Reverse Dependencies of tomli
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomli:
- gapps — python interface of the google apps service
- gcalcli — Google Calendar Command Line Interface
- gces-2022-2-poetry — no summary
- gces-bib — Pacote de dependências Python do projeto.
- gces-denysrogeres — Trabalho desenvolvido na matéria de Gestão Configuração e Evolução de Software da Universidade de Brasília
- gces-isadora-2022-2 — no summary
- gces-kevin-180042386 — no summary
- gces-poetry — no summary
- gces-teste — no summary
- gces-trab1 — Biblioteca do trabalho prático de GCES PUC Minas
- gces-trabalho-final-pedror — no summary
- gces-trabalho-individual-2022-2 — Empacotamento do trabalho individual da disciplica de GCES
- gcovr — Generate C/C++ code coverage reports with gcov
- gcp-ovpn-portal — A secure OpenVPN authentication portal with Google OAuth2
- gdmty-django-recaptcha-enterprise — Library for Django that implements Google's reCaptcha Enterprise
- gdmty-django-users — Extension of Django's AbstractBaseUser for user management, using email as user.
- gdmty-drf-firebase-auth — Custom Django Rest Framework authentication backend than can be used with many firebase projects at same time, and storing as local users.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gdpr-api-tester — Helsinki Profile GDPR API Tester
- gemmoai — GemmoAI Python Library
- gen-commit — Auto-generate git commit messages
- generalist — Generalize content for k-anonymity
- generic-crawler-sdk — Generic Crawler SDK
- geneweaver-testing — A library to standardize testing of GeneWeaver pacakges.
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- geniusrise-databases — listeners bolts for geniusrise
- geniusrise-listeners — listeners bolts for geniusrise
- geo-activity-playground — Analysis of geo data activities like rides, runs or hikes.
- geoapis — A package for downloading geospatial data from web APIs.
- geofabrics — A package for creating geofabrics for flood modelling.
- geovisio_cli — Geovio client cli tool
- gerbil-api-wrapper — A package that provides wrapper functionality for the Gerbil Benchmark Service
- get-book-sales-ranking — A project to gather and process book data from various sources
- ggfm — no summary
- ghga-transpiler — GHGA-Transpiler - excel to JSON converter
- gi-docgen — Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries
- gibson-cli — Gibson Command Line Interface
- gimi9-tree-view — Visual treeview utility
- git-changelog — Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates.
- git-limiter — Tool allowing to prevent commiting huge diffs
- git-pypi — no summary
- git-smudge — A powerful filter driver for Git which can automatically apply local changes to the working tree of a repository
- git-tide — CLI for automated gitflow-style branching
- git-versioner — Manage current / next version for project
- github-pr-watcher — A MacOs UI tool to monitor GitHub Pull Requests
- github-readme-terminal — ✨ Elevate your GitHub Profile ReadMe with Minimalistic Retro Terminal GIFs 🚀
- github-social — A helper for github users managing their accounts as social accounts.
- github-to-colab-link — Generates Google Colab link for jupyter notebooks in public Github repos.
- gitingest — CLI tool to analyze and create text dumps of codebases for LLMs
- gitleaks-py — no summary
- gitpkg — A git powered package manager built on top of submodules.
- gitpt — An LLM based git commit message creator.
- glinkfix — Google Drive Link Fixer
- glitchtip-cli — A Glicthtip CLI
- glm-py — Python tools for running General Lake Model (GLM) simulations
- global-manager — Global thread context manager
- glom — A declarative object transformer and formatter, for conglomerating nested data.
- glsm — A Python package that simplifies the process of building lead scoring models.
- glue-biscuit — no summary
- go-vendor-tools — Tools for handling Go library vendoring in Fedora
- gopay — GoPay's Python SDK for Payments REST API
- GOSTnets — Networkx wrapper to simplify network analysis using geospatial data
- gpep517 — Python package builder and installer for non-pip-centric world
- GPErks — A Python library to (bene)fit Gaussian Process Emulators.
- gptcmd — Command line GPT conversation and experimentation environment
- grain-scheduler — A scheduler for resource-aware parallel computing on clusters.
- grapes — Helper for dataflow based programming
- graphblas-algorithms — Graph algorithms written in GraphBLAS and backend for NetworkX
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- graphscope-client — GraphScope: A One-Stop Large-Scale Graph Computing System from Alibaba
- graphtomation — An AI utility package to build and serve Crew and LangGraph workflows as FastAPI routes, packed with reusable components for AI engineers.
- grawlix — CLI tool for downloading ebooks
- grayskull — Project to generate recipes for conda packages
- great-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- greenbone-feed-sync — A tool for downloading the Greenbone Community Feed
- GREOPy — Solve the general-relativistic Emitter-Observer problem.
- grg-sphinx-theme — A GRG sphinx theme to use across GRG projects
- grig — N-Dimensional Resampler for Irregularly Gridded Data
- grizzly-loadtester-cli — Command line interface for grizzly-loadtester
- guajillo — a new salt-api cli interface
- guidata — Automatic GUI generation for easy dataset editing and display
- gunpowder — A library to facilitate machine learning on large, multi-dimensional images.
- gunshotmatch-pipeline — GunShotMatch Analysis Pipeline
- gwcs — Generalized World Coordinate System
- gwdatalens — Dashboard for groundwater time series validation.
- gxsmread — Read gxsm data files
- h2o-cloud-discovery — H2O Cloud Discovery Python CLient
- ha-silabs-firmware-client — Home Assistant client for firmwares released with `silabs-firmware-builder`
- hackbot — CLI tool for source code analysis using the Hackbot service
- hacker-news-email-sender — Awesome hacker_news_email_sender created by WagnoLeaoSergio
- haipera — Hassle-free configs, logging, and cluster management for research projects.
- halfspace-optimizer — Cutting-plane solver for mixed-integer convex optimization problems
- hami-core — A Python library for batched backend scheduling
- hammadml-gpu — Hammad Python ~ Machine Learning
- hana-injector — An MQTT stream to SAP HANA database injector
- haniwers — Analysis tool for TanQ/FunQ project
- happy-kostadin — no summary
- harbor-cli — Command-line interface for Harbor.
- hardpy — HardPy library for device testing