Reverse Dependencies of sympy
The following projects have a declared dependency on sympy:
- dtcontrol — A small tool which can convert automatically synthesised formally verified controllers into concise decision trees.
- dtumathtools — A plotting package for the Mathematics 1 course at the Technical University of Denmark
- DubSplitter — an easy tool to split dubs based on given silence
- dustyn — no summary
- dverse-agent-python — A package for creating an Agent for the DVerse platform.
- dyce — Simple Python tools for exploring dice outcomes and other finite discrete probabilities
- dycelib — Simple Python tools for exploring dice outcomes and other finite discrete probabilities
- dydx-v3-python — dYdX Python REST API for Limit Orders
- dydx-v3-python-gravitan — dYdX Python REST API for Limit Orders
- dydx-v3-python-pundix — dYdX Python REST API for Limit Orders
- dydx-v3-python-sir — dYdX Python REST API for Limit Orders - sir_even fork
- dydx-v4-python — dYdX Chain Client
- dynabench — Benchmark dataset for learning dynamical systems from data
- dyntrace — Dynamic Time-series Response Analysis and Computational Estimation
- DySymNet — This package contains the official Pytorch implementation for the paper "A Neural-Guided Dynamic Symbolic Network for Exploring Mathematical Expressions from Data" accepted by ICML'24.
- dysys — A package for working with system dynamics symbolically and numerically
- e2cnn — E(2)-Equivariant CNNs Library for PyTorch
- e3nn — Equivariant convolutional neural networks for the group E(3) of 3 dimensional rotations, translations, and mirrors.
- e3nn-jax — Equivariant convolutional neural networks for the group E(3) of 3 dimensional rotations, translations, and mirrors.
- easy-embed-rafaelolal — Simple self-hosted semantic search API
- easy-geppy — EasyGeppy is an easy to use programming interface for Geppy
- easycheml — A simple tool for using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- easyfig — A simple simulation plotting tool with GUI. 适合科研人员的Python快速仿真绘图工具版本!A Python tool for researchers to create figures for academic papers!
- easyphysi — Physics library to solve pre-universitary physics problems
- ebofcis2 — Libreria que contiene dos clases Una para realizar integrales por método de montecarlo y otra para realizar un ajuste de curva suavizado con el método de kernel gaussiano
- ecgkit — ECG Toolkits
- ecmtool — Calculates elementary conversion modes (Urbanczik & Wagner, 2005) of metabolic networks.
- econx — Advanced Financial Econometrics
- edbojz — Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis.
- edera — A distributed workflow management framework
- edrixs — An open source toolkit for simulating RIXS spectra based on ED
- edu-segmentation — To improve EDU segmentation performance using Segbot. As Segbot has an encoder-decoder model architecture, we can replace bidirectional GRU encoder with generative pretraining models such as BART and T5. Evaluate the new model using the RST dataset by using few-shot based settings (e.g. 100 examples) to train the model, instead of using the full dataset.
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- eeg-emotion-recognition — no summary
- effiara — Package for distributing annotations and calculating annotator agreement/reliability using the EffiARA framework.
- efmlrs — Extracts EFMs from result file of mplrs and decompresses EFMs from efmtool and mplrs results that have been compressed with EFMlrs
- einsteinpy — Python package for General Relativity
- EinsteinTex — A package for creating LaTeX files for General Relativity.
- einx — Universal Tensor Operations in Einstein-Inspired Notation for Python
- eir-dl — Deep learning framework for genomics and multi-modal data
- electricalpy — Computing and Plotting functions for electrical engineers
- electricpy — Electrical Engineering Functions in Python
- elpee — Solving linear programming problems step-by-step
- emepy — Eigenmode Expansion Python
- empulse — Value-driven and cost-sensitive tools for scikit-learn
- emulsion — Epidemiological Multi-Level Simulation framework
- encomp — General-purpose library for engineering calculations
- endaq — A comprehensive, user-centric Python API for working with enDAQ data and devices
- endaq-calc — a computational backend for vibration analysis
- eng-m — Tools for the University of Alberta's ENG M 401 class.
- engcom — Tools for engineering computing
- EngineeringToolbox — Package containing python programs for common problems in mechanical engineering curriculum.
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- ensfc-stemm — no summary
- ep-bolfi — EP-BOLFI (Expectation Propagation with Bayesian Optimization for Likelihood-Free Inference) extends the simulator optimizer BOLFI with the data featurization of Expectation Propagation.
- epimodels — Library of mathematical epidemic models for use in simulation studies and inference.
- epy-python-kit — A module designed to perform package installations, and verification of install,
- epymorph — EpiMoRPH spatial disease modeling
- EQL-NN — A Tensorflow implementation of the Equation Learning Based Neural Network Model
- eqsolver — Define model from system of equations, algebraically solve for variables, calculate boiling point, latent heat, other physics gas concepts
- equation-database — A collection of equations
- equation-sampler — Tool to sample equations
- equation-scraper — This package scrapes Wikipedia for equations, parses the equations, and builds priors of operations and functions.
- equation-tree — Describe your contribution
- EquationPlot — A library to plot mathematical equations on a graph.
- equatorpy — An advanced symbolic calculator and maths interpreter
- ergodicity — A Python library for ergodicity economics and time-average analysis.
- error-solver — Estimates propagation error tolerances for systems of equations.
- errorpp — Automatically propagate the error in an expression symbolically
- esil — commonly used functions written by Devin Long
- esma — Quantum Espresso automation tool
- eso-names — no summary
- essm — Environmental Science using Symbolic Math.
- estatbr — Uma biblioteca para Mudar sua experiencia em estatistica no python
- etfba — ETFBA is a package for constraints-based metabolic flux analysis
- evalscope — EvalScope: Lightweight LLMs Evaluation Framework
- eventdetector-ts — EventDetector introduces a universal event detection method for multivariate time series. Unlike traditional deep-learning methods, it's regression-based, requiring only reference events. The robust stacked ensemble, from Feed-Forward Neural Networks to Transformers, ensures accuracy by mitigating biases. The package supports practical implementation, excelling in detecting events with precision, validated across diverse domains.
- Evince — A visualization framework for the Hylleraas Software Platform
- evm-warp — Transpile EVM-Compatible Languages To Cairo
- evo-tools — Evolutionary programming tools
- evolutionary-forest — An open source python library for automated feature engineering based on Genetic Programming
- excursor — no summary
- executorch — no summary
- EXgen — Exercise and Exam generating library for electrical engineering.
- ExMechEva — Evaluation of experimental mechanics data
- expertsystem — no summary
- expr-codegen — symbol expression to polars expression tool
- expressive — A library for quickly applying symbolic expressions to NumPy arrays
- ExtendedMinuit — Extension library for Minuit Class
- f9columnar — Columnar analysis utils.
- f9ml — JSI F9 machine learning framework.
- face-tagger — A library for face recognition in multiple images and classification of photos containing each individual.
- fake-check — baseline deepcheck module
- faspy — A python package for financial instruments
- faspy2 — A python package for financial instruments
- fast-tts — no summary
- fast-wave — Package for the calculation of the time-independent wavefunction.
- fastr — Workflow creation and batch execution environment.
- fastrk — FastRK, a generator of fast jit-compiled code for ODE propagation by ERK methods with adaptive step and events
- faultdiagnosistoolbox — A toolbox for Model Based Fault Diagnosis of dynamic systems based on structural analysis