Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- CELLULAR-CL — A package for generating an embedding space from scRNA-Seq. This space can be used for cell type annotation, novel cell type detection, cell type representations, and visualization.
- centrex-tlf — no summary
- ceo-alfred — Alfred is an assistant in your shell.
- ceo-tomohiro — Tomohiro is an assistant in your shell.
- cerebraai — Cerebra is an AI Orchestrator for LLM models.
- cfn-lint — Checks CloudFormation templates for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved
- CFSpy — Chen-Fliess series computation
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- cgem — CGEM: Collaborative Generalized Effects Modeling
- chaospy — Numerical tool for performing uncertainty quantification
- chaste-codegen — Code generation for cardiac Chaste
- chatgptTTS — This is the simplest module for AI Conversations with TTS.
- chcko — chcko randomly parameterized exercises automatically checked (formerly mamchecker)
- chemaphy — Package for Scientific calculation
- chemcoord — Python module for dealing with chemical coordinates.
- ChemIITools — Tools for Chemistry Part II programming
- chemlib — An easy-to-use library that quickly performs chemistry calculations.
- chempy — ChemPy is a Python package useful for solving problems in chemistry.
- chemtrain — Machine-learning deep molecular dynamics potentials.
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chlamys — Smooth interpolation on scattered data with levels and slopes.
- cifer — Federated Learning and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- cij — High temperature thermal elasticity
- cir4mics — Simulating structurally variable NPCs or other ring-like structures for Microscopy
- circuitq — Automated design of superconducting qubits
- cirq-core — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cirq-dev — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cirq-unstable — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cisipy — Compressed imaging transcriptomics in Python.
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- classiq — Classiq's Python SDK for quantum computing
- cliqs — Module provides implementation of multilingual crisis social media summarization model.
- clophfit — Cli for fitting macromolecule pH titration or binding assays data e.g. fluorescence spectra.
- cluster-algebra — no summary
- cluster-analyzer — A library to analyze critical behavior, self-similarity, and fractal dimension of clusters in cellular automata.
- clusterX — CELL (aka clusterX) is a python package for building Cluster Expansion models of simple and complex alloys and performing thermodynamical analyses of materials.
- cmbagent-autogen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- cmprs-eden — EDEN compression written in PyTorch
- cmsis-stream — CMSIS-Stream graph description
- cmtj — CMTJ - C Magnetic Tunnel Junctions.
- cnkalman — Support tools for cnkalman
- cns-algos — A package with all algorithms used in Cryptography. Detailed list in README.
- cocos — Core Computational System
- codeboxapi — CodeBox gives you an easy scalable and isolated python interpreter for your LLM Agents.
- codetopackage — no summary
- coffe-analyzer — Supports the CoFFE analysis presented in ARP4761A/ED-135.
- cognite-sdk — Cognite Python SDK
- cognite-sdk-experimental — Experimental additions to the Python SDK
- coindy — A library for computing simulations of stochastic differential equations in symbolic form
- comando — A next-generation modeling framework for component-oriented modeling and optimization for nonlinear design and operation of integrated energy systems
- combinator — The programming model to integrate AI components
- comod — Compartmental modelling Python package
- compare-package-ex3 — Compare number
- compartor — Automatic moment equation generation for stochastic compartment populations
- COMPAS-AGS — COMPAS package for Computational Graphic Statics
- compmec-rbdyn — Rigid Body Dynamics library
- CompNeuroPy — General package for computational neuroscience with ANNarchy.
- component_model — Constructs a Functional Mockup Interface component model from a python script (fulfilling some requirements).
- CompyledFunc — Compiled functions via Sympy/Theano
- conaction — Efficient implmenetations of instantiations of the Trinity of Covariation.
- conduit-forge — Python library to model, project and analyse piping and pumping systems
- condynsate — Simulates and visualizes articulated systems in real time
- conforce — Compute Configurational Forces using a fast C-Extension
- conftool — Tools to interoperate with distributed k/v stores
- confusion-matrix-uncertainty — no summary
- constraintula — Define system of constraint equations for initializing data classes
- construct-roms — A Python package to build reduced-order models for Rayleigh-Benard convection
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- continuum-mechanics — Utilities for doing calculations in continuum mechanics.
- contrabass — Constraint-based model vulnerabilities analysis
- controlSBML — Control analysis of SBML models
- conv-opt — High-level Python package for solving linear and quadratic optimization problems using multiple solvers
- Cope — A bunch of generic functions and classes useful in multiple projects
- copul — Risk analysis with copulas.
- coreli — The Collatz Research Library provides tools for experimenting and testing hypothesises related to the Collatz Process.
- coremltools — Community Tools for Core ML
- CorpFin — Corporate Finance functionalities based on SymPy and Theano
- cp-tcgen — Test case generator. Quickly design and generate test cases without all the bulk
- cqlib — China Quantum Library
- cr-nimble — Iterative algorithms for numerical linear algebra with JAX
- creditPortfolioAnalytics — A Python powered library for calculating semi-analytic credit portfolio loss metrics
- crfm-helm — Benchmark for language models
- crnsimulator — Simulate CRNs using ODEs.
- crnt4sbml — CRNT4SBML is an easily installable Python based package available on MacOS and Windows. CRNT4SBML is concentrated on providing a simple workflow for the testing of core CRNT methods directed at detecting bistability in cell signaling pathways endowed with mass action kinetics.
- crop-yolo — Crop people from jpg files via yolo v10
- crosscheck — no summary
- crossnumber — A collection of Python functions which may be of use when solving crossnumber puzzles.
- crutil — C and Rust utility functions
- cryoSPHERE — Structural heterogeneous cryoEM reconstruction:
- crypto-cpp-py — This is a packaged crypto-cpp program
- cryptographic_estimators — This library provides bit security estimators and asymptotic complexity estimators for cryptographic problems.
- CryptoMax — A Python package for implementing cryptography algorithms
- cryptul — A set of tools for crypto CTFs and more
- CrysFieldExplorer — Fast optimization of CEF Hamiltonian
- CRYSTALpytools — Python tools for the CRYSTAL code developed and mantained by the CRYSTAL code developers.
- CS-MINI-2024Z-AutoML — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- cs2solutions — A package containing solutions for the CS2 lecture at ETH Zürich
- csnake — C code generation helper package.
- ctgen — Coordinate-transforms code generator
- cuequivariance — CUDA accelerated equivariant operations