Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- Mediux-Posters — Pull Shows, Movies and Collections from Mediux and updates Plex/Jellyfin. Pulls Posters, Backdrops and Title Cards.
- mekaconverter — A tool to convert Meka's assets to JSON format.
- melon-scheduler — Schedules Todos into your Calendar
- meshpro — Mesh tools for professionals
- meson-python — Meson Python build backend (PEP 517)
- message-van — Python Event-Driven Architecture without the Administration.
- meta-package-manager — 🎁 wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
- metalpy — Essential tools and libraries for SimPEG and related workflows.
- metapensiero.sphinx.d2 — Sphinx d2lang extension
- metapensiero.tool.tinject — Automate creation of sources
- metasyn — Package for creating synthetic datasets while preserving privacy.
- metrics-tool — no summary
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- mi-configurator — Model Integration app configuration management service
- mi-flatland — Model text file + layout text file -> beautiful diagram
- mi-pyral — PyRAL Pythonic interface to TclRAL
- mi-tabletqt — Tablet simple 2D drawing interface to Qt
- micropython-stubber — Tooling to create and maintain stubs for MicroPython
- middleware-apm — Middleware's APM tool enables Python developers to effortlessly monitor their applications, gathering distributed tracing, metrics, logs, and profiling data for valuable insights and performance optimization.
- middleware-apm-dev — Middleware's APM tool enables Python developers to effortlessly monitor their applications, gathering distributed tracing, metrics, logs, and profiling data for valuable insights and performance optimization.
- mimeogram — Exchange of file collections with LLMs.
- mindlab — Data science toolbox
- mk — mk
- mkapi — A plugin for MkDocs to generate API documentation
- mkwhl — Python wheel creation utility
- mlflavors — MLflavors: A collection of custom MLflow flavors.
- mlia — ML Inference Advisor
- mlops-core — no summary
- mlops-tid-regression-model — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- mls-parser — Flatland Model Layout Sheet Parser
- mlsgraphcreator — graphCreator creates a graph from CSV file.
- modelfree-protein15n — Model free analysis of protein backbone amide 15N spin relaxation rates.
- modelgauge — Automatically and uniformly measure the behavior of many AI Systems.
- modelmachine — Model machine emulator
- models-files-manager — Manage saved models files, encode fields into filenames
- modelw-docker — Utility to simplify Dockerfiles
- mondeja-bump — Just bump semantic version.
- mongo-migrate — Migrate mongodb seamlessly with python and mongo-migrate. Supports migration creation, upgrade, and downgrade
- moniplot — a Python data visualization library for (satellite) instrument monitoring
- Montreal-Forced-Aligner — Montreal Forced Aligner is a package for aligning speech corpora using Kaldi functionality.
- moonai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, moonai empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex missions.
- morgan — PyPI Mirror for Offline/Restricted Environments
- Morphomics — morphOMICs: a python package for the topological and statistical analysis of microglia morphology (appliable to any cell structure)
- mosaicmpi — mosaicMPI: Mosaic Multi-resolution Program Integration
- motass — Một API Simple Site
- motc — Một Command - Just some project helpers
- motdb — Một Database Layer to ... Bind Them (All)
- motile — Multi-Object Tracker using Integer Linear Equations
- mousebender — A package for implementing various Python packaging standards.
- moz.l10n — Mozilla tools for localization
- mozilla-bigquery-etl — Tooling for building derived datasets in BigQuery
- mrproject — `mrproject` - make projects from templates
- ms-autoqc — Realtime quality control for mass spectrometry data acquisition
- ms2ml — Provides an intermediate layer between mass spec data and ML applications, such as encoding.
- ms2rescore — MS²Rescore: Sensitive PSM rescoring with predicted MS² peak intensities and retention times.
- msgspec — A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML.
- msv — A powerful CLI tool for merging and transforming CSV/XLSX files
- mtd-parser — Executable Shlaer-Mellor Class Method Parser
- mtmit — Build Conversational AI.
- mtoml — Manage multiple TOML configurations from a single module.
- muchstuff — A TUI helper to keep code repositories up to date
- mugendi-realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- multiversum — A helper package to conduct multiverse analyses in Python
- music-assistant-client — Music Assistant Client
- music-assistant-models — Music Assistant Base Models
- musiclang — A python package for music notation and generation
- mustrd — A Spec By Example framework for RDF and SPARQL, Inspired by Cucumber.
- muttr — Muttr. Mute all inputs, or change audio outputs and inputs easily.
- mxcubecore — Core libraries for the MXCuBE application
- myke — The dynamic Python CLI task runner.
- mykitchen — no summary
- mynux — no summary
- mypy — Optional static typing for Python
- mypy-dev — Optional static typing for Python
- mysql-cli — A MySQL Python Client
- mython-writer — Read the latest pypi upload tutorials
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- naff — Not another freaking fork
- namas — no summary
- nano-local — A simple way to locally create a network of nano_nodes
- nanomock — Create local dockerized nano-currency networks
- nark — Back end framework for journaling and time tracking apps (like `dob`!)
- natrix — A Vyper linter for fine sneks.
- nbconvert-a11y — nbconvert templates using modern standards
- nbqa — Run any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook
- nbs-viewer — A simple viewer application for data stored in a Blueksy-Tiled database.
- ncal — no summary
- nccut — NcCut is a GUI for getting pixel data from images and data values from NetCDF files along linear transects.
- ncrystal — Library for thermal neutron transport in crystals and other materials.
- nebulapm — A sample Python project
- nectarchain — Analysis chain for the CTA MSTN NectarCAM prototype
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- nero — The uncompromising code formatter. Single Quotes version.
- nested-config — Parse configuration files that include paths to other config files into a single configuration object
- nested-diff — Recursive diff and patch for nested structures.
- netbox-kea-dhcp — Use netbox as subnets source for ISC Kea DHCP server
- netbox-validity — NetBox plugin for network devices validation
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.