Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- printree — Pretty print python objects in a tree format.
- prior — no summary
- probconcept — no summary
- prodec — A package to calculate protein sequence descriptors
- products — Simple function for building ensembles of iterables that are disjoint partitions of an overall Cartesian product.
- prog-shojin-util — extracting and filtering problems from AtCoder, Yukicoder, and more.
- progressbar2 — A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
- progressbar3 — A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
- protocol-implements-decorator — Adds the 'implements' decorator to make using protocols easier and more explicit
- prototorch — Highly extensible, GPU-supported Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) toolbox built using PyTorch and its nn API.
- prototype-zne — Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) prototype for error mitigation on
- proxy-protocol — PROXY protocol library with asyncio server implementation
- PSyclone — PSyclone - a compiler for Finite Element/Volume/Difference DSLs in Fortran
- psycopg — PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- psynet — PsyNet – The online human behaviour lab of the future
- psyneulink — A block modeling system for cognitive neuroscience
- ptadapter — Pluggable Transports Python interface & standalone tunnels
- puncc — Predictive UNcertainty Calibration and Conformalization Library
- pwsh — Provides API for PowerShell.
- py-cord — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- py-cord-dev — A Python wrapper for the Discord API
- py-cptcore — Public python SDK for the CEMS CPTCore web-API.
- py-dev-deps — A package for common python development dependencies
- py-img-gen — A library for the book "Image Generation with Python"
- py-orca — Python package for connecting services and building data pipelines
- py-pilecore — Public python SDK for the CEMS PileCore web-API.
- py-vibracore — Public python SDK for the CEMS VibraCore web-API.
- pyabc — Distributed, likelihood-free ABC-SMC inference
- pyadr — CLI to help with an ADR process lifecycle (proposal/approval/rejection/deprecation/superseeding), which used git.
- pyalgorand — no summary
- pyampute — Transformer for generating multivariate missingness in complete datasets
- pyappcache — no summary
- pyAttributes — .NET-like Attributes implemented as Python decorators.
- pyauthorizer — A simple authorizer for python project.
- pybacting — A python wrapper around Bacting
- pybel — Parsing, validation, compilation, and data exchange of Biological Expression Language (BEL)
- pybel-cx — A PyBEL extension for interconversion with CX
- pybel-jupyter — A PyBEL extension for Jupyter notebooks
- pybel-ols — A package for building BEL resource files with the EBI Ontology Lookup Service.
- pybel-tools — A cool pool of tools for BEL
- pybit7z — A wrapper based on bit7z.
- PyBotTrader — An experimental Python library to implement trading bots
- pyc-wheel — Compile all py files in a wheel to pyc files.
- pycantphi — A Python library for calculating anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic Ocean
- pycasx — A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear.
- pycldf — A python library to read and write CLDF datasets
- pyclustree — Visualize cluster assignments at different resolutions
- pycnfg — Flexible Python configurations.
- pycollo — General-purpose optimal control, trajectory optimisation and parameter optimisation using direct collocation
- pycommons — A package with utility functionality for Python projects.
- pyconverter-xml2py — PyConverter-XML2Py converter.
- PyCosmoMMF — A package for identifying structures in the cosmic web.
- pycti — Python API client for OpenCTI.
- pycudadecon — Python wrapper for CUDA-accelerated 3D deconvolution
- pydance — Deep Learning for Single-cell Analysis
- pydash — The kitchen sink of Python utility libraries for doing "stuff" in a functional way. Based on the Lo-Dash Javascript library.
- PyDecisionGraph — A rule-based decision tree implementation for Python
- pydeogram — Generate karyotype pictures using Ideogram.js.
- pydetex — An application that transforms LaTeX code to plain text
- pydisagg — no summary
- pydita-ast — PyDita AST converter.
- pydmo — Pydmo: Build a database pydantic schema from its collection of data tables
- pydrag — A modern api wrapper
- PyDTMC — A full-featured and lightweight library for discrete-time Markov chains analysis.
- pyecotaxa — Query EcoTaxa and process its output
- pyecsca — Python Elliptic Curve cryptography Side Channel Analysis toolkit.
- pyEDAA.CLITool — An abstraction layer of EDA CLI tools.
- pyEDAA.IPXACT — A Document-Object-Model (DOM) for IP-XACT files.
- pyEDAA.OSVVM — Parser and converter for OSVVM-specific data models and report formats.
- pyEDAA.ProjectModel — An abstract model of EDA tool projects.
- pyEDAA.Reports — Various report abstract data models and report format converters.
- pyEDAA.ToolSetup — EDA tool detection, configuration and selection layer.
- pyEDAA.UCIS — Tools to extract and convert data from UCDB files.
- PyElastica — Elastica is a software to simulate the dynamics of filaments that, at every cross-section, can undergo all six possible modes of deformation, allowing the filament to bend, twist, stretch and shear, while interacting with complex environments via muscular activity, surface contact, friction and hydrodynamics.
- pyenergi — Python client for the myenergi API
- pyepal — PyePAL implemented the epsilon-PAL active learning algorithm
- pyet — pyet - Estimation of Potential Evaporation
- PyExifTool — Python wrapper for exiftool
- pyfactcast — A python client library for FactCast
- pyfactor — A script dependency visualiser.
- pyffstream — pyffstream.
- pyfsr — Python implementation of the FortiSOAR REST API
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- pygame-menu — A menu for pygame. Simple, and easy to use
- pygame-menu-ce — A menu for pygame-ce. Simple, and easy to use
- pygef — Parse soil measurument data.
- pyglottolog — python package for glottolog data curation
- pygpcca — .. |PyPIdownloads| image::
- pygradethis — Python autograder to facilitate code output and static code checking.
- pyhpke — A Python implementation of HPKE.
- pyhs3 — pure-Python HS3 implementation with tensors and autodiff
- pyia — A Python package for working with data from the Gaia mission
- pyigt — A Python library for handling inter-linear-glossed text.
- pyJoules — no summary
- pyLemur — A Python implementation of the LEMUR algorithm for analyzing multi-condition single-cell RNA-seq data.
- pylibrelinkup — A client for the Abbott LibreLinkUp API
- pylips — An interface for embodied conversational interaction.
- pymagicc — Python wrapper for the simple climate model MAGICC
- pymap — Lightweight, asynchronous IMAP serving in Python.
- pymc-marketing — Marketing Statistical Models in PyMC