Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- execlib — Lightweight multi-threaded job framework
- explabox — Explore/examine/explain/expose your model with the explabox!
- exporgo — Experiment organizer
- extra-platforms — Detect platforms and group them by family
- ezcord — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- f2py-cmake — CMake helpers for building F2Py modules
- f3-data-models — The data schema and models for F3 Nation applications.
- fabrictestbed-extensions — FABRIC Python Client Library and CLI Extensions
- fact-explorer — A fast and simple tool to explore facts.
- fact-lake — A datalake that is keeping up to date with your factcast
- fai — FAI script integration lib
- fairsharing-client — A client to the FAIRsharing API
- fakecbed — A Python library for generating quickly images that imitate convergent beam electron diffraction patterns.
- fal — fal is an easy-to-use Serverless Python Framework
- fal-client — Python client for
- fancytypes — Contains a base class representing an updatable parameter set that is equipped with methods to facilitate parameter data serialization and validation.
- fano — A Python library for modeling the Fano factor and pair-creation energy of silicon
- fast-tsp — A fast TSP solver with Python bindings
- fastapi-cb — Circuit Breaker implementation for FastAPI.
- fastapi-serviceutils — Utils for fastapi based services.
- fasthep-flow — Convert YAML into a workflow DAG
- fastiot — FastIoT Platform
- fastkml — Fast KML processing in python
- fastpack — Module to help initialize Python projects
- fava — Web interface for the accounting tool Beancount.
- fcdocs — no summary
- FeatherPy — A python package to combine radio as
- ffsim — Faster simulations of fermionic quantum circuits.
- ffy00.packaging — Collection of packaging related utilities
- fiddy — Finite difference methods.
- figure-parser — Parser for figure
- filelock — A platform independent file lock.
- filigran-sseclient — Python API client for OpenCTI.
- finntk — Finnish NLP toolkit
- FinQuant — A program for financial portfolio management, analysis and optimisation
- firebase-messaging — FCM/GCM push notification client
- fitmulticell — Fit multi-cellular and multi-scale models
- fitscube — A package to produce produce FITS cubes.
- fknni — Fast implementations of KNN imputation.
- flasc — FLASC provides a rich suite of analysis tools for SCADA data filtering & analysis, wind farm model validation, field experiment design, and field experiment monitoring.
- flask-paseto-extended — PASETO (Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens) for Flask applications.
- flats — Minimal library that enables flattening of nested instances of iterable containers.
- flogin — A Python wrapper for Flow Launcher's v2 python api
- flood-forecast — An open source framework for deep time series forecasting and classfication built with PyTorch.
- flory — Python package for finding coexisting phases in multicomponent mixtures
- flosy — A fastApi based osquery management adapter with Loki persistence
- flowjax — Easy to use distributions, bijections and normalizing flows in JAX.
- fluvii — A simple Kafka streams implementation in Python using confluent-kafka-python
- fluxus — *fluxus* is designed to handle data flows in a pipeline-like manner. It provides a
- fme — Train and evaluate weather/climate model emulators
- fmf-jinja — Jinja-style templater using fmf metadata
- fmmax — Fourier modal method with Jax
- fmu.dataio — Facilitate data io in FMU with rich metadata
- fmu-sumo — Python package for interacting with Sumo in an FMU setting
- fmu-tools — Library for various tools and scripts within Fast Model Update
- folktexts — Use LLMs to get classification risk scores on tabular tasks.
- foocheck — A username checker
- FORD — FORD (FORtran Documenter) is an automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs.
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- formulaic-contrasts — Build contrasts for models defined with formulaic
- fortls — fortls - Fortran Language Server
- fosfairy — TFs, IEGs and more!
- fountains — Python library for generating and concisely specifying reproducible pseudorandom binary data for unit testing.
- fours — Data post-processing for high-contrast imaging with the 4S Algorithm.
- fragment-qc — A Fragmentation Framework
- FreeGS — Free boundary Grad-Shafranov solver for tokamak plasma equilibria
- freeqdsk — GEQDSK and AEQDSK tokamak equilibrium file reader/writer
- fs-synapse — A Synapse implementation of the PyFileSystem2 interface
- fsactl — Install and update MSFS2020 addons
- functions-cache — cache functions output with auto refresh everytime you call it
- fur — A very soft python package.
- furst-optics — A model of the optical design for the Full-sun Ultraviolet Rocket Spectrometer (FURST).
- fusets — Time Series Fusion toolbox integrated with openEO
- fusor — Computable object representation and validation for gene fusions
- gaitalytics — easy gait-metrics for everyone
- galahad — Machine learning model server that can predict AND train
- galax — Galactic Dynamics in Jax.
- gamma-facet — Human-explainable AI.
- gamma-pytools — A collection of Python extensions and tools used in BCG GAMMA's open-source libraries.
- garm-rate-limiter — Rate Limiter for Flask
- garmi-gui — The GARMI gui.
- garmi-parti — Teleoperation between Garmi and Parti
- gaston-spatial — GASTON: interpretable deep learning model for spatial transcriptomics
- gateway-provisioners — Gateway Provisioners - a package containing kernel provisioners supporting the deployment of remote and resource-managed kernels.
- gbd-mapping — A programmatically accessible mapping of gbd entities.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- geb — GEB simulates the environment, the individual behaviour of people, households and organizations - including their interactions - at small and large scale.
- geezlit — Ge'ez Script Transliteration
- gefslim — A minimal reader for .gef files
- gene-normalizer — VICC normalization routines for genes
- generate-changelog — Generate a changelog file from a local git checkout
- generate-sequences — no summary
- generic-lexer — A generic pattern-based Lexer/tokenizer tool.
- genestboost — General boosting framework for any regression estimator
- genomic-features — Genomic annotations using BioConductor resources in Python.
- GenRisk — Comprehensive genetic risk assessment
- geo-rasterizer — Package to rasterize shapes in a geodataframe to a reference geotif.
- GeoCS — Coherent sets for Geophysical trajectories.
- geome — Geometric Learning for Genome Data