Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- baicaoyuan — A community version of baicaoyuan
- baidupcs-py — Baidu Pcs App
- bakelite — A utility that makes it simple to communicate with your firmware.
- bakesite — The Simplest Static Site Generator
- balba — Automatically generate a website showcasing Kicad projects.
- balcony — Read any resource in your AWS Account. You can generate terraform code for them, too.
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- baleen — An automated ingestion service for blogs to construct a corpus for NLP research.
- baler_operator — A Kubernetes operator for managing NLP framework deplotments.
- bali-cli — Simplify gRPC services and clients
- balsam — HPC Workflows & Edge Service
- balsam-flow — HPC Workflows & Edge Service
- balto-core — With balto, data analysts and engineers can build analytics the way engineers build applications.
- baluchon — A tool for managing migrations in Clickhouse
- bamboo-crawler — a hobby crawler
- bananaproto — A BANANA Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- bandit-tools — Basic Tools for improve Bandit
- bankruptcy — A bankruptcy document parser.
- banks — A prompt programming language
- bankvpn — A Tool to connect vpn
- banrieen-PyUnitReport — A unit test runner for Python, and generate HTML reports.
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- BAproducetracker — Produce expiration tracker
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- bareasgi-jinja2 — Jinja2 support for bareasgi
- barectf — Generator of ANSI C tracers which output CTF data streams
- barely — barely is a lightweight, but highly extensible static site generator written in pure python.
- barnhunt — Helpers for drawing Barn Hunt course maps using Inkscape
- bas-air-unit-network-dataset — Utility to process routes and waypoints used by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Air Unit
- bas-geoplot — GeoPlot: BAS AI Lab plotting scripts for internal plotting & visualisation
- bas-style-kit-jinja-templates — A set of Jinja2 templates implementing the BAS Style Kit
- basalt-tasks — Helper functions for the basalt invoke build file.
- basaran — Open-source alternative to the OpenAI text completion API
- baseframer — FrameWorks For Building Bioinformatics Platform
- basematic — Tools For Bioinformatics
- basematic3 — Tools For Bioinformatics
- baseq — Tools For Bioinformatics
- baseq-drops — Pipeline for processing Drop-seq/10X/inDrop datas
- baseten — Deploy machine learning models to Baseten
- bashdoctest — "A Doctest-type Command Line Application Tester"
- bashup — A (toy) language that compiles to bash.
- basic-components — Re-usable server-side components based on shadcn/ui with JinjaX, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS
- basis-core — Functional Data Pipelines
- BASSG — BASSG - Basic Agile Static Site Generator
- bastion-key-client — FABRIC Bastion host key rotation utility
- batchglm — Fast and scalable fitting of over-determined generalized-linear models (GLMs)
- batchx-dev — BatchX Python developer tools
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- batik — batik
- batou — A utility for automating multi-host, multi-environment software builds and deployments.
- bayesnf — Scalable spatiotemporal prediction with Bayesian neural fields
- bazeler — Bazel helper package
- BB-PBF-HTML-Writer — Writes BB Mega PBF HTML file and adds links to the HTML file.
- bb8 — BB8 - A robot to support developer
- bbc1 — A core system of Beyond Blockchain One
- bbot — OSINT automation for hackers.
- bcapi — Python client wrapper for Basecamp API
- bcst — A web browser start page generator.
- bdownload — A multi-threaded and multi-source aria2-like batch file downloading library for Python
- bdt2cpp — Transpile BDTs to C++ code.
- bdtsim — Blockchain Data Trading Simulator
- BdySandbox — Automated Malware Analysis System
- beaker-client — Command-line client for interacting with Beaker
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- beam-sdk — no summary
- beam-up — A simple yet powerful static site generator aimed at product pages (not blogs).
- beamdust-sdk — A Python SDK for interacting with Beamdust API
- beamer-slider — Software to create inkscape overlays in Beamer
- beamlime — Live data reduction visualisation framework for ESS.
- beamngpy — Python API to interact with
- beancount-importer-rules — Beancount importer rules engine
- beanhub-cli — Command line tools for BeanHub
- beanhub-forms — Library for generating BeanHub's custom forms
- beanhub-import — The simple library for import extracted transactions provided by beanhub-extract and generate corresponding Beancount transactions based on predefined rules
- beanie — Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- beanis — Asynchronous Python ODM for Redis
- beauris — BEAURIS: an automated system for the creation of genome portals
- beautifulsouppro — This project is dedicated to beautifulsoup
- bedrock-llm — A Python LLM frameworkfor interacting with AWS Bedrock services, built on top of boto3. This library serves as a comprehensive tool for fast prototyping, building POCs, and deploying production-ready LLM applications with robust infrastructure support.
- bedrockz — no summary
- beehive-ai — 🐝 Create powerful, collaborative AI applications.
- beelzebub — Lightweight framework for transforming input to output
- beet — The Minecraft pack development kit
- Beetle — Beetle is a simple static site generator
- beetmoverscript — TaskCluster Beetmover Script
- beez — A Blockchain for Machine Learnig models and Digital Asset Management
- behave-http — Behave HTTP steps
- behavex-feature — Add support for merging multiple report
- behavysis_pipeline — An animal behaviour processing and analysis package
- being — Robotic core for the PATHOS project.
- beku-stackabletech — Test suite expander for Stackable Kuttl tests.
- bel — BEL related functionality
- ben-mackenzie-features — A small example package
- benchbuild — This is the experiment driver for the benchbuild study
- benchflow — A tool for easy benchmarking.
- benchgrape — This is how you'd Bench a Grape!
- benchkit — Your End to End ML workbench.
- benchling-cli — CLI for assistance in developing with the Benchling Platform.
- benchmark-runner — Benchmark Runner Tool
- benito-bumbago — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.