Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- ape-pie — A small API client abstraction layer on top of requests.
- apidriver — api test framework cli
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- appcensus-dynamic-repos — Dynamic Poetry Repositories for AppCensus
- appcli — An object-oriented framework for command-line apps.
- appeal — A powerful & Pythonic command-line parsing library. Give your program Appeal!
- application-gces-2-2022-douglasmonteles — no summary
- application-properties — A simple, easy to use, unified manner of accessing program properties.
- appnext — no summary
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- aptos-sdk — Aptos SDK
- aptos-sdk-fork — Aptos SDK
- aptos-verify — A small example package
- arachnio — Client library for interacting with Arachnio API
- aranea — Aranea is an automated architecture analysis tool for parsing a car architecture from a PDF file.
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- arc2control — ArC TWO Control Panel
- arch-release-promotion — Promote official Arch Linux releases and synchronize them
- archetypal — Retrieve, construct, simulate, convert and analyse building archetypes
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcon — Persistent runtime config
- arcos — Economies of models
- arfi-settings — Flexible application settings management using pydantic.
- argdantic — Typed command line interfaces with argparse and pydantic
- argumentation — Python argument parser for complex applications
- aria2p — Command-line tool and library to interact with an aria2c daemon process with JSON-RPC.
- ario3s-aiva — Manage dynamic ssh tunnel on localhost
- arisu — no summary
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- artd-siigo — ArtD SIIGO.
- artemis_sg — Package for generating Google slide decks
- articolare — Python client for the Articolare API
- artix — A generic artifact management utility.
- arxiv-post — Translate and post arXiv articles to Slack and various apps
- asciidump — no summary
- asdf — Python implementation of the ASDF Standard
- asdf-astropy — ASDF serialization support for astropy
- asdf-coordinates-schemas — ASDF schemas for coordinates
- asdf-standard — The ASDF Standard schemas
- asdf-transform-schemas — ASDF schemas for transforms
- asdf-unit-schemas — DEPRECATED: ASDF schemas for units
- asdf-wcs-schemas — ASDF WCS schemas
- aspect-stable — Automatic SPEctra Components Tagging
- asreview — ASReview LAB - A tool for AI-assisted systematic reviews
- assignment-app — demo python CLI tool to manage assignments
- assisted-ticket-search — A temporary package for testing
- asteria-openrgb — A framework to automatically control LEDs via OpenRGB
- astoria — Robot Management System for Student Robotics Kit
- astro-ph — Translate and post arXiv articles to various apps
- astroimtools — Astronomical Image Tools
- asv — Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool
- async-http-requests — Asynchronous HTTP requests
- AsynchronousPS4Controller — A package to suit your non-blocking PS4 interface
- asyncio-pypes — Scalable async pipelines in Python, made easy
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- ataraxis-automation — Provides scripts that support tox-based development automation pipelines used by other Sun Lab projects.
- ategpt — ATE-GPT ('Ask, Think, Evaluate', powered by GPT) is a lightweight module for guiding a GPT-based LLM through a comprehensive thought process on any subject.
- atelier-toolbox — Tools for various automations 🧰
- atriumdb — Timeseries Database
- attrbox — Attribute-based data structures.
- atty — no summary
- audiobook-dl — CLI tool for downloading audiobooks from online sources
- audiobook-rss — Default template for PDM package
- audiowalkman — play audio files in performance contexts
- audit-repo-clone-test — no summary
- audit-repo-cloner — no summary
- authly — Authentication and Authorization for Python FastAPI
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto_rxn — no summary
- auto-walrus — Automatically apply the awesome walrus operator
- autobot-tg — Telegram Bot creation made easy
- autocalver — no summary
- autoflake — Removes unused imports and unused variables
- automation-engine — Automation Engine powered by MQTT
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- autopep8 — A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autotech-sdk — Library for neccessary tools for autotech company
- autotuning_methodology — Software package easing implementation of the guidelines of the 2024 paper 'A Methodology for Comparing Auto-Tuning Optimization Algorithms' ( The DOI of this software is
- ava-shared-resources — Pydantic classes
- b2b-api-sdk — Python SDK for the B2B API
- — Backend.AI commons library
- backend-setuptool — backend setuptool for mahfooziiitian
- backup-collector — no summary
- badabump — Manage changelog and bump project version number using conventional commits from latest git tag. Support Python & JavaScript projects and CalVer & SemVer schemas. Designed to run at GitHub Actions.
- badwulf — Minimal manager for Beowulf clusters and scientific data
- baec — Python SDK to create Model Generators and add them into the BAEC platform.
- Bagels — Powerful terminal expense tracker.
- balladeer — Web-enabled interactive fiction framework.
- baltimorestrings.venver — venver
- bamboost — A light weight database manager using HDF5
- bandit — Security oriented static analyser for python code.
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- basedmypy — based static typing for Python
- basic-components — Re-usable server-side components based on shadcn/ui with JinjaX, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS
- basin3d — BASIN-3D Core Framework
- BasisConvolution — Graph Neural Network Library for continuous convolutions using separable basis functions in pyTorch.
- battery-notify — Battery notification applet for informing about battery status.
- bbapi-toolkit — Python package for easily accessing data via Blackbaud’s ON API and SKY API.