Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- waves-searching — Find dispersion relation in PDE, systems of PDE, and discrete analogs
- wavesongs — A python package for birdsongs creation and data extraction.
- webull-options — no summary
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- welib — Wind Energy Library
- WF-Prop — A python package for one-elecron wavefunction propagation
- WFacer — An automated workflow for constructing cluster expansion.
- wfbase — Easy way to compute from first-principles various properties depending on the electronic structure of periodic solids.
- wheeler.dmf-control-board-firmware — Arduino-based DMF control board firmware and Python API.
- wiphy — The fundamental Python package for wireless signal processing at the physical layer
- x10-python-trading — Python client for X10 API
- x2paddle — a toolkit for converting trained model to PaddlePaddle from other deep learning frameworks.
- xaddpy — XADD package in Python
- xcalculator — Cross-platform calculator
- xcodec2 — A library for XCodec2 model.
- xctype — Python package for explicit C types
- xdsl — xDSL
- xenharmlib — A library for microtonal music theory
- xeuclid — A python package for analytic geometry
- Xgression — The Algorithm that find any relationship between data in equation form
- Xgression-tk — The Algorithm that find any relationship between data in equation form
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xmanim — Animation engine for explanatory math videos
- xmof — A Python library for industrial calculations with support for formula dependencies, caching, and automatic evaluation ordering.
- xnlbd — Nonlinear beam dynamics tools for Xsuite
- yaqc-cmds — Unified software for controlling hardware and collecting data in the Wright group.
- yashpyproject — This package is for basic calculus and basic 2-D and 3-D mensuration
- yEscher — Run gene knockouts and analyize S. Cerevisae, built on top of yeastGEM
- yolotext — no summary
- yolov5-face — Real-time face detection using YOLOv5 - Fork
- yyyutils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- zero-mech — A zero-dimensional mechanics solver
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zhujiangyu — 一个好玩的库.
- zigzag-dse — ZigZag - Deep Learning Hardware Design Space Exploration
- zlepy — Toolkit for integer-linear-eigenvalue matrix generation and evaluation.
- zoidberg — Generate flux-coordinate independent (FCI) grids for BOUT++
- zotero-cli-tool — Tinyscript tool for sorting and exporting Zotero references based on pyzotero