Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- apa-logbook-parser — logbook-parser_short_description
- apicuron-client — A client for interacting with APICURON
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- archinfo — Classes with architecture-specific information useful to other projects.
- arctic-training — Snowflake LLM training library
- arduiglitch — Python module for the eponym voltage glitch training. Contains everything required to run the tutorials.
- arfs — All Relevant Feature Selection and Maximal Relevant minimal redundancy FS
- arptools — CLI tools to do network analysis with ARP packets.
- array-api-jax-compat — Array-API JAX compatibility
- arrow — Better dates & times for Python
- artemis_sg — Package for generating Google slide decks
- artkit — This section of the documentation provides detailed information
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- ask-pypi — Ask PyPI about whether a Python Package has alread been released/registered under a given name.
- asmlib — Tooling package for the computer architecture course at Graz University of Technology.
- asphalt — A microframework for network oriented applications
- asphalt-exceptions — Exception reporter component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-mailer — Mailer component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-py4j — Py4J integration component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-redis — Redis integration component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-serialization — Serialization component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-sqlalchemy — SQLAlchemy integration component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-templating — Templating component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-wamp — WAMP client component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-web — Web framework integrations for the Asphalt framework
- assembled — Efficiently Benchmarking Ensembles in AutoML
- assuan — Python module and tools for communicating in the Assuan protocol.
- astir — no summary
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astrocompute — A general purpose package for astronomy calculations.
- astromer — Creates light curves embeddings using ASTROMER
- astrostarfish — Covariance tools for fitting stellar spectra
- async-redis-objects — Object oriented interface to aioredis.
- asyncio-extras — Asynchronous generators, context managers and more for asyncio
- asynciojobs — A simplistic orchestration engine for asyncio-based jobs
- asynctnt — A fast Tarantool Database connector for Python/asyncio.
- ataraxis-automation — Provides scripts that support tox-based development automation pipelines used by other Sun Lab projects.
- ataraxis-base-utilities — Provides a minimalistic set of shared utility functions used to support most other Sun Lab projects.
- ataraxis-communication-interface — Enables interfacing with custom hardware modules running on Arduino or Teensy microcontrollers through Python interface clients.
- ataraxis-data-structures — Provides classes and structures for storing, manipulating, and sharing data between Python processes.
- ataraxis-time — Provides a sub-microsecond-precise thread-safe timer and helper methods to work with date and time data.
- ataraxis-transport-layer-pc — Provides methods for establishing and maintaining bidirectional communication with Arduino and Teensy microcontrollers over USB or UART serial interfaces.
- ataraxis-video-system — Interfaces with a wide range of cameras to flexibly record visual stream data as images or videos.
- atlas-schema — Helper python package for ATLAS Common NTuple Analysis work.
- atomdriver-qc — An standardized interface to QM Codes
- attribench — A benchmark for feature attribution techniques
- Audyn — A PyTorch toolkit for audio synthesis.
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- authorship — Format author lists for academic texts and journal submissions.
- auto-intersphinx — Automatic links direct project dependencies to the intersphinx catalog
- auto-uncertainties — Linear Uncertainty Propagation with Auto-Differentiation
- autogluon-contrib-nlp — MXNet GluonNLP Toolkit (DeepNumpy Version)
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- avfilters — Common Audio and Video filters
- awflow — Reusable acyclic workflows in Python. Execute code on HPC systems as if you executed them on your laptop!
- aws-fortuna — A Library for Uncertainty Quantification.
- awsec — A handy little helper for security related tasks in aws
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- azkv — CLI client for the Azure Key Vault data plane
- B-HIT — A Python package for the identification, characterization and comparison of spatial clusters from spatial -omics data.
- b3q — Boto3 utility library that supports parameter-driven and predicate-driven retrieval of collections of AWS resources.
- baec — Python SDK to create Model Generators and add them into the BAEC platform.
- bagpy — A python class to facilitate the reading of rosbag file based on semantic datatypes.
- ballet — Core functionality for lightweight, collaborative data science projects
- basic-utils — A simple set of Python utils
- basin3d — BASIN-3D Core Framework
- batch-inference — Batch Inference
- batchglm — Fast and scalable fitting of over-determined generalized-linear models (GLMs)
- batconf — Application configuration tool from the BAT project
- batsim-py — Batsim-py allows using Batsim from Python 3.
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bcp — This is a python utility that allows users to import/export data to/from a database.
- bdsim — Simulate dynamic systems expressed in block diagram form using Python
- beaker-py — A Python Beaker client
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- befordata — BeFoR-Data structure for handling behavioural force data
- behave4cli — This project provides an extension (testing domain) of behave to test commands and command-line interfaces (console apps).
- behave4git — This project provides an extension (testing domain) of Behave to use Git and GitLab (and GitHub in the near future).
- bel-commons — A web application exposing core PyBEL functionalities
- berconpy — An async wrapper for the BattlEye RCON protocol
- bestlab_platform — Packages to access APIs for different platforms
- betterfunctions — A lib with python function improvements
- bewegung — a versatile video renderer
- bfb-delivery — Tools to help plan deliveries for Bellingham Food Bank.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- binney — binney: logistic regression tool-kit
- bio2bel — A framework for converting biological data sources to BEL
- bio2bel-adeptus — Bio2BEL ADEPTUS.
- bio2bel-chebi — A package for converting ChEBI to BEL
- bio2bel-drugbank — A package for converting DrugBank to BEL
- bio2bel-entrez — A package for parsing and storing Entrez Gene
- bio2bel-famplex — Downloader, parser, and BEL converter for FamPlex
- bio2bel-hgnc — A package for converting HGNC to BEL
- bio2bel-hsdn — Converts the human symptoms-disease network produced by Zhou and Himmelstein to BEL
- bio2bel-kegg — A package for converting KEGG gene sets into BEL
- bio2bel-mirbase — Convert miRBase to BEL
- bio2bel-mirtarbase — A package for converting miRTarBase to BEL
- bio2bel-msig — A package for converting MSigDB gene sets into BEL
- bio2bel-sider — Bio2BEL SIDER.
- bio2bel-wikipathways — A package for converting Wikipathways to BEL