writing succinct and maximum shortest unit tests
- revoize — Revoize Python SDK
- RFKO-Xsuite — A package for wrapping up some funcitonalities from Xsuite
- — Rackslab Foundation Library: build package
- rgpycrumbs — Input file generators for computational chemistry
- ribasim — Pre- and post-process Ribasim
- rickle — Python tools for working with configuration files
- ridepy — Simulates a dispatching algorithm serving exogenous transportation requests with a fleet of vehicles. Does not simulate the universe, unlike MATSim. Batteries are included.
- rlane-libcli — Command line interface framework
- rlane-pathtree — An os.PathLike wrapper around anytree.RenderTree
- RobertCommon — Robert Common Library
- robespierre — Wrapper for scorch to send report as email
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- robocorp-log — Automatic trace logging for Python
- robosapiensIO — robosapiensIO - your gateway to trustworthy self-adaptive robotics.
- robotcode-robot — Support classes for RobotCode for handling Robot Framework projects.
- robotframework-robocop — Static code analysis tool (linter) for Robot Framework
- robotframework-tidy — Code autoformatter for Robot Framework
- robotpy-build — Build tool for RobotPy projects
- robotpy-installer — Installation utility program for RobotPy
- roboverse-py — no summary
- romanisim — Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope WFI Simulator
- rooster-client — Rooster Python client
- route-halo — Halo the route optimizer tool
- router-test-kit — A framework for remotely testing routers, physical or virtual.
- rsapi — Python library for accessing Runescape APIs
- rsbackup — Backup for unix-like systems using rsync.