Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- AxCorSRMRI — no summary
- babyvec — Natural language embedding tools
- backstepping-controller — A package for developing backstopping controller for linear and nonlinear systems.
- BaCLNS — Efficient Backstepping Control for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
- bacon-net — A neural network architecture for building fully explainable neural network for arithmetic and gradient logic expression approximation.
- balokBeton — no summary
- bartiq — Symbolic Quantum Resource Estimation compilation
- basicsums — A package for computing structural sums and the effective conductivity of random composites.
- BasicToolsFrozen — Tools for finite element computations - fork for pymicro
- batorch — 'batorch' is an extension of package torch, for tensors with batch dimensions.
- batterylearn — Python based energy storage simulator
- bayesbeat — Bayesian inference for two decaying beating signals
- bayesian-hmm — A non-parametric Bayesian approach to Hidden Markov Models
- bayesint — Bayesian credible intervals for ratios
- bayesloop — Probabilistic programming framework that facilitates objective model selection for time-varying parameter models.
- bdsim — Simulate dynamic systems expressed in block diagram form using Python
- beam_integrals — Console app and Python API for determining beam integrals of all 6 supported beam types, as described in D.D. Milasinovic, "The Finite Strip Method in Computational Mechanics" (ISBN 8680297194)
- beamframe — A python module to solve and analyse determinate 2d Beams.
- beluga — A general purpose indirect trajectory optimization framework.
- benchkit — Your End to End ML workbench.
- berremueller — A library for implementing the Berreman 4X4 matrix method alongside Mueller matrices
- bert-deid — Remove identifiers from data using BERT
- better-hydroponics — Simulation of hydroponic farming
- betterfit — Regression of data with error propagation
- BetterMaths — Python mathematics made easier
- bezier — Helper for Bézier Curves, Triangles, and Higher Order Objects
- bfbrain — Use active learning to determine the bounded-from-below region in parameter space of a multiscalar potential in quantum field theory.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bigO — Symbolic representation of big-O notation.
- bingo-nasa — A package for genetic optimization and symbolic regression
- BioSANS2020 — Symbolic and Numeric Software for Systems Biology
- bioscrape — Biological Stochastic Simulation of Single Cell Reactions and Parameter Estimation
- biosimulators-amici — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the AMICI simulation program <>.
- biosimulators-cbmpy — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the CBMPy simulation program <>.
- biosteam — The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
- biotuner — Time series harmonic analysis for adaptive tuning systems and microtonal exploration
- birdpressure — Calculate peak pressure due to bird impact
- bisheng-pyautogen — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- bitcoin-utils — Bitcoin utility functions
- bitcoin-utils-fork-minimal — Bitcoin utility functions
- blackboxopt — A common interface for blackbox optimization algorithms along with useful helpers like parallel optimization loops, analysis and visualization scripts.
- blip-alpha — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- blip-gw — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- bmtk — Brain Modeling Toolkit
- bodas — Asymptotic Bode Plots in Python
- bofire — no summary
- boilercore — Common functionality of boiler repositories
- boilercv — Computer vision routines suitable for nucleate pool boiling bubble analysis
- bondgraph — A library to create bond graphs for physical systems and generate their differential equations.
- BondGraphTools — Bond Graph Modelling Toolkit
- bone-pytex — 一个用来简化LaTex编写的Python库
- Bonelate — Bonelate 是一个基于 pyparsing 针对 LaTeX 的 mustache 模版语言变种的实现。
- boolean-solver-gui — A simple boolean algebra solver with gui
- bosonsampling — A library to help better understand Aaronson-Arkhipov Boson Sampling (AABS)
- boundaryscheme — This library implements Kreiss-Lopatinskii determinant for numerical scheme with boundary
- boutdata — Python package for collecting BOUT++ data
- BPTK-Py — A python simulation engine for System Dynamics & Agent based models
- bquadpy — Numerical integration, quadrature for various domains
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- BraketLab — Educational tool for learning quantum theory with Jupyter Notebooks
- brevitas — Quantization-aware training in PyTorch
- Brian2 — A clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks
- brutefit — Tools for finding an arbitrary multivariate polynomial that best fits some data.
- BSeries — A Package for Maniuplating Butcher Series
- bsrag-langchain — no summary
- buckinghampy — Educational package for dimensional analysis
- burnman — A thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and planetary sciences
- bvhtoolbox — Python module for reading, manipulating and converting BVH motion capture files.
- caft — Continuous Affine Feature Transformations for feature mapping.
- cal-pro — A pro calculator in which helps you to integarate, deriviate, plot, or even do simple calculation; You can also find the answer of equations.
- calc-ultra — A graphing calculator with a menu-based interface.
- calc9000 — no summary
- CalculatorBasicLibrary — A tool made to aid with basic and advanced calculations in Python
- calculus-of-variations — Project on solving the Calculus of variations problems using symbolic mathematics
- CalculusPy — Tool for teaching calculus in one variable.
- calmacentral — Calculadora de Funciones Universidad Central
- calmatuc — Calculadora de Funciones Universidad Central
- calmatuc-progmatucentral — Calculadora de Funciones Universidad Central
- camb — Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background
- camel-ai — Communicative Agents for AI Society Study
- CaMo — CaMo: A Causal Model Library
- Caospy — Dynamic systems analysis
- caqtus-suite — Package to control a cold atom experiment
- carpy — Consolidated aircraft recipes in Python.
- casify — A CAS-library wrapped around sympy to simplify use of CAS-functionality in mathematics.
- casino — Quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- CASPy3 — A program that provides both a GUI and a CLI to SymPy, a symbolic computation and computer algebra system Python library.
- catalax — A JAX-based framework for (neural) ODE modelling in biocatalysis.
- catenary-solver — Python program for finding catenary shapes and mass densities
- causal-inference — Causal Inference
- causal-testing-framework — A framework for causal testing using causal directed acyclic graphs.
- causalAssembly — Generating production line data with available causal ground truth
- causara — This package provides several AI-features for building and working with Gurobi optimization models.
- causing — Causing: CAUSal INterpretation using Graphs
- cbmpy — CBMPy: is a platform for constraint based modelling. It implements popular FBA analyses, model editing and supports the latest SBML3FBC standards.
- ccc-calculator — command-line combinatorial calculator
- ccs-fit — Fitting tools for repulsive two body interactions using curvature constrained splines.
- CDynamics — Plot Julia Sets Of Complex Valued Functions
- cellmlmanip — CellML loading and model equation manipulation