Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- qasdad — Environment for the qasdad scripts
- qbchemchef — LLM-based tools for information retrieval
- qbee — Quadratization of differential equations in python
- qbraid — Platform-agnostic quantum runtime framework.
- qc-gbasis — A module for evaluating, differentiating, and integrating Gaussian functions.
- qc-iodata — Python Input and Output Library for Quantum Chemistry
- qcompute — QCompute is a Python-based quantum software development kit (SDK). It provides a full-stack programming experience for advanced users via hybrid quantum programming language features and a high-performance simulator.
- qctic — Qiskit provider to interact with the QCTIC quantum simulator platform
- qctrl-commons — Q-CTRL Commons
- QDYN — Python package for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools
- QETpy — TES Detector Calibration and Analysis Python Tools
- qfast — Quantum Fast Approximate Synthesis Tool
- qgs — A 2-layer quasi-geostrophic atmospheric model in Python. Can be coupled to a simple land or shallow-water ocean component.
- qhdopt — A software package for nonconvex optimization with quantum devices.
- QHyper — Quantum and classical problem solvers
- qibo — A framework for quantum computing with hardware acceleration.
- qiskit — An open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives.
- qiskit-aqua — Qiskit Aqua: An extensible library of quantum computing algorithms
- qiskit-aws-braket-provider — A provider for qiskit to access quantum devices through AWS Braket
- qiskit-classroom-converter — extend the Qiskit classroom applications.
- qiskit-dynamics — Qiskit ODE solver
- qiskit-symb — Symbolic evaluation of parameterized quantum circuits in Qiskit
- qiskit-terra — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- qlasskit — A python-to-quantum compiler
- qLDPC — Tools for constructing and analyzing quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes.
- qLEET — qLEET is an open-source library for exploring Loss landscape, Expressibility, Entangling capability and Training trajectories of noisy parameterized quantum circuits.
- qmake2cmake — QMake to CMake project file converter
- qmm-core — A software platform for analysing the structure and function of complex systems
- qnet-qsd — A code-converter and simulation driver between QNET and QSD
- qokit — Quantum Optimization Toolkit
- qonic — The Qonic project is an open source, expandable framework for solving problems using hybrid quantum computing solutions.
- qoptcraft — A package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems.
- QREM — QREM package provides a versatile set of tools for the characterization and mitigation of readout noise in NISQ quantum devices.
- qrev-email-verification — no summary
- qs-mps — Quantum Simulation with Matrix Product State, a Tensor network method for the study of Quantum Systems
- qsdsan — Quantitative Sustainable Design for sanitation and resource recovery systems
- qsimov — QSimov: A Quantum Computing Toolkit
- qsnctf — 青少年CTF训练平台提供的Python软件包
- qspd — Quantum Signal Processing Decomposition
- qspec — Physics toolbox for laser spectroscopy
- qsymm — Symmetry finder and symmetric Hamiltonian generator
- qsynthesis — Python API to synthesize Triton AST's
- qtune — Quantum dot auto tune framework
- quadplots — Create animations of simple numerical integration methods.
- quadpy — Numerical integration, quadrature for various domains
- quadpy-gpl — The last GPL version of quadpy; published as is
- qualtran — Software for fault-tolerant quantum algorithms research.
- quanestimation — A package for quantum estimation.
- quantecon — Import the main names to top level.
- quantecon_wasm — Import the main names to top level.
- quantpy — Quantum Computer system in Python
- QuantSI — unit system as used by the Brian2 simulator
- quantum-blackbird — Blackbird is a quantum assembly language for continuous-variable quantum computation by Xanadu Inc.
- quantum-pipeline — Framework for running, monitoring and analysing quantum algorithms.
- quantum-simba — Systematic realisation of quantum systems directly from transfer function.
- quantumflow — "Cross compiler for gate based models of quantum computing"
- quantumgrid — Exterior Complex Scaling Finite-Element Method Discrete Variable Representation grid for general physics problems.
- qucat — QUantum Circuit Analysis Tool
- qudas — Quantum data transform package
- quick-deploy — Quick-Deploy optimize and deploy Machine Learning models as fast inference API.
- quickpbsa — Fast and Complete Photobleaching Step Analysis
- quickseries — no summary
- qumat — A library for composing quantum machine learning.
- qupulse — A Quantum compUting PULse parametrization and SEquencing framework
- qusim — A simple example package
- QuTIpy — A package to perform quantum information calculations
- qwak-sim — Simulate Continuous-Time Quantum Walks
- qwgc — Graph classifier based on quantum walk
- qympy — Symbolic Calculation of Quantum Computation with Sympy
- r0b0-io — Library for connecting hardware and software, like aconnect for anything.
- radicalpy — RadicalPy: a toolbox for radical pair spin dynamics
- radioactivedecay — A Python package for radioactive decay modelling that supports 1252 radionuclides, decay chains, branching, and metastable states.
- ragpipe — ragpipe: iterate quickly on your RAG pipelines.
- raid-tool — RAID: Rapid Automated Interpretability Datasets tool
- rainbowtables — A python library allowing the user to create a rainbowtable.
- ramannoodle — Calculate Raman spectra from first-principles calculations.
- ramkit — An analysis kernel for raman spectrum.
- ratesb-python — rate law analysis for systems biology
- ratesb-web — backend support for ratesb
- rational-linkages — Rational Linkages
- raypy — A 3d rendering library written completely in python.
- RBniCS — Reduced order modelling in FEniCS
- rcdesign — A Python package for reinforced concrete analysis and design as per IS 456:2000
- rddensity — Mainpulation testing based on Density Discontinuity
- rdx — Radix conversion module.
- reactord — Package for the simulation and design of chemical reactors
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- reasoning-gym — A library of procedural dataset generators for training reasoning models
- recoma — A Python package to reason by communicating with agents
- rectified-flow — A PyTorch implementation of Rectified Flow and its variants.
- red-py-sdk —
- reddit-tts-bot — A module that facilitates the creation of short form content from Reddit posts.
- ReduceMonomsRBC — Reduce monomial basis for SDP computations for ROM of Rayleigh–Bénard convection.
- reedsolomon — A Python package for Reed-Solomon error correction codes
- RefactoringIdioms — code refactorings with Python idioms
- reframed — metabolic modeling package
- regraph — Graph rewriting and graph-based knowledge representation framework
- regressionlib — Regression library
- relationalai — RelationalAI Library and CLI