Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- tinybio — Minimal pure-Python library that implements a basic version of a secure decentralized biometric authentication functionality via a secure multi-party computation protocol.
- tinybook — Minimal pure-Python library that demonstrates a basic workflow for an encrypted order book by leveraging a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol.
- tinyhost — no summary
- tinynmc — Minimal pure-Python implementation of a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for evaluating arithmetic sum-of-products expressions via a non-interactive computation phase.
- tinysig — Pure-Python implementation of a threshold ecdsa signature scheme based on a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for evaluating arithmetic sum-of-products expressions via a non-interactive computation phase.
- tinyspace — no summary
- tinyvote — Minimal pure-Python library that demonstrates a basic encrypted voting workflow by leveraging a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol.
- tkinter-tooltip — An easy and customisable ToolTip implementation for Tkinter
- tno.quantum.communication.qkd-key-rate — Quantum communication key-rate modules
- — Quantum VC module
- — Machine Learning Datasets module
- tokenvault — A lightweight package to manage tokens in your application in a single encrypted file and asymmetric token encryption.
- tom-pittgoogle — Pitt-Google broker module for the TOM Toolkit
- tomoscan — "utilitary to access tomography data at esrf"
- tomwer — "tomography workflow tools"
- too-easy — no summary
- top-framework — Python framework for creating UNIX top like TUI applications easily
- torch-max-mem — Maximize memory utilization with PyTorch.
- torch-ppr — (Personalized) Page-Rank computation using PyTorch
- torch-ransac3d — A high-performance implementation of 3D RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) algorithm using PyTorch and CUDA.
- torchgmm — Run Gaussian Mixture Models on single or multiple CPUs/GPUs
- torchhull — A fast Visual Hull implementation
- torchidl — Official package of Implicit Deep Learning and State-driven Implicit Models
- torchkbnufft — A high-level, easy-to-deploy non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform in PyTorch.
- torchmdo — Multidisciplinary design optimization made fast with PyTorch and modern automatic differentiation.
- torchsynth — A modular synthesizer in pytorch, GPU-optional and differentiable
- TorusImaging — Inferring the Galactic mass distribution with stellar labels
- tox-backtick — Backticks tox plugin for tox v.4.x.x.
- tp-chaos-generator — no summary
- trabalho-individual-2022-2-jvsdurso — Dependências deste projeto.
- trabalho-individual-2022-2-lameque — no summary
- traced — A tracing library for Python functions with experiment tracking
- tracerepo — Fracture & lineament data management.
- tracesql — no summary
- trampolim — A modern Python build backend
- transpolibre — Automate translation of gettext PO files using LibreTranslate
- treedata — anndata with trees
- treeple — Modern decision trees in Python
- trinkgelage — A beer tapping demo.
- trisicell — Trisicell - Scalable tumor phylogeny reconstruction and validation from single-cell data
- trivector — Convert an image into a SVG vector image composed of triangular sectors.
- tscat — A library which stores, loads and filters time-series-events and catalogues.
- tsipy — Python package for processing TSI signals.
- tuned-lens — Tools for understanding how transformer predictions are built layer-by-layer
- twat-audio — Audio processing plugin for TWAT
- twat-os — Operating system utilities for twat
- twat-search — Web search plugin for twat
- tybles — Tybles: simple schemas for Pandas dataframes
- typeguard — Run-time type checker for Python
- typing-inspect-isle — a python template
- ubatch — Micro batch solution for improve throughput in SIMD processes
- uhid — no summary
- umls-downloader — Automate downloading UMLS data.
- unacatlib — Unacat Python client
- uncover-ml — Machine learning tools for the Geoscience Australia uncover project
- unidep — Unified Conda and Pip requirements management.
- unidown — Universal downloader, a modular extensible downloader who manage progress and updates.
- unittest-templates — Write less unittest boilerplate.
- upf-tools — Tools for handling .upf (Unified Pseudopotential Format) files
- UQpy — UQpy is a general purpose toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification
- ustache — ustache, Mustache for Python
- validate-pyproject-schema-store — A plugin set for validate-pyproject and schema-store.
- valkey-dict — Dictionary with Valkey as storage backend
- vallenae — Extract and analyze Acoustic Emission measurement data
- valtdb — A secure and flexible database library with encryption and remote access
- vanguard-gp — Various easy-to-use extensions for Gaussian process models and a framework for composition of extensions.
- vault-cli — CLI tool for hashicorp vault
- vdoc — Multi version documentation hosting.
- vegoia — Python adaptive plotting library
- velovi — Estimation of RNA velocity with variational inference.
- Verbex — Python verbal based regular expressions
- version-bumper — Python package version utility to bump a version by parts.
- Vessel — Manage dynamic data.
- viewdom-wired — Injectable and plugabble components and services for viewdom
- virt-s3 — A Virtualitics S3 Utility Library with Local File System Mirror.
- visions — Visions
- visualtorch — Architecture visualization of Torch models
- vivarium — vivarium is a microsimulation framework built on top of the standard scientific python stack.
- vivarium-cluster-tools — A set of tools for running simulation using vivarium on cluster.
- vivarium-inputs — Transformations and artifact building for the vivarium microsimulation project.
- vivarium-public-health — Components for modelling diseases, risks, and interventions with ``vivarium``
- vizdet — Vizualization for Detection and Tracking
- vk-url-scraper — Scrape VK URLs to fetch info and media - python API or command line tool.
- vo-models — Pydantic data models for IVOA protocols
- vocabuilder — Vocabulary builder for language learners
- voraus-opcua-generator — A library for robots that helps with a lot of things.
- voxelgym2D — Gym environment for 2D grid path planning
- vp-suite — A Framework for Training and Evaluating Video Prediction Models
- vqls-prototype — Repository for a quantum prototype
- vscode-cli-helpers — Open files (with templates) in VSCode from the command line
- vstutils — VST Utils Framework for fast create web-application
- vtc — A SMTPE video timecode library for Python
- VWS-Test-Fixtures — Test fixtures for testing code which works with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API
- wags-tails — Data acquisition tools for Wagnerds
- watts — Workflow and Template Toolkit for Simulation
- waveline — Library to easily interface with Vallen Systeme WaveLineâ„¢ devices
- wax-ml — A Python library for machine-learning and feedback loops on streaming data
- weatherlink-live-local — Read current weather data from Davis WeatherLink Live units + connected sensors
- web3-ethereum-defi — Integrate DeFi trading and and analytics for Uniswap, Aave, PancakeSwap, Trader Joe, QuickSwap and many others.
- websauna — Websauna is a full stack Python web framework for building web services and back offices with admin interface and sign up process.