Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- skeletorch — Pytorch implementation of skeleton transformer module
- skidy — Symbolic kinematics and dynamics model generation using Equations of Motion in closed form.
- sklearn-contrib-py-earth — A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines.
- skoots — SKeletOn ObjecT Segmentation (SKOOTS)
- skultrafast — Python package for analyzing time-resolved spectra.
- skydy — A package to programmatically model inter-connected mechanical systems.
- slimfit — SymFit's little brother
- slippy — A python package for tribologists
- slope-ad — slope AD
- smart-cell — SMART (Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reaction and Transport) is a tool for spatially modeling cell signaling networks
- smart-factory-faker — Smart-Factory-Faker
- Smartdiff — A smart package for Automatic Differentiation
- smitfit — Symbolic Model Inference Toolkit
- smoothDE — This package uses smoothing to create a density estimate
- smpl — SiMPLe plotting and fitting
- smpl2 — simple plotting and fitting and simulation
- Smtry — no summary
- SMUTHI — Light scattering by multiple particles in thin-film systems
- socialdataanalysis — Funções personalizadas para análise de dados nas ciências sociais.
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- soepdoku — A package to facilitate work with SOEP metadata.
- solidipes — Python package that aids the processes of curating, publishing, and sharing research data
- Solverz — A simulation modelling language
- solvit — Solvit Alphametic Puzzle Solver in Python
- sosopt — SOSOpt is a library designed for solving sums-of-squares optimization problems.
- Spacecraft-Attitude-Dynamics-Functions — Functions for Attitude Dynamics
- spacecraft-paladin — high-fidelity spaceraft dynamics propagator
- spacetimeengine — A python physics utility which can analyze any given metric solution to the Einstein field equations.
- spanet — Symmetry Preserving Attention Networks
- sparkdatachallenge — <Enter a one-sentence description of this project here.>
- sparse-dok — sparse dok tensor implementation
- sparsereg — Modern sparse linear regression
- sparseSpACE — sparseSpACE - the Sparse Grid Spatially Adaptive Combination Environment implements different variants of the spatially adaptive combination technique
- spatialmath-python — Provides spatial maths capability for Python.
- spatialmath-python-abarryfix — Provides spatial maths capability for Python
- spatialmath-rospy — spatialmath-python and rospy bridge library
- specfit — Infer polynomial spectral models with covariancess
- specnn4pde — Solving partial differential equations using spectral methods and neural networks.
- spectrally-regularised-lvms — A framework of linear LVMs with spectral regularisation.
- speedtoxify — Wrapper around detoxify package for faster inference using ONNX runtime.
- spef-extractor — A parasitics estimator based on layout and technology files.
- spflow — Sum Product Flow: An Easy and Extensible Library for Sum-Product Networks
- spheres — toolbox for higher spin and symmetrization
- spheretrig — spheretrig es un módulo de Python que proporciona clases y funciones para trabajar con trigonometría esférica.
- spiffy — Space Interferometer Python Framework
- spinqit — SpinQ Quantum Software Development Kit
- splashlab — A package for fluid mechanic experimentalists
- splotch — Simple PLOTs, Contours and Histograms is a small package with wrapper functions designed to simplify plotting calls from matplotlib.
- sppl — The Sum-Product Probabilistic Language
- spux — SPUX: Scalable Package for Uncertainty Quantification
- spycalc — extensibly scriptable graphical calculator
- spyks — Generate fast c++ code to integrate dynamical neuron models
- spylind — Simple definition and fast solution of quantum systems described by a Lindblad master equation.
- spyrit — Toolbox for deep image reconstruction
- SQcircuit — superconducting quantum circuit analyzer
- squishyplanet — A package for dealing with non-spherical exoplanets
- sqwrl — Sqlachemy Query WRapper Library - pandas-like SQL
- — Student Robotics Tools
- ss-scrapping — A Python package for top 500 universities
- ssbtoolkit — Simulation of methematical models of signaling pathways of GPCRs
- StackGP — A stack-based genetic programming system
- starfish — Pipelines and pipeline components for the analysis of image-based transcriptomics data
- starknet-simple-deploy — Starknet Simple Deploy
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- stat-tests-marchfra — A package that performs statistical tests
- state-space — State Space Models in Python
- StateMint — A library for finding State Space models of dynamical systems.
- StateModelRnD — A library for finding State Space models of dynamical systems.
- Statum-Py — A library for finding State Space models of dynamical systems.
- stdmathlib — A library to simplify mathematical computations.
- steam-sdk — Source code for APIs for STEAM tools.
- stemlab — A Python Library for Mathematical and Statistical Computing in STEM
- stgraph — 🌟 Vertex Centric approach for building GNN/TGNNs
- stimator — Analysis of ODE models with focus on model selection and parameter estimation.
- stlmc — An SMT-based bounded model checker for signal temporal logic
- STMint — State Transition Matrix Integrator
- stolpy — stolpy - Sperical Tensor Operator Library for PYthon: A library that is capable to simplify expressions using spherical tensor operators
- StorageTopology — A scientific computation library for performance analysis of erasure coding and/or replication in a distributed data storage environment.
- stpstone — no summary
- StrawberryFields — Open source library for continuous-variable quantum computation
- streamlit-chromadb-connection — A simple adapter connection for any Streamlit LLM-powered app to use ChromaDB vector database.
- streamlit-notebook — A notebook interface for Streamlit.
- streng — structural engineering tools with python
- stylgebra — Stylable algebraic expressions
- subliminal — Subtitles, faster than your thoughts
- sumformer2 — Summarisation Transformer 2
- SumOfSquares — Python implementation of Sum-of-Squares optimization built on picos
- suncal — Sandia PSL Uncertainty Calculator
- sunkit-magex — Solar Magnetic field Extrapolation
- svcco — Automated Vascular Generation and CFD Simulation
- svg-to-vl — converting cells drawn in svg files to VirtualLeaf xml start files. The svg file should be specified without extension, the resulting xml file will be stored next to the svg file.
- switch-mexico — SWITCH Power System Planning Model
- switch-model — Switch Power System Planning Model
- SWMM-xsections-shape-generator — US-EPA SWMM Cross-Section curve shape generator
- sxs — Interface to data produced by the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes collaboration
- symao — A collection of Sympy expressions used in Adaptive Optics
- symars — Generate Rust code with Sympy, for both scalars and matrices.
- symbeam — A pedagogical package for bending diagrams
- symbolic-equation — A class for multiline symbolic equations in the Jupyter Notebook