Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- harpiya-bench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Harpiyaapps
- hashreport — Generate detailed file hash reports quickly and efficiently. Process large numbers of files with multiple filtering options.
- hass-kingsignal — KS Assistant cloud integration by Kingsignal, Inc.
- hass-nabucasa — Home Assistant cloud integration by Nabu Casa, Inc.
- hat-doit — Hat build utility functions
- hat-json — Hat JSON library
- hatch-fancy-pypi-readme — Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch
- hatch-jupyter-builder — A hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages
- hatch-odoo — A Hatch plugin for Odoo projects.
- hatch-pinned-extra — Add a packaging extra with pinned dependencies from a lock file
- hatchling — Modern, extensible Python build backend
- heakl-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- heatcal — A package to easily generate calendar heatmaps
- help2man — Convert --help and --version to man page.
- hexacontroller-sc-server — A prospective zmq-i2c server replacement
- hexproof — A comprehensive library of Magic the Gathering API utilities.
- hgcal-utilities — Utilites to go with HGCROC-tools and Datenraffinerie
- hgcroc-configuration-client — Client for communication with HGCROC-tools' ROC configuration server
- hhhrealpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- higress-ai-search-mcp-server — Higress ai-search MCP Server
- hillmaker — Occupancy analysis tool for systems having time of day and day of week effects
- hirakord — Build bots faster with hirakord.
- hitchpylibrarytoolkit — Build, test, documentation, linting, reformatting and specification code for hitch libraries.
- hmd-cli-python — Implementation for python cli command
- hmk1 — A package that is quite pointless
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- hoax — Hyperparemeter Optimzation Algorithms Explorer
- HofstadterTools — A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model.
- holodex-cli — Holodex CLI for watching live streams
- home-media-organizer — A Swiss Army Knife for your home media library.
- honeybot — IRC bot with vast collection of plugins. First timers friendly
- hotbuckets — Easily configure your network behavior on Linux (generates tc rules from a config)
- hotspot-socks-proxy — SOCKS proxy for routing traffic through WiFi interface
- houseplant — Database Migrations for ClickHouse.
- hoyolab-rss-feeds — RSS feed generator for official game news from Hoyolab.
- hp-procurvearuba — Provides a class with custom functions for easy management of hp procurve and aruba switches
- HTS-doseresponse — Dose Response Curve Fitting
- httpexec — Execute CLI commands via a REST API.
- hubtel-ai — Hubtel AI is a CLI tool for managing your Hubtel AI deployment projects.
- hue2mqtt — Python Hue to MQTT Bridge
- human-friendly-pedantic-timedelta — Human-friendly Pedantic `timedelta`
- hwave — UHF
- hyclib — Commonly used tools across my own personal projects.
- hydraclick — Develop CLI tools with top-notch config management like a boss.
- hydrazaphelper — A small wrapper for owasp zap
- hydromt — HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis.
- hydromt_fiat — no summary
- hygia — A short description of the package.
- hyper-connect — python SDK package for hyper
- Hypercorn — A ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn
- HyperSweeper — Hydra sweeper integration of our favorite optimization packages, utilizing ask-and-tell interfaces.
- i38e-utils — Utilities for IBIS applications in data science and engineering
- ibeatles — Bragg edge strain mapping
- ice-launcher — An unofficial WIP Minecraft Launcher
- icpp-pro — C++ Canister Development Kit (CDK) for the Internet Computer
- idae — A PEP 772 implementation
- ideadensity — Python library for computing propositional idea density
- idiap-devtools — A *pot-pourri* of various tools required to develop python packages at Idiap's GitLab infrastructure
- ifrappe-bench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
- ikigai — Python client for ikigailabs
- ImageUpscaler — A package for upscaling images using neural networks.
- iMaverick — no summary
- imbalanced-spdf — A Python package for imbalanced learning with ensemble learning.
- img-scrapper — python package to scrap image from google image search
- img2catalog — This tool generates RDF metadata from medical imaging respositories
- imod — Make massive MODFLOW models!
- imod-coupler — iMOD Coupler can be used to couple hydrological kernels
- import-linter — Enforces rules for the imports within and between Python packages.
- importnb — import jupyter notebooks as python modules and scripts.
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- incipyt — incipyt is a command-line tool that bootstraps a python project.
- incognitoGPT — no summary
- incremental — A small library that versions your Python projects.
- indicatorintelligence — no summary
- individual-book-isbn-api — A project to gather and process book data from various sources
- indusmes — MES Application from IndusWorks
- ineye — Vision data exploration and frame sampling toolkit for videos
- infobvc — Get data about Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC)
- infodb — To store personal data in couchdb and access it
- infretis — Infinite swapping parallel RETIS
- ini2toml — Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
- inject-x — Natural language request to json converter library
- injector — Injector - Python dependency injection framework, inspired by Guice
- inline-snapshot — golden master/snapshot/approval testing library which puts the values right into your source code
- innate-stable — Interpolator and Neural Network Architecture for TEnsors
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- inquestlabs — A Pythonic interface and CLI tool for the InQuest Labs API
- insequence — A python library for function composition and execution orchestration.
- insiders — Manage your Insiders projects.
- insightly-outliers — Individual work for the discipline of configuration management and software evolution at the university of BrasÃlia - Gama for semester 2022.2
- insta-science — A tool to help with installing and using `science` in Python projects.
- instrukt — A versatile AI environment to build and control AI agents using a terminal-based interface.
- — Easy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
- interbase-code — Projeto GCES
- interpolator-for-wrfchem — Interpolates global chemistry fields for use with WRF-CHEM
- interrogate — Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.
- inverter-connect — Get information from Deye Microinverter