Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- riemann-manifold — A package for working with Riemannian manifolds in Python
- rigidbodysimulator — rigidbodysimulator simulator
- rils — Regression via Iterated Local Search for Symbolic Regression GECCO Competition -- 2023
- rils-rols — RILS-ROLS: Robust Symbolic Regression via Iterated Local Search and Ordinary Least Squares
- rkLagrange — Lagrangian optimization package
- robinson_NLP2_y2d — no summary
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- robolearn-gym-envs — A python package that contains some OpenAIGym-like robot environments.
- robolson — My collection of utilty scripts
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- roboticstoolbox-python — A Python library for robotics education and research
- robotkinematicscatalogue — Closed-form Inverse Kinematic Solutions, Forward Kinematics, and Trajectory Generation in one repository
- roboverse-py — no summary
- robust-fourier — Noise- and Outlier-Robust Fourier Transform with Hermite Functions in NumPy and Numba
- robustress — no summary
- roby — A general framework to analyse the robustness of a Neural Network
- rolldecay-estimators — A template for scikit-learn compatible packages.
- romione — Named after the duo companion of Harry Potter i.e. Ron and Hermione who were
- rotational-placement — A package for generating and visualizing data related to the concept of rotational placement
- rotsim2d — Simulate 2D rovibrational spectra of gas-phase molecular samples
- rpa-finder — A python package to find robust perfect adaptation of chemical reaction networks.
- rrtools — Raster Restoration tools
- rsactftool — RSA attack tool (mainly for ctf) - retreive private key from weak public key and/or uncipher data
- rsolver — CTF Solver
- rstdoc — rstdoc - support documentation in restructedText (rst)
- rt1 — RT1 - bistatic single scattering radiative transfer model
- rt1-model — Implementation of the RT1 first order radiative transfer model.
- rtb-toolbox — no summary
- rvc3python — Support for book: Robotics, Vision & Control 3 in Python
- rx-scripts — Generic utilities for data analysis
- s-interpreter — A package for compiling and interpreting S Language code
- safedata-validator — Validation and publication tool for data files in the SAFE data submission format.
- sagemode — Deploy, scale, and monitor your ML models all with one click. Native to AWS.
- sam-kit — sam-kit Saman memoir in python
- Santa_IW — Santa Is Watching: ZFS Aware Network Monitor
- satlas — This Python package has been created with the goal of creating an easier interface for the analysis of data gathered from laser spectroscopy experiments. Support for fitting the spectra, using both chi2-fitting and Maximum Likelihood Estimation routines, are present.
- satlas2 — Fitting package aimed at laser spectroscopy
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- sbmlsim — sbmlsim are utilities for simulation of SBML.
- sbmlutils — sbmlutils are utilities for working with SBML.
- scaks — Micro-Kinetics Analysis package for Catalyst in Python
- scenestats — A PyTorch port of the Freeman-Simoncelli model introduced in J. Freeman and E. P. Simoncelli, “Metamers of the ventral stream,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1195–1201, Sep. 2011, doi: 10.1038/nn.2889.
- schnetpack — SchNetPack - Deep Neural Networks for Atomistic Systems
- Schrodingerbox — Educational tool for learning quantum theory
- schubertpy — This Python module facilitates operations such as quantum Pieri rules, quantum Giambelli formulae, action and multiplication of Schubert classes, and conversion between different representations of Schubert classes
- scibag — Data science meta-package
- scikit-fdiff — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- scikit-kinematics — Python utilites for movements in 3d space
- scioptim — collection and wrapper for different optimizer
- scipplan — Metric Hybrid Factored Planning in Nonlinear Domains with Constraint Generation in Python.
- scipy-data_fitting — Complete pipeline for easy data fitting with Python.
- scipy-stack — Helper to install the SciPy stack
- scMDCF — Aligned Cross-modal Integration and Characterization of Single-Cell Multiomic Data with Deep Contrastive Learning
- scmodels — Structural Causal Models
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scresonators-fit — Python library for measuring and fitting superconducting resonator data
- scrfit — Python library for measuring and fitting superconducting resonator data
- scumpy — no summary
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- sdim — A tableau Clifford simulator for qudits
- seamm-ff-util — seamm_ff_util
- searchdatamodels — no summary
- seed-autogen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- seed-pyautogen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- seeq-plot-curve — A Seeq add-on tool for fitting curves to tabular data and pushing resulting formulas to Seeq.
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- selnetime — Implementation of HMM to estimate selection and demography
- semicon — Package for simulating quantum mechanical k·p Hamiltonians
- senepy — tools to score single-cells based on senescence marker expression
- sengen — Synthetic Sensor Data Generator
- sensing-network — no summary
- seqKAN — This paper proposes seqKAN, a KAN architecture for sequence processing.
- sevals — A framework for evaluating language models
- sexagesimal-calculator — Performing calculations in Sexagesimal Coordinate System.
- sfctools — Framework for stock-flow consistent agent-based modeling, being developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for and in the scientific context of energy systems analysis, however, it is widely applicable in other scientific fields.
- sfcv — Step Forward Cross Validation for Bioactivity Prediction
- sgmusic — no summary
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- shatter — Data Driven Programming
- shgpy — A collection of utilities for analyzing SHG data.
- shiroin — Software for proving inequalities
- shps — Shapes
- SHRY — no summary
- sierra-research — Automation framework for the scientific method in AI research
- sigmaepsilon.math — A Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences.
- signalpathwaysimulator — A signal pathway simulator package for SBML-based models.
- signature-invariants-py — Implements certain invariants for the iterated-integrals signature.
- signchart — Automatically generates sign charts for polynomial functions and rational functions.
- sim-explorer — Experimentation tools on top of OSP simulation models.
- simcats — SimCATS is a python framework for simulating charge stability diagrams (CSDs) typically measured during the tuning process of qubits.
- simos — Spin simulations in Python (NMR, EPR/ESR as well as ODMR).
- simple-pi — Simple pi package generator
- simple-symbolic-robotics — Helper functions for fundamental robotics
- simplebeam — Basic package for doing beam bending analysis.
- simplevec — SimpleVec: Elementary Examples of Vector Modeling
- simsopt — Framework for optimizing stellarators
- SimuBox — Free python package to do some science calculation.
- simulai-toolkit — A Python package with data-driven pipelines for physics-informed machine learning
- simupy — A framework for modeling and simulating dynamical systems.
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis