Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- pylgs — Modeling atomic physics of laser guide stars
- pylinearalg — no summary
- pyllmsearch — LLM Powered Advanced RAG Application
- PyLMI-SDP — Symbolic linear matrix inequalities (LMI) and semi-definite programming (SDP) tools for Python
- pymablock — Numerical and symbolic implementation of quasi-degenerate perturbation theory
- PyMacroFin — Python toolbox for solving continuous-time macro-financial models using monotone finite difference schemes
- pymana — no summary
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- PyMathematics — package for mathematics
- pyMATLABstyle — MATLAB style of creating numpy/sympy matrices, and a few MATLAB style functions
- PyMatterSim — A python data analysis library for computer simulations
- pymecht — This is PYthon-based repository is for MECHanics of Tissue mechanics. The focus is on flexibility of adding new constitutive models and varying their parameters.
- pyMicroeconomics — Functions for microeconomic analysis
- pymiscell — A package with miscellaneous, common use tools
- pymnash — Find Nash Equilibria of Multiplayer Games
- pymob — Modelling platform for Python
- pymoca — A Modelica to computer algebra system (CAS) translator.
- pymoskito — Python based modular simulation & postprocessing kickass toolbox
- pymoto — A modular approach for topology optimization
- PyMPDATA-examples — PyMPDATA usage examples reproducing results from literature and depicting how to use PyMPDATA in Python from Jupyter notebooks
- pymrt — Python Magnetic Resonace Tools
- pynamics — Pynamics is a package for creating and solving dynamic equations of motion symbolically
- PyNiteFEA — A simple elastic 3D structural finite element library for Python.
- pynondimensionalizer — A command line program that calculates the nullspace vector from a given dimensional matrix.
- pynoza — Computation of time-domain solutions of Maxwell's equations using the Cartesian multipole expansion
- pynumstim — Python library to create symbolic number and arithmetic stimuli for psychological experiments
- PyOKR — A semi-automated method to analyze optokinetic reflex responses
- pyomo — Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
- pyoperon — Python bindings for the Operon symbolic regression library
- PyOptim — Unconstrained Optimisation Algorithms and Matrix Operations
- pype9 — PYthon PipelinEs for 9ML (Pype9) is a collection of Python pipelines for simulating networks of neuron models described in 9ML with various simulator backends.
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pypolar — Routines for analysis of polarization
- pypolyhedralcubature — Multiple integration on convex polytopes.
- pypots — A Python Toolbox for Machine Learning on Partially-Observed Time Series
- PyProBE-Data — no summary
- pyprocar — A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.
- pyproprop — Package for aiding writing classes with lots of similar simple properties without the boilerplate
- pyPTF — Pedotransfer function development using Genetic Programming
- pyqlaw — high-fidelity spaceraft dynamics propagator
- pyqmri — Model-based parameter quantification using OpenCL and Python
- pyqpanda-alg — A Quantum Algorithm Development and Runtime Environment Kit, based on pyqpanda.
- pyrates — Dynamical Systems Modeling Framework
- PyRational — A package for rational modelling and dual probabilisitc programming
- pyrbit — Utilities for parametric modeling of Recall based interaction techniques
- pyRDDLGym-symbolic — pyRDDLGym-symbolic: Symbolic toolset for pyRDDLGym via XADD.
- pyrefact — Automated Python refactoring
- pyrfume — A validation library for human olfactory psychophysics research.
- pyrigi — Python package concerning the rigidity and flexibility of bar-and-joint frameworks.
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pyrobolearn — A Python framework for roboticists and machine learning practitioners
- pyrolite — Tools for geochemical data analysis.
- pyronn-torch — PyTorch bindings for PYRO-NN (
- PyRoss — PyRoss is a numerical library for inference, forecasts, and optimal control of epidemiological models in Python
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyRVtest — Code to perform econometric test of firm conduct
- PyscesToolbox — A set of metabolic model analysis tools for PySCeS.
- pySDC — A Python implementation of spectral deferred correction methods and the likes
- pysemantic-search — A semantic search library using FAISS and multiple database backends.
- PySILLS — PySILLS is a Python-based, open source data reduction tool for the major, minor and trace element analysis of minerals as well as of fluid and melt inclusions.
- pysimplicialcubature — Integration on simplices.
- pysisyphus — Python suite for exploring potential energy surfaces.
- pysizing — An open source framework for the sizing of technological systems
- pyslammer — Python code for calculating sliding block displacements (based on the USGS software SLAMMER).
- pysolve — A simple interface for solving systems of linear equations
- pysolve3 — A simple interface for solving systems of linear equations
- pysplines — Tool to create discrete b-splines with surface properties
- pysr — Simple and efficient symbolic regression
- pyssem — A source sink model to support the study of the long-term sustainability of Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
- PyStableMotifs — Python package for analyzing Boolean Netowrk
- pystatdp — Counterexample Detection Using Statistical Methods for Incorrect Differential-Privacy Algorithms.
- pystatslib — Python Statistics and Probability library
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- pystrometry — Support for astrometry timeseries analysis
- pysymmpol — A python package for manipulation of symmetric polynomials.
- pytc2 — Módulo didáctico para el estudio de Teoría de Circuitos
- pytearcat — A package to perform tensor algebra calculations.
- PyThermoDB — PyThermoDB is a lightweight and user-friendly Python package designed to provide quick access to essential thermodynamic data.
- PyThermoModels — A Python package designed for the calculation of thermodynamic properties using various well-established models.
- pythomata — A Python package for automata theory.
- pythoms — A Python library to aid in the processing and interpretation of mass spectrometric data.
- python-cli-app-template — Python CLI app template project featuring the modern and extensible Python project manager hatch.
- python-flickr-mirroring — CLI for mirroring flickr photos of a specific user
- python-mathematics-exercises-generator — Add a short description here!
- pythovolve — Object oriented framework for genetic algorithms
- pyTitration — For calculation of titration curves of solutions
- pytket — Python module for interfacing with the CQC tket library of quantum software
- pytket-aqt — Extension for pytket, providing access to AQT backends
- PyToneAnalyzer — A Python package for analyzing musical instruments through Fourier analysis.
- PyToolMaster — A Swiss Army knife for developers with text summarization, ASCII art, task automation, math tools, and error handling.
- pytoxo — A Python tool to calculate penetrance tables for high-order epistasis models
- PyTuning — A Python package for the exploration of musical tunings.
- pyUdk — Computes Udwadia–Kalaba constraint forces of an equation of motion of a constrained mechanical system.
- pyudunits2 — A pure Python library designed for handling units of physical quantities, fully based on the UDUNITS2 grammar and XML database
- pyvipr — Widget to visualize PySB models in Jupyter Notebook
- pyvplm — Variable Power-Law regression Models tool
- pyxx — Collection of utilities for Python code
- Q-BASIC — Q-BASIC (Quantum Brazilian Algorithms, Simulations, and Computational tools)
- qadence — Pasqal interface for circuit-based quantum computing SDKs