Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- multi-slit-solar-explorer — A model of the optical design for the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE).
- multibeast — no summary
- multiconsumers-queue — Wrapper for queue based producer/consumers parallel tasks execution
- multimil — Multimodal weakly supervised learning to identify disease-specific changes in single-cell atlases
- multinterp — Multivariate Interpolation.
- munkres-rmsd — Proper RMSD calculation between molecules using the Kuhn-Munkres Hungarian algorithm.
- musify — A Swiss Army knife for programmatic music library management
- muygpys — Scalable Approximate Gaussian Process using Sparse Kriging
- mvdate — Move files to directories based on created date
- MZT — Package to host DeepLearning modules for pytorch ecosystem, to ease out model implementations.
- nabqr — NABQR is a method for sequential error-corrections tailored for wind power forecast in Denmark
- named-arrays — Numpy arrays with labeled axes, similar to xarray but with support for uncertainties
- naming — Object-oriented names for the digital era.
- napari-dab-cellcount — A napari plugin for counting cells.
- napari-locan — Use locan methods in napari for single-molecule localization microscopy data.
- napari-prism — A Python package for the inteRactive and Integrated analySis of Multiplexed tissue microarrays
- napari-spatialdata — Interactive visualization of spatial omics data with napari
- narchi — A framework for defining, validating and visualizing neural network architectures.
- naturtag — Tag your nature photos with iNat taxonomy and observation metadata
- naz — Naz is an async SMPP client.
- ndfilters — Similar to the filters in `scipy.ndimage` but accelerated using Numba
- ndmanager — Managing you nuclear data collection
- ndn-hydra — ndn-hydra: An NDN distributed repository with resiliency coded in python.
- ndn-hydra-repo — ndn-hydra: An NDN distributed repository with resiliency coded in python.
- ndn-svs — The NDN State Vector Sync (SVS) Protocol in Python 3
- ndoptimize — Numba-accelerated minimization of objective functions.
- nectarchain — Analysis chain for the CTA MSTN NectarCAM prototype
- nemos — NEural MOdelS, a statistical modeling framework for neuroscience.
- neo3-python — Python SDK for the NEO 3 blockchain
- neo4j-etl-lib — Building blocks for ETL pipelines.
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- netauth — NetAuth client library
- netdumplings — A framework for distributed network packet sniffing and processing.
- netket — Netket : Machine Learning toolbox for many-body quantum systems.
- networkunit — A SciUnit library for validation testing of spiking networks.
- networkx-gdf — Python package to read and write NetworkX graphs in GDF (Graph Data Format).
- networkx-temporal — Python package to build and manipulate dynamic NetworkX graphs.
- neura-roboticstoolbox — roboticstoolbox-python with Maira7M
- neuralcompression — A collection of tools for neural compression enthusiasts
- neurobeam — Neuroscience Experiments Using Real-time Optogenetics, Behavior, and Microscopy
- neurolog — Neurolog (pre-alpha)
- neurosnap — Collection of useful bioinformatic functions and tools for various computational biology pipelines.
- neutronics-material-maker — A tool for making reproducible materials and standardizing use across several neutronics codes
- new-python-github-project — Create a new Python project on GitHub
- newclid — Symbolic solver for geometric problems.
- newtonprop — Python reference implementation of the Newton propagator for quantum dynamics
- nextstrain-augur — A bioinformatics toolkit for phylogenetic analysis
- ngrok-api — ngrok HTTP API client library
- nialog — JSON logging setup for Python.
- nichecompass — End-to-end analysis of spatial multi-omics data
- nichejepa — Spatial omics foundation model
- nima — Numerical IMage Analyses.
- nima-io — A project to read microscopy files.
- Nimbus-Inference — A model for classification of cells into marker positive / negative
- ninjadog — Pug template support in Python
- njx — NJX is a library for morphologically and bio-physically detailed neuron simulations in JAX.
- nodeps — Python helpers and utilities with no dependencies
- nodriver — [Docs here](
- NORBY — Communication via telegram bot when bash command finishes executing
- npyfile — NumPy File
- nrel.hive — HIVE is a mobility services research platform developed by the Mobility and Advanced Powertrains (MBAP) group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, USA.
- nrl — Network representation learning in Python
- nrstitcher-utils — NRStitcher utils for esrf usage
- nsidc-iceflow — Harmonized access to (pre)OIB/IceSAT/IceSAT2 data
- nufhe — A GPU implementation of fully homomorphic encryption on torus
- numpy-onlinestats — Online statistics for Numpy arrays.
- numthreads — Set the number of threads for OpenBLAS, MKL, OMP, NumExpr, and Accelerate.
- nun — A Python package for the most blessid.
- nustattools — Statistical tools for neutrino physics
- nxbench — A centralized benchmarking suite to facilitate comparative profiling of tools across graph analytic libraries and datasets
- nxlu — Natural Language Understanding of Network Topology
- nxtomo — module to create / edit NXtomo application
- nxtomomill — "applications and library to convert raw format to NXTomo format"
- oaios — oaios django: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Server
- oakx-grape — oakx-grape
- oakx-spacy — oakx-spacy
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- object_condensation — Efficient implementations of the Object Condensation losses (Jan Kieseler, 2020)
- objectlib — Object serialization and streaming utilities
- obnb — A Python toolkit for biological network learning evaluation
- obsplus — An ObsPy exapanson pack
- occlib — a python template for the Open Cinema Collective
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- oceanbolt.sdk — A Python wrapper around the Oceanbolt client API
- ocx-xml — Package for working with the python lxml library when parsing OCX XML files, see
- odapt — File conversion package.
- odc-stac — Tooling for converting STAC metadata to ODC data model
- Odte — Oblique decision tree Ensemble.
- ogtk — General tools for genomics and lineage tracing
- olmocr — no summary
- ols-client — A client to the EBI Ontology Lookup Service
- ome2024-ngff-challenge — Tools for converting OME-Zarr data within the ome2024-ngff-challenge (see
- omni-archive — A generic archive reader and writer for various archive formats.
- omnipath — Python client for the OmniPath web service
- oncvpsp-tools — Tools for handling input and output files of oncvpsp.x
- onemod — An orchestration package for statistical modeling pipelines.
- ontogpt — OntoGPT
- ontolog — Ontolog indexer (pre-alpha)
- ontoportal-client — A client to BioPortal and other OntoPortal instances.
- ooipy — toolbox for downloading and analyzing OOI hydrophone data