Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- tinybgw — Pure-Python implementation of a threshold secure multi-party computation (MPC) network.
- tinysig — Pure-Python implementation of a threshold ecdsa signature scheme based on a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for evaluating arithmetic sum-of-products expressions via a non-interactive computation phase.
- tme — Taylor moment expansion in Python
- tmflow — Taylor map flow is a package for a 'flowly' construction and learning of polynomial neural networks (PNN) for time-evolving process prediction
- — Tumult's differential privacy analytics API
- tmlt.core — Tumult's differential privacy primitives
- tmvbeta — Truncated multivariate beta distribution on unit hypercube
- TN-code — Code gebruikt bij de opleiding TN van de Haagse Hogeschool
- tno.mpc.encryption-schemes.dgk — Implementation of the Damgard, Geisler and Kroigard (DGK) cryptosystem
- tno.mpc.encryption-schemes.shamir — Implementation of Shamir secret sharing
- tno.mpc.encryption-schemes.utils — Generic utilities for implementing encryption schemes
- tno.mpc.protocols.distributed-keygen — Distributed key generation using Paillier homomorphic encryption
- tno.zkp.commitment-schemes.pedersen — ZKP Pedersen Commitment Scheme module
- tno.zkp.templates — ZKP templates module
- ToBaCco-Modified — Topological MOF generator by molecular block alignment.
- tofea — Simple Finite Element Analysis for Topology Optimization
- tokenpdf — Generate printable PDF files for tabletop RPG tokens and maps
- tonelab — Platform designed for lightweight documentation and quantitative analysis in Sino-Tibetan tonal languages
- tooppy — A topological optimization library for python 3
- torch-explain — PyTorch Explain: Explainable Deep Learning in Python.
- torch-geometric — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- torch-pgn — Proximity Graph Networks: Predicting ligand affinity with Message Passing Neural Networks
- torchode — A parallel ODE solver for PyTorch
- torchpm — Pharmacometrics in PyTorch.
- torchTrainify — A package to simplify the training and testing of PyTorch models
- totEnJ — Heisenberg Hamitlonian parametrization from ab initio total energy of magnetic supercells
- touchfish — python sdk for touchfish
- tracllm — A context tracing tool for LLM
- transcribe-zh-en-srt — A package to process audio and generate translation from input language to target language. this package return srt format files containing english accurated translation from Chinese language to English language.
- transitionMatrix — A Python powered library for statistical analysis and visualization of state transition phenomena
- translation-canvas — Translation Canvas - A tool for evaluating and visualizing machine translation models
- tree-of-thoughts-llm — Official Implementation of "Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models"
- trial-IGNchinmay — A small CV test package
- tributary — Streaming reactive and dataflow graphs in Python
- triflow — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- Triumvirate — Three-point clustering measurements in large-scale structure analyses.
- trnsystor — A python TRNSYS type parser
- trprimes — Truncatable prime number generators
- truera — Truera Python SDK.
- tsalib — TSAlib: Support for Named Tensor Shapes
- tsanley — Tsanley: Understanding Tensor Programs
- tsp-heuristics — Meta-heuristics for solving the TSP
- tspq0 — Travelling salesman problem by qiskit
- ttv2fast2furious — Open source tools for TTV analysis and parameter inference.
- turbulence — Code for Turbulence Analyze
- turintech-evoml-preprocessor — Preprocess data.
- turintech-evoml-python-dependencies — Set of meta machine learning models by unifying the interface of different machine learning libraries based on the Scikit-learn API protocol
- typedlogic — typedlogic
- typst-sympy-calculator — Convert typst math expressions to sympy form with ANTLR and support matrix, calculous and custom functions.
- ucompress — Simulates the unconfined compression of a poroelastic material
- udkm1Dsim — A Python Simulation Toolkit for 1D Ultrafast Dynamics in Condensed Matter
- ueca — 基礎化学実験AのためのPythonライブラリ
- uitestrunner-syberos — A ui automated testing tool for SyberOS
- uMAIA — Toolbox for the processing and analysis of MALDI-MSI data
- unisci — Units Conversions, and Science Package
- unit-system — SI unit system implementation enabling physical quantity math
- unit-systems — Physical unit_systems in python
- uniTbrow — Stop raising your brow at unit conversions
- uniter — Package to handle unit conversion.
- unophysics — Tools for physics from UNO.
- unseries — Allows to deal with power series which coefficients contain uncertainties
- unyt — A package for handling numpy arrays with units
- UO-test-functions — An Unconstrained Optimization Test Functions Collection
- uraeus.smbd — A python package for symbolic creation and analysis of constrained multi-body systems.
- urn-calculator — Multivariate hypergeometric command line calculator.
- v4-client-py — dYdX Chain Client
- va-am — VA-AM method implementation
- vaeesr — Using the latent space of a variational autoencoder to perform symbolic regression by sampling equations.
- valalgn — ValAlgn: Value Alignment
- varius — Perform calculation with various versions of variables
- vasp-tools — A suite of scripts that perform menial, tedious and repetitive tasks and operations on VASP files that were hurriedly and haphazardly put together by some intern.
- VASP2KP — no summary
- VASPsol — A VASPsol python helper package to simplify calculations and analysis
- vc2-quantisation-matrices — Routines for computing quantisation matrices for the SMPTE ST 2042-2 VC-2 professional video codec.
- vecfield — Module for working with vector and scalar fields
- vector — Vector classes and utilities
- vector-tompy — Vectors for tompy projects
- vectorcraft — A custom library extending LangChain functionality.
- VedicCrypto — A library that creates equations from any devangiri text and the equations could be converted to graphs or sounds
- velocity-optimization — Optimizes (Maximizes) the velocity profile for a vehicle respecting physical constraints and runtime-variable input parameters.
- velocycle — Bayesian model for RNA velocity estimation of periodic manifolds
- VESIcal — A generalized python library for calculating and plotting various things related to mixed volatile (H2O-CO2) solubility in silicate melts.
- VESIcal-kaylai — A generalized python library for calculating and plotting various things related to mixed volatile (H2O-CO2) solubility in silicate melts.
- vhegen — A package that generates Hamiltonians for arbitrarly large (pseudo)Jahn-Teller systems
- VidFlow — making videos at lightspeed
- vindy — AESINDy is a Python package for automated system identification of low-dimensional systems combining autoencoders and SINDy.
- vitrage — The OpenStack RCA Service
- voca — Control your computer by voice!
- vofotensors — V(ariety)O(f)F(iber)O(rientation)TENSORS contains selected contributions of Bauer JK, Böhlke T. Variety of fiber orientation tensors. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2022. doi:10.1177/10812865211057602
- VolFe — VolFe
- volmdlr — A volume modeler computation-oriented. Include rendering bindings.
- volpy — volpy: Volume calculations in Python
- volttron-ilc — ILC supports traditional demand response as well as transactive energy services. ILC manages controllable loads while also mitigating service-level excursions (e.g., occupant comfort, minimizing equipment ON/OFF cycling) by dynamically prioritizing available loads for curtailment using both quantitative (deviation of zone conditions from set point) and qualitative rules (type of zone).IXME
- vorpy — VictOR dods' PYthon package (mostly math-related)
- vulnmine — Mine SCCM and NIST NVD for host vulnerability data
- vyxal — A golfing language that has aspects of traditional programming languages.
- wannierberri — Advanced tool for Wannier interpolation
- wave-train — Numerical quantum mechanics of chain-like systems based on tensor trains
- waveformtools — Tools for working with numerical relativity and waveforms data