Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- cumm — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu114 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu118 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu121 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu124 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu126 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- curveball — Predicting competition results from growth curves
- curvedpy — General Relativistic Geodesic Integrator
- cvehound — A tool to check linux kernel source dump for known CVEs
- cvpkgs-IGNchinmay — A small CV test package
- cvpkgs1-IGNchinmay — A small CV test package
- cweqgen — A Python module for generating common equations used in continuous gravitational-wave analyses
- cxsystem2 — A cerebral cortex simulation framework
- cy-root — Cython implementations of multiple root-finding methods.
- cyclicprng — A simple cyclic PRNG
- cyecca — no summary
- d8s-math — Democritus functions for working with math.
- dace — Data-Centric Parallel Programming Framework
- DaeFinder — A Python package to discover Differential Algebraic Equations from data.
- danila — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- danila-lib — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- dantro — Handle, transform, and visualize hierarchically structured data
- dasi — Automated DNA assembly planner for Python
- datacode — High-level tools to analyze, summarize, and transform data
- dc-qiskit-algorithms — General algorithms with qiskit as basis
- dcore — DMFT software for CORrelated Electrons
- ddx-ai — DDx is a system to solve complex math problems
- deapi — API for DE Server
- DecoyFree-MSFDR — A package to estimate FDR in mass-spectrometry searching results using decoy-free approach
- deep-kolibri — Deep Learning and more NLP toolkit
- deep-logic — Deep logic: Interpretable neural networks in Python.
- deep_macrofin — Deep neural network for solving continuous time economic models
- deep-sort-reid — A re-mastered version of the original Deep Sort implementation, with added functionalities such as re-identification.
- deepchem — Deep learning models for drug discovery, quantum chemistry, and the life sciences.
- deepfilternet — Noise supression using deep filtering
- deepquantum — DeepQuantum for quantum computing
- deism — An image source-based method used to simulate room transfer functions for arbitrary room shapes.
- demerge — DESHIMA merge code for observed datasets
- demography-datamoo-faceviz — Age and Gender detection using PyQt UI
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- dengo-chemistry — A framework for creating chemical and radiative cooling reaction networks
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- Dero — Nick DeRobertis Personal Library
- designed — Module for Supporting the Creation of University Entrance Examination Mathematics Proofs Using a Symbolic Computation Module
- desmos2python — seamless conversion between Desmos LaTeX equations and executable Python code.
- desmospy — pythonic desmos
- dev-fenics-fiat — FInite element Automatic Tabulator
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- devito — Finite Difference DSL for symbolic computation.
- devsecops-engine-tools — Tool for DevSecOps strategy
- dewloosh.math — A math library for numerical and symboliccalculations.
- dewret — DEclarative Workflow REndering Tool
- dft2kp — Calculates kp model and coefficients from DFT ab initio data.
- DGCV — Differential Geometry with Complex Variables
- diatomic-py — A package for calculating rotational and hyperfine structure of singlet diatomic molecules.
- dieke — Crystal field calculations for the rare earths
- differentiable-voronoi — differentiable Voronoi tessellation
- DifferentialAlgebra — The Differential Algebra package
- diffusion-curvature — Fast, pointwise graph curvature
- digitalmodel — engineering asset digital model(s) for life cycle analysis
- dimcheck — A physics dimension checker based on sympy
- Diophantine — A python package for finding small solutions of systems of diophantine (integer algebra) equations
- dirng — Designing quantum-secure randomness expansion protocols
- discopy — The Python toolkit for computing with string diagrams.
- discretisedfield — Python package for the analysis and visualisation of finite-difference fields.
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- disops — Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable
- Displacement-strain-planet — Planetary crustal thickness, displacement, stress and strain calculations in spherical harmonics.
- distill-trainer — Knowledge distillation toolkit
- distributed-mean-estimation — Algorithms for Distributed Mean Estimation (DME) in PyTorch
- dive-into-graphs — DIG: Dive into Graphs is a turnkey library for graph deep learning research.
- django-sympycharfield — Django Char Field using Sympy.
- django-woah — A package intended to aid developers in implementing authorization for Django apps.
- djangophysics — Django APIs for physics conversion and calculations
- dls-rvc — no summary
- dmol-book — Style and Imports for dmol Book
- dnn-tts-torch — This is a library consisting of pre-trained models for the synthesis of Russian and English speech
- dohko — zkGraph proving backend
- dolang — Dolo Modeling Language
- dompap — Simulations of point-like particles in any dimension with any pair potential
- — Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
- dormouse — Parsing Python code into Boolean expressions
- dowhy — DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions
- dozersim — Simulation and optmization framework for drives
- DQbee — DQode is a Python Library to compute the optimal inner-quadratic quadratization and dissipative quadratization of a given polynomial ODE system.
- drcell — GUI to generate, cluster and optimize dimensionality reduction output
- drillcore-transformations-py — Drillcore Transformations allows for alpha, beta and gamma drillcore transformations.
- driven — driven - data-driven constraint-based analysis
- drlinfluids — A flexible platform to utilize Deep Reinforcement Learning in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- droidsentinel — Automated Static Analysis of APKs
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dsc — Implementation of Dynamic Statistical Comparisons
- dscal — Quick solutions to calculus and mathematical operations.
- dsenum — Derivative structure enumerator for multilattice
- dsge — no summary
- dsgepy — Solve and estimate linearized DSGE models
- dsolve — Solver of dynamic equations with forward looking variables
- dsrag — State-of-the-art RAG pipeline from D-Star AI
- dt-invariants — A set of tools to compute DT invariants of quivers