Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- openapi-mcp — Automatic MCP server generator for OpenAPI applications - converts OpenAPI endpoints to MCP tools for LLM integration
- openfund — no summary
- openfund-py — no summary
- openlora — no summary
- openpy-fxts — Various functions and classes for time series forecasting with Machine and Deep Learning
- opentoolflux — OpenToolFlux is a command-line application to estimate gas fluxes from automatic chamber data.
- opswrapper — Python helpers for writing OpenSees scripts.
- Optimo-API-Testing — Package for testing optimo API
- oqclib — OQC Python Libraries
- orko — Project to generate recipes for conda packages
- osintbuddy — OSINTBuddy - mine, merge, and map data for novel insights
- osmanager — OpenSearch manager repository.
- ostruct-cli — CLI for OpenAI Structured Output
- outgoing — Common interface for multiple e-mail methods
- outpost-barbican — Outpost-OS build system
- OZI — Package Python projects with Meson.
- — Create pep517 compliant packages from the meson build system, OZI-maintained fork.
- p2d — Simple python script converting polygon package to domjudge(kattis) package
- package-for-testing-gh-actions — A sample Python project
- packaged — The easiest way to ship python applications.
- PadiKao — Read the latest RaNaCl tutorials
- pak8 — no summary
- palantir-sdk — Palantir Python SDK
- pallet-patcher — Tools for working with curated collections of Cargo packages
- panda3d_pman — A Python package to help bootstrap and manage Panda3D applications
- panoramax_cli — Panoramax client cli tool
- paramit — Parameterize Python scripts/notebooks all from the command line.
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- parlai — Unified platform for dialogue research.
- partis — Top-level namespace package for partis packages
- partis-nwl — Implementation of Nano Workflow Language (NWL)
- partis-pyproj — Minimal set of Python project utilities (PEP-517/621)
- partis-schema — Base classes for defining JSON-compatible schemas
- password-generator-lib — A library for generating secure passwords
- pastypy — Pasty API wrapper
- patch-import — Python unit testing utility. Patches imports
- paul-mclendahand — Tool for combining GitHub pull requests.
- paul-realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- paymentsgate — PaymentsGate's Python SDK for REST API
- PayOpt — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- pbs-builder — The workflow management system for scalable data analyses.
- pbutils — MacOS paste board utilities
- pcce-api — Prisma Cloud Compute Edition API Client
- pdm — A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
- pdm-build-locked — pdm-build-locked is a pdm plugin to add locked packages as additional optional dependency groups to the distribution metadata
- pdm-bump — A plugin for PDM providing the ability to modify the version according to PEP440
- peakrdl-cli — Command-line tool for control/status register automation and code generation.
- peakrdl-python — Generate Python Register Access Layer (RAL) from SystemRDL
- peek-python — peek - debugging and benchmarking made easy
- peepsai — Peeps AI is a platform for decentralized AI agents, designed to provide individuals and communities with accessible, transparent and collaborative AI solutions.
- pencilctl-lite — A simple package to help deploy docker swarm stack.
- pengwann — Computation of chemical bonding descriptors from Wannier functions
- penndraw — Drawing library for use at University of Pennsylvania (adapted from Princeton's StdDraw)
- peodd — Script to export the pyproject.toml dev-dependencies to a txt file.
- pep517 — Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
- pep621 — PEP 621 metadata parsing
- peppyproject — create a PEP621-compliant `pyproject.toml` file from existing build configuration
- Perdoo — Unify and organize your comic collection.
- pergamos — A lightweight dynamic module for automatic HTML reporting
- personal-ledger — Personal ledger is a collection of financial tools to model earnings from capital or savings
- pest-cli — 🐀 ⇝ cli tool for pest applications
- petharbor — PetHarbor is a Python package designed for anonymizing datasets using either a pre-trained model or a hash-based approach. It provides two main classes for anonymization: lite and advance.
- pf-dev-tools — A collection of tools for Project Freedom projects
- pfsense-api — Python API for monitoring PfSense firewalls.
- pg2elastic — Enhanced PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch Data Synchronization
- pgfgen — Template-based PGF generator
- pgpt — ProgramEngineerGPT is an interactive command line tool that leverages the power of AI to assist developers with code comprehension, exploration, and generation. It serves as a virtual assistant that can analyze codebases, answer queries about code, and even help in setting up new coding projects.
- pgsync-fork — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- pgsync-kaboom — Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- phasefront — PQ strEEm Exploratory Data Analysis tool
- phelel — Electron-phonon code.
- phicli — no summary
- phidata — Build multi-modal Agents with memory, knowledge and tools.
- PHILIVE — `PHILIVE` (Python Guided Learning through Interactive Digital Education) is a python package for generating live notebooks where you can learn the content by listening to and reading from the slides at the same time you can write and execute yourown code from the slides in real time.
- philter-lite — Open-source PHI-filtering software. A fork of philter-ucsf.
- phiterm — no summary
- phmdoctest — Python syntax highlighted Markdown doctest.
- phmutest — Detect and troubleshoot broken Python examples in Markdown.
- phosphorus — A PEP 621 compliant build backend
- picofun — PicoFun AWS Lambda generator
- picoquake — PicoQuake USB vibration sensor library.
- picsi — CSI collection on Raspberry Pi
- piidigger — Python program to identify Personally Identifiable Information in common file types
- pikepdf — Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
- pimelon — CLI Tool
- pimplife — Provider of Insights and Meaning into Programs.
- pinefarm — Generate PineAPPL grids from PineCards.
- pineko — Combine PineAPPL grids and EKOs into FK tables
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- pinnwand — Straightforward pastebin software.
- pinstall — Installer Tool for Python Programs
- pip-deepfreeze — A simple pip freeze workflow for Python application developers.
- pip-licenses — Dump the software license list of Python packages installed with pip.
- pip-preserve-requirements — Preserve pinned PIP requirements in repositories you control..
- pip-run — install packages and run Python with them
- pip-split-requirements — no summary
- pip-tools — pip-tools keeps your pinned dependencies fresh.
- pipecapacity — Pipe Capacity usnig code calculations
- pipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments