Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- ProbabPy — (Multivariate) Probability Distributions
- probjax — Jax library for probabilistic computations
- problem-bank-scripts — A package with useful functions to convert between different problem bank formats.
- procedural-buildings — Tools for the procedural modelling of buildings
- profile-t — Profile t calculation and plots for regression model
- profit — Probabilistic response model fitting with interactive tools
- project-lighter — YAML-based automated rapid prototyping framework for deep learning experiments
- prompt-declaration-language — Prompt Declaration Language
- promptflow-gui — Create flowcharts to control LLMs
- promptz — A Python package for interactive prompts
- proof_frog — A tool for verifying game-hopping proofs
- proofs — Mathematical proof assistant for students and amateurs.
- ProteoformQuant — A python command line tool for the quantification of peptidoform/proteoforms
- protosym — ProtoSym
- prstat — tools for pnu probabilities and statistics class
- prv-accountant — A fast algorithm to optimally compose privacy guarantees of differentially private (DP) mechanisms to arbitrary accuracy.
- PrymePython — A python package for prime number utilities.
- pryvx — A comprehensive package for privacy-enhancing technologies
- ps-symbolic-modeling-tool — This package converts symbolic functions written in sympy to their numerical versions and also generates the Jacobian matrix.
- PSyclone — PSyclone - a compiler for Finite Element/Volume/Difference DSLs in Fortran
- psyke — Python-based implementation of PSyKE, i.e. a Platform for Symbolic Knowledge Extraction
- psymple — Population Modeling
- pto-transits — Planner for Transits Observations.
- PToolkit — A set of tools to make working in a lab easier.
- ptyx — pTyX is a python precompiler for LaTeX.
- ptyx-mcq — pTyX-MCQ is a generator/scanner of MCQ, based on pTyX.
- puan-lite — no summary
- pumpz — For the automatic creation and sync of .PPL files, used for pump programming
- pureml-llm — no summary
- pvdeg — Pvdeg is a python library that supports the calculation of degradation related parameters for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
- py-earth2 — A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines.
- py-judged — no summary
- py-open-dsse — Open source library for state estimation of a distribution network modeled in OpenDSS
- py-pde — Python package for solving partial differential equations
- py-pol — Jones and Mueller polarization - Optics
- py-signal-temporal-logic — Wrapper on metric-temporal-logic to implement signal temporal logic.
- py-xl-sindy — Library Xl-Sindy simulations
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- py3nt — A Number Theory Library for Python 3
- py4design-cea — Python Library for Rapid Development of Design Workflows (CEA fork)
- pyadic — p-Adic numbers and finite fields in Python
- PyAGH — A package for calculating kinship matrix
- pyAMARES — pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
- pyannote.metrics — a toolkit for reproducible evaluation, diagnostic, and error analysis of speaker diarization systems
- pyapprox — High-dimensional function approximation and estimation
- pyarcknot — A package for studying the arc diagrams of mathematical knots
- PyAutoGen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- pyautogenmagic — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- PyAWD — A Pytorch dataset for Acoustic Wave Propagation
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pyblocksim — Python library for block-oriented modeling and simulation in control theory
- pyblp — BLP demand estimation with Python 3
- pybolano — Symbolic normal (Wick) ordering involving bosonic ladder operators.
- pybox-toolkit — A toolkit used within the PyBox project
- pyCalcErr — Gauss error propagation with latex formula
- pycalco — A powerful arithmetic and symbolic expressions evaluator
- pyccel — no summary
- pycertainties — Module providing utilities for working with values with uncertainties
- pycfd — A Python package for CFD, FEA, FEM, FDM, and PDE solving
- pyCICY — A python CICY toolkit
- pycoilgen — Magnetic Field Coil Generator for Python.
- pycolate — Generates site percolation data and illustrations.
- pycollimator — core simulation engine and API client
- pycollo — General-purpose optimal control, trajectory optimisation and parameter optimisation using direct collocation
- pycorrfit — Scientific tool for fitting correlation curves on a logarithmic plot.
- pyculus — a collection of calculus-related functions
- pydevgpt — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- pydimple — Proof-of-concept implementation of dimple (debiased inference made simple)
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pydsge — Solve, filter and estimate DSGE models with occasionaly binding constraints
- PyDynamic — A software package for the analysis of dynamic measurements
- pydyno — Dynamic analysis of systems biology models
- pyecf — Elliptic Curve Factorization
- pyecsca — Python Elliptic Curve cryptography Side Channel Analysis toolkit.
- pyepisim — no summary
- pyEPR-quantum — no summary
- pyequations — A Python package for solving a bunch of equations with a bunch of unknowns.
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyexlatex — Python Extends LaTeX - A High-Level Python API for Creating Latex Documents
- pyfastpaper — 适合科研人员的Python快速绘图工具2.0版本!A Python tool for researchers to create figures for academic papers! V2.0.
- pyfedic — Digital Image (2D/3D) Correlation Software
- pyFEM — Python Finite Element Method
- pyFragility — A package to fit fragility functions.
- pyfurc — "AUTO-07p made accessible through python."
- pyfvm — Finite volume discretizations for Python
- pyg-nightly — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- pyg4ometry — Geometry package for high energy physics (Geant4, Fluka)
- Pygilent — Tools for working with Agilent data files.
- pygip — pygip
- pyglyph — Symbolic regression tools.
- pygom — ODE modeling in Python.
- PyGRO — A Python Integrator for General Relativistic Orbits
- pyhamsys — Some tools for Hamiltonian systems
- pyimpspec — A package for parsing, validating, analyzing, and simulating impedance spectra.
- pyinduct — Toolbox for control and observer design for infinite dimensional systems.
- pyiodine — A kinetic model of the AHR and its regulation
- pyiron-continuum — Repository for user-generated plugins to the pyiron IDE.
- pyJHTDB — Python wrapper for the Johns Hopkins turbulence database library
- pyLBM — A flexible Python package for lattice Boltzmann method
- pylcp — A package for calculating laser cooling physics