Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- ddev — The Datadog Agent integration developer tool
- deadcode — Find and remove dead code.
- deadline-cloud-worker-agent — The AWS Deadline Cloud worker agent can be used to run a worker in an AWS Deadline Cloud fleet
- debby — Create .deb files easily using python package metadata
- debgpt — DebGPT -- General Purpose Terminal LLM Tool with Some Debian-Specific Design
- declearn — A modular and extensible framework for Federated Learning.
- decollator — changelog & stuff
- deep-sort-reid — A re-mastered version of the original Deep Sort implementation, with added functionalities such as re-identification.
- deepecho — Create sequential synthetic data of mixed types using a GAN.
- defargs — Argument parsing with structured class.
- Delft-FIAT — Delft Fast Impact Assessment Tool
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- democicd — A demonstration CI/CD pipeline project.
- demure-captcha — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- demure-logger — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- dependence — A dependency management tool for python projects
- dependency-groups — A tool for resolving PEP 735 Dependency Group data
- dependency-track-api — A wrapper for the Dependency Track REST API.
- dependente — Inspect Python package dependencies
- dependMLOps — Manage MLOps Dependencies and More...
- deploymentutils — Small python package to facilitate deployment of some personal projects.
- deptry — A command line utility to check for unused, missing and transitive dependencies in a Python project.
- derivepassphrase — An almost faithful Python reimplementation of James Coglan's vault.
- dev-cmd — A simple development command runner for Python projects.
- devautotools — Developers automated tools
- devi-cli — devi is a cli tool for managing your project templates
- devjournal — no summary
- devos-py — A tool to Depict Vocabulary Summaries
- devpi-client — devpi upload/install/... workflow commands for Python developers
- devtools_cli — A toolbox of cross-language utility scripts for efficient software development.
- dex-starr — Unify and organize your comic collection.
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- dg-itest — 接口自动化测试框架
- dhapi — 동행복권 비공식 API
- diagran-bench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
- diamondpack — A simple packager for creating distributable python applications
- dida365 — Unofficial Python client for Dida365/TickTick API - Community-maintained package for task automation
- diego-utils — A package with useful data science functions I have developed and useful guidance.
- diff_cover — Run coverage and linting reports on diffs
- diff_cover_shopee — Run coverage and linting reports on diffs
- digfemig — Utility to collect media for Instagram hashtags for the DigFemNet Project.
- Digikam-DB — Library to access Digikam metadata
- digitalmodel — engineering asset digital model(s) for life cycle analysis
- dih — A tool to save and load the docker image tarball file
- diligent — markdown and image serve base on cloud storage
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality
- diot — Python dictionary with dot notation.
- directmultistep — no summary
- directory-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- directory-validators — Django validators for GREAT.
- dirtem — Directory Template
- dis-snek — An API wrapper for Discord filled with snakes
- — Easy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
- — This module ties all other Dissect modules together, it provides a programming API and command line tools which allow easy access to various data sources inside disk images or file collections (a.k.a. targets)
- dj-settings — project settings the UNIX way
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- django-admin-workflow — A workflow app for django admin
- django-basin3d — BASIN-3D Django Web Framework
- django-blog-api — A small example plugin package
- django-cmd — Have a django command
- django-fmd — Server for 'Find My Device' android app, implemented in Django/Python
- django-for-runners — Store your GPX tracks of your running (or other sports activity) in django.
- django-huey-monitor — Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue:
- django-importmap — JavaScript import maps for Django
- django-integrity — Tools for refining Django's IntegrityError, and working with deferred database constraints.
- django-posts-api — A small example plugin package
- django-stubs — Mypy stubs for Django
- django-stubs-adb — Mypy stubs for Django
- django-supabase-auth — Django Supabase authentication.
- django-venv — no summary
- djlint — HTML Template Linter and Formatter
- dlister — Print dependencies and optional dependencies from pyproject.toml files.
- dnac-sidekick — A CLI app used to interact with Cisco DNA Center
- dnserver — Simple DNS server written in python for use in development and testing.
- dob — journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal
- dob-bright — journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal
- dob-prompt — journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal
- dob-viewer — journal and time tracker, supercharged for the terminal
- doc8 — Style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation
- docc — Python code documentation compiler
- docformatter — Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257
- docketanalyzer-core — Docket Analyzer Core Utilities
- doco-cli — no summary
- docsig — Check signature params for proper documentation
- docsub — Embed text and data into Markdown files
- doctor-testerson — Provides a stupid little `dr.t` command to run Python doctests.
- docurl — no summary
- doit — doit - Automation Tool
- dokos-cli — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Dodock apps
- dom-toml — Dom's tools for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language.
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- domino-py — Python package for Domino.
- donpeterlibs — An id generator that generated various types and lengths ids
- dotagent — no summary
- dotagent-dev — no summary
- dotams — no summary
- dotdrop — Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere
- dotem — An environment variable loader for your shell
- dotnext — no summary
- dotspace — Access Nested Data with Dots