Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- mappymatch — Pure python package for map-matching.
- mario — no summary
- marshmallow-cbor — Marshmallow support for CBOR encoding
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- matchclot — Installable matchclot package.
- matplitlib-terminal — Render matplotlib plots in terminal.
- matplotlib-radar — Radar chart for matplotlib
- matplotlib-terminal — Render matplotlib plots in terminal.
- matricity — Embedded domain-specific library for implicitly and explicitly encoding functions as matrices that operate on domains of one-hot vectors.
- matrix-nio — A Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/O principles.
- matrixctl — Control, manage, provision and deploy matrix homeservers.
- mattersim — MatterSim: A Deep Learning Atomistic Model Across Elements, Temperatures and Pressures.
- mbtest — Python wrapper & utils for the Mountebank over the wire test double tool.
- mc-plugin-helper — Minecraft plugin helper, updates and checks versions of all plugins on a server!
- mchammers — A toy package for sampling posteriors. Our final project for APC 524 at Princeton University.
- mcmctoolbox — MCMC Algorithms
- mcodegpt — mCodeGPT
- mcodegpthippa — mcodegpthippa
- mdgo — A codebase for MD simulation setup and results analysis.
- mdslicer — A library to slice a markdown file into HTML sections.
- medmodels — Limebit Medmodels Package
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- mellow-strategy-sdk — Framework for creating new Uniswap V3 strategies
- memories-dev — Collective Memory Infrastructure for AGI
- mergeplg — A great package.
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- messagebus — Lightweight message bus library designed for event-driven architectures.
- meta-package-manager — 🎁 wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
- metabeyond — Metadata for Python
- metabolike — Build graph database from BRENDA and BioCyc for studying reprogrammed metabolisms.
- metachat — Spatial metabolic communication flow of single cells.
- metadsl — Library to help create DSLs in Python.
- metaspace-converter — Convert Metaspace datasets to AnnData
- metasyn — Package for creating synthetic datasets while preserving privacy.
- metatable — Extensible table data structure that supports concise workflow descriptions via user-defined combinators.
- metricq — A highly-scalable, distributed metric data processing framework based on RabbitMQ
- metricq-sink-nsca — no summary
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- metroscore — no summary
- microbenthos — Modeling framework for microbenthic habitats useful for studies in biogeochemistry and marine microbial ecology.
- microscope-napari — Nanobiosensorics microscopic napari plugin.
- milespy — Wrapper for the MILES spectral library
- mindee — Mindee API helper library for Python
- minecraft-resource-pack — A Python library reading Minecraft's various resource pack formats.
- minty-config — Retrieving of specific instance configuration and caching
- minty-ddd — Minty Command and Query based on DDD
- minty-infrastructure — Application Services for Zaaksysteem
- mistral-v0.2-jax — JAX implementation of the Mistral v0.2 base model.
- mitiq — Mitiq is an open source toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on most current intermediate-scale quantum computers.
- MiV-OS — Python software for analysis and computing framework used in MiV project.
- mjinx — Numerical Inverse Kinematics based on JAX + MJX
- ml2json — A safe, transparent way to share and deploy scikit-learn models.
- mlcompare — Quickly compare machine learning models across libraries and datasets.
- mloptimizer — mloptimizer is a Python library for optimizing hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms using genetic algorithms.
- mlshell — Ml framework.
- mlx-graphs — Graph Neural Network library made for Apple Silicon
- mlx-optimizers — no summary
- mlxplain — An open platform for accelerating the development of eXplainable AI systems
- mmit — A Python package for computer vision experiments and research.
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- modrover — Model space explorer for inference and prediction
- mofchecker — Perform sanity checks for MOFs.
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- moffragmentor — Splits MOFs into metal nodes and linkers.
- mold2-pywrapper — Python wrapper for Mold2 descriptors
- moleculetda — Toolkit for using topological data analysis representations.
- molspotter — Identify silly molecules
- momotor-bundles — Momotor bundle reader, writer, tools
- momotor-django — Momotor bindings for the Django project
- momotor-engine-options — Momotor Engine Options Library
- momotor-engine-proto — Momotor Engine Protocol Library
- momotor-engine-shared — Momotor Engine shared code
- monkeybread — Analyze cellular niches in single-cell spatial transcriptomics data
- montepy — A library for reading, editing, and writing MCNP input files
- more-node2vec — Utilities for node2vec and gensim
- morphocut — Image processing pipeline
- morphomapping — Analyze ImageStream Data
- mortgage — Mortgage Calculator
- moscot — Multi-omic single-cell optimal transport tools
- motile — Multi-Object Tracker using Integer Linear Equations
- mp-pyrho — Tools for re-griding periodic volumetric quantum chemistry data for machine-learning purposes.
- mp3monitoring — Monitors a folder and copies mp3s to another folder.
- mpire — A Python package for easy multiprocessing, but faster than multiprocessing
- mqt.bench — MQT Bench - A MQT tool for Benchmarking Quantum Software Tools
- mqt.ddsim — A quantum simulator based on decision diagrams written in C++
- mqt.debugger — A quantum circuit debugging tool
- mqt.predictor — MQT Predictor - A MQT tool for Determining Good Quantum Circuit Compilation Options
- mqt.qao — MQT Quantum Auto Optimizer: Automatic Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Quantum Computers
- mqt.qecc — QECC - An MQT Tool for Quantum Error Correcting Codes
- mqt-qubomaker — A tool for the automatic generation and combination of QUBO formulations for specific problem classes.
- mr4mp — Thin MapReduce-like layer that wraps the Python multiprocessing library.
- MRpro — MR image reconstruction and processing package specifically developed for PyTorch.
- mrtool — Featured nonlinear mixed effects model
- mrvi — Multi-resolution Variational Inference
- ms-graph-exporter — A distributed Celery application to export time-domain data periodically from Microsoft Graph API into a buffer key-value store.
- msca — Mathematical sciences and computational algorithms
- msfc-ccd — A Python library for characterizing and using the CCD cameras developed by Marshall Space Flight Center.
- mstache — mstache, Mustache for Python
- mubind — ML for biomolecular binding
- mufasa — MUlti-component Fitter for Astrophysical Spectral Applications