Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- bento-mdf — Python driver/validator for Bento Model Description Format
- bento-sts — Bento Simple Terminology Server
- bentodev — BentoBox Local Development System
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- beocijies — A site generator for small handmade sites
- BeraChainToolsPro — BeraChainTools 一个为 BeraChain 生态系统设计的工具集,旨在帮助用户轻松地进行各种交互和操作。
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- berset-engine — Bulding Energy Retrofit Scenario Evaluation Tool Engine
- bertdotbill — Bert's Interactive Lesson Loader
- besser — BESSER
- Bestatic — A simple but really powerful static-site generator
- better-apidoc — A version of sphinx-apidoc with support for templating
- better-lambda-deploy — A better AWS Lambda deployment framework.
- better-test-preview — FastAPI app
- betterbasequals — SNV variant caller that uses discordant overlapping read pairs to calculate sample-specific base error rates.
- betterlifepsi — Betterlife Intelligent PSI(Purchase, Sales and Inventory) system
- betterproto — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-beta9 — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-clipsalcortex — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library (forked by Clipsal Cortex)
- betterproto-for-temporal-python-sdk — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- betterproto-twirp — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- betterproto-twirp-new — A better Protobuf / Twirp generator & library
- betterproto2_compiler — Compiler for betterproto2
- betty — Betty helps you visualize and publish your family history by building interactive genealogy websites out of your Gramps and GEDCOM family trees
- BevyFrame — Python Web Framework
- bfactory — Build an API from a manifest file
- bfet — Better Faster Easier Testing. Create Django models quickly and easly, create different data types for testing cases or create default tests files
- bframelib — An open source billing framework to generate, view and diff invoices locally.
- bgameb — Board Game Builder
- bgpfu — BGP toolkit
- bh-utils — Utility Functions Library.
- bibchex — Check your BibTeX files for consistency and sanity.
- biblatex2bibtex — Convert biblatex files to bibtex.
- bibliomancer — bibliomancer
- bidirectional-text — A streamlit component that allows you to get input from a textbox after every key press
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- BigFastAPI — Adding lots of functionality to FastAPI
- bigflow — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bigfunctions — Supercharge BigQuery with BigFunctions
- bigquery-duckdb-toolkit — Toolkit para consultas e manipulação de dados no BigQuery com integração com DuckDB.
- bigquery-funcs — BigQuery functions and/or classes, helper scipts, etc. I commonly use when working with the Python SDK
- bilichat-request — Default template for PDM package
- billingyard — CLI invoice generator for business entities in the Czech republic
- binarylane-python-client — Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
- binderhub — Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks
- bing-webmaster-tools — Python wrapper for the Bing Webmaster Tools API
- bioframe — Operations and utilities for Genomic Interval Dataframes.
- biogeme — Estimation and application of discrete choice models
- bioregistry — Integrated registry of biological databases and nomenclatures
- bioscan-dataset — PyTorch torchvision-style datasets for BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M.
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- bitccl — The BitCCL scripting language compiler package
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bittensor-cli — Bittensor CLI
- BittyTax — Crypto-currency tax calculator for UK tax rules. Produces a PDF report of your capital gains and income. Import your data from popular wallets and exchanges.
- biuletyn-bip — Polish BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej) as Flask application
- biweeklybudget — Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
- BizAPI — It is a simple and lightweight web framework built for learning and experimentation purposes.
- bk-operator-framework — no summary
- blabel — Generate multi-page, multi-label pdfs in Python.
- blackbox-cli — Tool for automatic backups of databases
- blackfish-ai — An open-source AI-as-a-Service platform.
- blackline-core — Manage personal data in your data stores.
- blacksheep — Fast web framework for Python asyncio
- blacksheep-shuttle — BlackSheep, but with ShuttleAI's customizations.
- blag — blog-aware, static site generator
- blankslate-python — A blank slate for Python projects
- blarg — My new blog
- Blauwal3 — 蓝鲸,一个基于组件的数据挖掘框架。
- blaze-net — A Python web framework
- BlazeWeb — A light weight WSGI framework with a pluggable architecture
- blendedux — A cross-platform design theme framework.
- blendedux-lang — Blended Command Line Application
- blgit — no summary
- blis-cloud-cli — Command-line tool for the BLIS web-based lab information system.
- block-wrangler — Use block features instead of block IDs! (for Minecraft shaderpacks)
- blockmodel — Converts Minecraft models to 3D models
- blocky — Block rendering for flask and django using jinja2.
- blog — A static website generator
- blog-coeur — Coeur - static site management
- blog-vi — Simple blog with search and comments
- bloggertool — Command line tool to communicate with and
- blogit — no summary
- blogue — a dead simple static blog generator with no opinions whatsoever
- bloodaxe — bloodaxe is the nice way to testing and metrifying api flows.
- blowtorch-py — A framework for creating Rust machine learning models that are trained in Python.
- blprint — A simple scaffolding cli
- bluecat-automation-toolkit — Utility tool for working with Bluecat Gateway workflow
- bluemath-tk — Module collection for custom climate data analysis. The main objective of this Python package is to provide a set of statistical tools tailored for climate data analysis, with a focus on statistical classification and prediction.
- bluemist — Bluemist AI is a low code machine learning library written in Python to develop, evaluate and deploy automated ML pipleines.
- bluep — A minimal real-time collaborative text editor
- blueprintpy — Python パッケージテンプレート展開ユーティリティ
- bluepyemodel — Blue Brain Python E-Model Building Library
- bluepyopt — Bluebrain Python Optimisation Library (bluepyopt)
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- blup — Turn JSON into HTML using Jinja
- blurry-cli — A Mistune-based static site generator for Python