Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- automation-sniper — Tool to convert Open API / Swagger specifications to automation framework
- autoMLF — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autonetkit — Automatic configuration generation
- autoneuro-pypi — Template python package
- autonomize-model-sdk — SDK for creating and managing machine learning pipelines.
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autoprotocol — Python library for generating Autoprotocol
- autorank — Automated ranking of populations in a repeated measures experiment, e.g., to rank different machine learning approaches tested on the same data.
- autoreviewer — Automate scientific software review
- autorunner-1.0.0 — ui and api autotest
- autorunner-beta — ui and api autotest
- autorunner2 — ui and api autotest
- autosbatch — submit hundreds of jobs to slurm automatically.
- autoserver — no summary
- autoshell — Simple, fully programmable, shell-based network automation utility
- autosmith — Make tools quickly automatically
- autosweep — automated testing
- autotm — Automatic hyperparameters tuning for topic models (ARTM approach) using evolutionary algorithms
- autotraino — AutoML for Tabular datasets.
- AutoTrans — Automating the entire translation process with LLM
- autowoe — Library for automatic interpretable model building (Whitebox AutoML)
- avast.betterproto — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- avault — no summary
- aviatrix-migration — Aviatrix Discovery Migration
- aviatrix-migration-gcp — no summary
- aviatrix-migration-nat — no summary
- aviatrix-testlibs — no summary
- Avlos — Avlos Remote Object Templating System
- avocado-framework-plugin-result-html — Avocado HTML Report for Jobs
- avro-to-python — avro-to-python is a light tool for compiling avro schema files (.avsc) to python classes making using avro schemata easy.
- avro-to-python-etp — Light tool for compiling avro schema files (.avsc) to python classes making using avro schemata easy.
- avrotize — Tools to convert from and to Avro Schema from various other schema languages.
- awesome-cookiecutter — A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template.
- awesome-systematic-trading — Awesome Systematic Trading:We are collecting a list of resources papers, softwares, books, articles for finding, developing, and running systematic trading (quantitative trading) strategies.
- aws-access — This package is used to get temporary token for aws access
- aws-control-tower-manifest-builder — Python package to automatically build the AWS Control Tower Manifest given Cloud Formation templates as input.
- aws-framework — A Demo Framework for the AWS Workshop
- aws-hadoop — Create enterprise grade Hadoop cluster in AWS in minutes.
- aws_ir — AWS Incident Response ToolKit
- aws-ir-plugins — AWS Incident Response ToolKit Core Supported plugins
- aws-lambda-pypackager — Opinionated packaging helper for Python AWS Lambda Projects.
- aws-network-firewall — no summary
- aws-ninja — A collection of tools to use when reviewing AWS accounts and their setup.
- aws-ops-alpha — A devops best practices for AWS projects. Designed for production-ready, multi-environments deployment projects
- aws-parallelcluster — AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS supported Open Source cluster management tool to deploy and manage HPC clusters in the AWS cloud.
- aws-sam-utils — AWS SAM Template Utilities
- aws-securityhub-suppression — no summary
- aws-service-catalog-factory — Making it easier to build out ServiceCatalog products
- aws-service-catalog-puppet — Making it easier to deploy ServiceCatalog products
- awscatalyst — boto3 wrapper to make AWS DevOps' life easier
- AWSXenos — Scan and classify cross-account roles and resources in your AWS Account
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- axial — Interactive Visualizations for High Dimensional Genomics Data
- axilent — Tools for describing a sequence of Axi4Lite commands.
- axju — This is my personal package
- ayaligo — Full-stack code generation for IoT systems
- ayx-plugin-cli — The Alteryx command line interface for using Alteryx SDKs.
- az-migrate-dep-visu — A web application to visualize network flows from Azure Migrate Dependency analysis CSV files.
- azarrot — An OpenAI compatible server, focusing on OpenVINO and IPEX-LLM usage.
- azdev — Microsoft Azure CLI Developer Tools
- azkv — CLI client for the Azure Key Vault data plane
- azmlclient — A Python 3 client for AzureMl web services.
- aztarna — A footprinting tool for ROS and SROS systems
- azure-ai-generative — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azure-arm-nb-extensions — Jupyter notebook extensions for azure arm.
- azure-datalake-utils — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- azure-functions-devops-build — Python package for integrating Azure Functions with Azure DevOps. Specifically made for the Azure CLI
- azure-ml-component — Azure Machine Learning Component SDK
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- azureml-featurestore — Azure Machine Learning Feature Store SDK
- azureml-metrics — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with AzureML metrics.
- azureml-rai-utils — Azure Machine Learning Responsible AI Utils SDK
- azureml-train-automl-runtime — Used for automatically finding the best machine learning model and its parameters.
- azuremlconstructor — AML Pipeline Constructor
- b2luigi — Task scheduling and batch running for basf2 jobs made simple
- b5 — b5 - simple and sane task runner
- BA-Marissa-Alexis — Produce expiration tracker
- BA-produce-tracker — Produce expiration tracker
- baangt — Open source Test Automation Suite for MacOS, Windows, Linux
- babs — BIDS App Bootstrap (BABS) is a reproducible, generalizable, and scalable Python package for BIDS App analysis of large datasets. It uses DataLad and adopts FAIRly big framework.
- babyplots — Python package that allows the use of babyplots visualizations in jupyter notebooks
- babyvec — Natural language embedding tools
- bacchus — Home Server solution based on docker
- — Backend.AI Console Server
- — Backend.AI WebUI Host
- — Backend.AI WSProxy
- backendpy — Async (ASGI) Python web framework
- backtest-reg — no summary
- backtrader-bokeh — Plotting package for Backtrader (Bokeh)
- backtrader-plotting — Plotting package for Backtrader (Bokeh)
- backup-reminder — no summary
- backup-timebox — Backup manager
- backwardcompatibilityml — Project for open sourcing research efforts on Backward Compatibility in Machine Learning
- bacpage — An easy-to-use pipeline for the assembly and analysis of bacterial genomes
- baelfire — Tool for build automatization and a task runner
- bagpy — A python class to facilitate the reading of rosbag file based on semantic datatypes.
- baguette — Asynchronous web framework.