Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autodoc-typehints
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
- PyMCTranslate — A Minecraft data translation system.
- pyminufit — A Python package for fitting data with iMinuit
- pymisp — Python API for MISP.
- pymisp-async — Python async API for MISP.
- pyml-regression-example1 — Python Machine Learning Regression Example: Life Expectancy
- PyMultiDictionary — PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 2 to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different languages
- PynamicGain — Dynamic Gain input generation for distributed PClamp setups.
- pynapple — PYthon Neural Analysis Package Pour Laboratoires d’Excellence
- pyngrok — A Python wrapper for ngrok.
- pynsn — Creating Non-Symbolic Number Displays
- pyobas — Python API client for OpenBAS.
- pyobo — Handling and writing OBO
- pypcapkit — PyPCAPKit: comprehensive network packet analysis library
- pypesto — python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
- pypots — A Python Toolbox for Machine Learning on Partially-Observed Time Series
- pyPrairieView — Darik & Doug Do A Thing
- pyproject-api — API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects
- pyproject_metadata — PEP 621 metadata parsing
- pyproprop — Package for aiding writing classes with lots of similar simple properties without the boilerplate
- pypwsqc — Quality control for PWS data
- pyqasm — Python toolkit providing an OpenQASM 3 semantic analyzer and utilities for program analysis and compilation.
- pyramid-blacksmith — Pyramid Bindings for Blacksmith
- pyramid-sampler — simple tools for creating image pyramids
- pyRAPL — no summary
- pyrate-limiter — Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorithm
- pyrate-limiter-concord — Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorithm
- pyrdle — Play Wordle interactively in the CLI/GUI. Also contains various algorithms to defeat the game.
- pyrh — Unofficial Robinhood Python API
- pyrhhfbp — Unofficial Robinhood Python API...forked by HenryFBP to update an outdated PyPI package
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyscal — Generate relative permeability include files for Eclipse reservoir simulator
- PyScript — Command Line Interface for PyScript
- pyscript-cli — Command Line Interface for PyScript
- pyseto — A Python implementation of PASETO/PASERK.
- pysh-client — A API wrapper in Python.
- pysisyphus — Python suite for exploring potential energy surfaces.
- pysketcher — Geometric Sketching Utility for Python
- pysoilmap — Tools for performing Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) with python.
- pyspark-typedschema — Define (typed) schemas for pyspark dataframes
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- pystocktopus — help you maintain your stock dashboard also predict future for a stock based upon past data and also use the news sentiments of stocks volatality
- pySVModel — An abstract SystemVerilog language model (incl. Verilog).
- pySystemRDLModel — An abstract SystemRDL language model.
- pytest-object-getter — Import any object from a 3rd party module while mocking its namespace on demand.
- pytest-requests-futures — Pytest Plugin to Mock Requests Futures
- pytest-run-subprocess — Pytest Plugin for running and testing subprocesses.
- pytest-subprocess — A plugin to fake subprocess for pytest
- pythia-uq — Toolbox for non-intrusive functional approximation of data via (sparse) general polynomial chaos.
- python-ecies — ECIES implementation for Python on top of the cryptography library
- python-forge — forge (python signatures)
- python-graylog — Python logging handlers that send messages in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF).
- python-hookman — HookMan is a python package that provides a plugin management system to applications, specially those who are written (in totally or partially) in C++.
- python-logging-discord-handler — Discord handler for Python logging framework
- python-lorem — Lorem ipsum generator.
- python-ndn — An NDN client library with AsyncIO support in Python 3
- python-object-getter — Import something from a module, while mocking anything in its namespace.
- python-sc — no summary
- python-supercell — A library for working with various sources of weather information.
- python-tide — Measured data visualization and pipelines creation
- python-wsdb — no summary
- pytmc — Generate Epics DB records from TwinCAT .tmc files
- pytojcamp — no summary
- pytometry — Flow & mass cytometry analytics in scverse
- pytoolconfig — Python tool configuration
- pyTooling — pyTooling is a powerful collection of arbitrary useful classes, decorators, meta-classes and exceptions.
- pyTooling.CLIAbstraction — Basic abstraction layer for executables.
- pyTooling.GenericPath — A generic path implementation to derive domain specific path libraries.
- pyTooling.TerminalUI — A set of helpers to implement a text user interface (TUI) in a terminal.
- pytorch-benchmark — Easily benchmark PyTorch model FLOPs, latency, throughput, max allocated memory and energy consumption in one go.
- pytorch-caldera — no summary
- pytorch-swem — Pytorch implementation of the simple word embedding model.
- pytorch-widedeep — Combine tabular data with text and images using Wide and Deep models in Pytorch
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- pyVersioning — Write version information collected from (CI) environment for any programming language as source file.
- pyvex — A Python interface to libVEX and VEX IR
- pyVHDLModel — An abstract VHDL language model.
- pyVHDLParser — A streaming-based VHDL parser.
- pyvlq — A Python library for pure Python encoding and decoding of integers using Variable-length quantity.
- pywrapid — Collection of wrapper libraries for rapid development of python applications
- pyxdia — pyxdia
- pyxem — multi-dimensional diffraction microscopy
- PyZEAL — Python successor to the ZEAL package calculating zeros of holomorphic functions.
- PyZeta — Numerical project all about (dynamical) zeta functions and resonances.
- pz-rail — no summary
- pz-rail-service — RAIL service to generate photometric redshifts, umbrellla
- qalgebra — Python package for symbolic quantum algebra
- qbindiff — QBindiff binary diffing tool based on a Network Alignment problem
- qbittorrent-api — Python client for qBittorrent v4.1+ Web API.
- qbraid — Platform-agnostic quantum runtime framework.
- qbraid-algorithms — Python package for building, simulating, and benchmarking hybrid quantum-classical algorithms.
- qbraid-core — Python library with core abstractions for software development in the qBraid ecosystem.
- qbraid-qir — qBraid-SDK extension providing support for QIR conversions.
- qc-gbasis — A module for evaluating, differentiating, and integrating Gaussian functions.
- qc-iodata — Python Input and Output Library for Quantum Chemistry
- qclight — A lightweught quantum computing simulator
- QDYN — Python package for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools
- qermit — Python package for quantum error mitigation.
- qexpy — Package to handle error analysis and data plotting aimed at undergraduate physics.
- qgym — Reinforcement Learning Gym for Quantum Compilation
- qhdl — Circuit Components as and QHDL in Python