Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- oop-ext — OOP Extensions is a set of utilities for object oriented programming not found on Python's standard library.
- opacus — Train PyTorch models with Differential Privacy
- open-source-sdk — Template for the Python Civil Engineering library.
- openapi2callables — Parse and project OpenAPI endpoints into OpenAI/GenericLLM compatible Tools
- openbiolink — A framework for the OpenBioLink knowledge graph
- OpenELM — Evolution Through Large Models
- openeo — Client API for openEO
- openlineage-python — OpenLineage Python Client
- openqaoa-core — OpenQAOA is a python open-source multi-backend Software Development Kit to create, customise and execute the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, and simulators
- openssh-key-parser — Parse and pack OpenSSH private and public key files
- openssh-key-parser3.8 — OpensshKeyParser library
- openvino-model-api — Model API: model wrappers and pipelines for inference with OpenVINO
- openwebui-token-tracking — A library to facilitate token tracking and limiting in Open WebUI.
- opl — Open-MBEE Python Library
- opredflag — A script which automatically updates OPRF standard asset files from the OpRedFlag repository
- optax — A gradient processing and optimization library in JAX.
- optika — A Python library for simulating optical systems, similar to Zemax
- optree — Optimized PyTree Utilities.
- oqs-licensing — Licensing module of Orange Quantum Systems
- orbix — A JAX library of functions useful for exoplanet simulations
- os-release — A module for reading systemd's os-release information on modern Linux distributions.
- osaft — An Open-Source Python Library For Acoustofluidics
- osier — osier: A justice oriented energy system optimization tool
- osmg — OpenSees Model Generator
- otc — Oblivious transfer (OT) communications protocol message/response functionality implementations based on Curve25519 and the Ristretto group.
- ott-jax — Optimal Transport Tools in JAX
- ouster-sdk — Ouster Sensor SDK
- oximachine-featurizer — Mine MOF oxidation states and featurize metal sites.
- oximachinerunner — Run the oximachine
- pachyderm — Physics Analysis Core for Heavy-Ions
- pachypy — Python client library for Pachyderm
- packagename-jarne — Example project for sphinx python.
- pade-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- pade-python-dependencies — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Dependencies
- pado — cloud-native dataset library for accessing histopathological datasets
- pandas-ml-utils — Augment pandas DataFrame with methods for machine learning
- pandera — A light-weight and flexible data validation and testing tool for statistical data objects.
- papyrus-scripts — A collection of scripts to handle the Papyrus bioactivity dataset
- papyrus-structure-pipeline — Papyrus Structure Pipeline
- paquo — library for interacting with QuPath
- paramak — Create 3D fusion reactor CAD models based on input parameters
- paramax — Parameterizations and parameter constraints for JAX PyTrees.
- parasolr — Lightweight python library for Solr indexing, searching and schema management with optional Django integration.
- parfive — A HTTP and FTP parallel file downloader.
- parlai — Unified platform for dialogue research.
- parsli — Earth data viewers
- partis-utils — Collection of text and functional utilities
- parts — Minimal library that enables partitioning of iterable collections in a concise manner.
- PartSeg — PartSeg is python GUI and set of napari plugins for bio imaging analysis especially nucleus analysis,
- pasmopy — Patient-Specific Modeling in Python
- patchguard — A way to view your renovate status across gitlab projects
- pathfinding3d — Pathfinding algorithms in 3D grids (based on python-pathfinding)
- patito — A dataframe modelling library built on top of polars and pydantic.
- patternpiece — no summary
- pbpl-test — Python package for working with numerical systems of units
- pcap-ct — Python wrapper for the pcap library.
- peaklets — Decompose a 1D positive signal using only positive basis functions
- pep621 — PEP 621 metadata parsing
- pepsift — Identify peptides and derivatives from small molecule datasets
- perennial — Journaling kit for long-term self-analysis.
- perfsprocket — Manipulate file sequences with ease!
- perplexity-correlations — Simple and scalable tools for great pretraining data selection.
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- perun — Measure the energy used by your MPI+Python applications.
- petab-select — PEtab Select: an extension to PEtab for model selection.
- PG-SUI — Python machine and deep learning package to impute missing SNPs
- pgcom — PostgreSQL communication manager
- pgfinder — Peptidoglycan analysis
- phantom-types — Phantom types for Python
- phoebusgen — Screen generator for CS-Studio Phoebus displays
- photoprysm — A Python client for interacting the the Photoprism REST API.
- pi-base — Framework for creating Raspberry Pi appliances.
- pidb — Population Imaging Database (pidb) is a tool for collecting derived data in population imaging studies.
- piel — Photonic Integrated Electronics: microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.
- pigreads — Python-integrated GPU-enabled reaction diffusion solver
- pillow-affine — Affine transformation utilities for pillow
- pipefunc — A Python library for defining, managing, and executing function pipelines.
- pipelinex — PipelineX: Python package to build ML pipelines for experimentation with Kedro, MLflow, and more
- pipertool — Piper is an open-source platform for data science and machine learning prototyping.
- pkg-about — Shares Python package metadata at runtime.
- pkgpy-aam-kedro0182 — no summary
- platformdirs — A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a `user data dir`.
- plenoptic — Python library for model-based stimulus synthesis.
- pliers — Multimodal feature extraction in Python
- pluralkit — Python wrapper for PluralKit's API.
- pmark — PMark - Python Benchmark, A Simple yet intuitive python process benchmarking utility
- podcastfy — An Open Source alternative to NotebookLM's podcast feature: Transforming Multimodal Content into Captivating Multilingual Audio Conversations with GenAI
- polartoolkit — Helpful tools for polar researchers
- poligrain — Effortlessly plot and compare (rainfall) sensor data with point, line and grid geometry.
- PolyDeDupe — no summary
- popv — Consensus prediction of cell type labels with popV
- portmod — A CLI package manager for mods
- povm_toolbox — A toolbox for the implementation of positive operator-valued measures (POVMs).
- powerapi — PowerAPI is a middleware toolkit for building software-defined power meters.
- pplkit — Pipeline building toolkit
- pptx-replace — python package for replaceing elemnets in pptx files
- pqdata — Parquet-based serialization for scverse
- predictionguard — Create controlled and compliant AI systems with PredictionGuard.
- preheat-open — Python wrapper for Neogrid Technologies' REST API
- pricetool — no summary