Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- calusern — Transforms into
- camacq — Control microscope through client server program.
- cami-amber — AMBER: Assessment of Metagenome BinnERs
- cami-opal — OPAL: Open-community Profiling Assessment tooL
- camkes-deps — Metapackage for downloading build dependencies for CAmkES
- campa — no summary
- camptown — Semantic-HTML player engine
- CAMSA — CAMSA: a tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies
- camundactl — A Camunda cli that interacts with the rest api
- canaveral-cli — Helper CLI to interact with Devscope's internal platform codename Canaveral
- candig-server — Server implementation of the CanDIG APIs
- candy-web — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- canni — Create static html pages (with additional javascript functionality to copy text more easily) based on a dataset used for bronk.
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- canonicalwebteam.image-template — Generate <img> markup block for an image.
- canty — The little ASGI library that shines.
- canvas-course-tools — Canvas course tools
- cap2 — CAP2
- capella-diff-tools — Tools for comparing different versions of a Capella model
- capella-model-explorer — A webapp for exploring Capella models
- capella-ros-tools — Tools for importing ROS .msg files into Capella data package and vice versa.
- capella2polarion — Synchronise Capella models with Polarion projects
- capellambse — Provides access to Capella MBSE projects in Python
- capirca-xlate — no summary
- captura — A framework for adding sharing and collections to existing API projects.
- capture-errors — Python package that captures exceptions and notify them
- car-fep — Convergence-adaptive roundtrip enhanced sampling toolkits
- caravagene — no summary
- cardboard-server — A Flask server for React data dashboards
- cardtale — Data, Model, and Algorithm Cards for Time Series
- carica-cfn-tools — Tools to manage CloudFormation stack configuration
- carnival — Software provisioning tool
- carp-python-api — The [C]openh[A]gen Center for Health Technology [R]esearch [P]latform (CARP) enables researchers to run mobile health (mHealth) studies where data is collected on participant's smartphones and wearable devices. Data is securely uploaded and managed in a hosting infrastructure managed by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
- carp-python-api-async — The [C]openh[A]gen Center for Health Technology [R]esearch [P]latform (CARP) enables researchers to run mobile health (mHealth) studies where data is collected on participant's smartphones and wearable devices. Data is securely uploaded and managed in a hosting infrastructure managed by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
- carrot-cdm — Python package for performing mapping of ETL to CDM
- carrot-transform — no summary
- carte-cli — A static site generator for data catalogs
- cartoframes — CARTO Python package for data scientists
- cartography-openapi — A intel plugin builder for cartogaphy for API supporting OpenAPI.
- cased-cli — A CLI tool for managing cloud infrastructure
- casm-bset — CASM cluster expansion basis set generation
- casualconsole — Web console for Casual
- cat-spend-training-pipeline — no summary
- catalax — A JAX-based framework for (neural) ODE modelling in biocatalysis.
- catalyst — Catalyst. Accelerated deep learning R&D with PyTorch.
- catalyst-pdm — Catalyst fork compatible with PDM
- catalyst-sdwan-lab — Catalyst SD-WAN Lab Deployment Tool - Automation Tool for managing Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN labs inside Cisco Modeling Labs
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- catalystwan — Cisco Catalyst WAN SDK for Python
- catcher — Microservices automated test tool.
- catchment — A python package for catchment delineation
- caterva2 — A high-performance storage and computation system for Blosc2 datasets
- catsup — Catsup: a lightweight static site generator
- catx — Contextual Bandits with Continuous Actions in JAX
- cause2e — A package for end-to-end causal analysis
- causy — Causal discovery made easy.
- cb-badges — no summary
- cbaxter1988-utils — A Package containing my utils
- cbc-syslog — Syslog Connector for Carbon Black Cloud
- cbmc-viewer — CBMC viewer produces a browsable summary of CBMC findings
- cbpickaxe — A Python library and scripts for data mining the game Cassette Beasts.
- cc-email-templates — A set of email templates used by Conflict Cartographer
- ccflow — Composable Configuration Flow
- ccframe — ccframe - simple web framework. Cloned from Bumbo Python Web Framework course
- ccheck — A human-friendly framework for testing and evaluating LLMs, RAGs, and chatbots.
- ccl-git-gud — Gitlab workflow command line automation.
- ccompose — Extended, drop in alternative to Docker-Compose
- ccpstencil — An Alviss powered Template renderer where the context input can be files and entire directory structures can be rendered.
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-frontend-jinja — Jinja templates for Digital Marketplace apps.
- ccs-govuk-frontend-jinja — GOV.UK Frontend Jinja Macros
- ccxt-microservice — Micro service to call cryptocurrency exchanges API using [ccxt](
- ccxt-portfolio-pro — This version is currently using Bittrex BTC price to value the portfolio.Future options coming soon..
- ccxtbot — This is a pet project to get familiar with a number of APIs for trading cryptocurrencies via algorithms.
- cdb-cellmaps — no summary
- cdiscountapi — cdiscountapi is a wrapper around the Cdiscount Marketplace API
- cdk-organizer — CDK Organizer
- cdnmon — no summary
- cdocs — no summary
- cdp-backend — Data storage utilities and processing pipelines to run on CDP server deployments.
- ce-bnch-sdk — SDK for interacting with the Benchling Platform.
- ceda-sentinel-dhs-tools — Tools for managing CEDA Sentinel DHS
- cehrbert — CEHR-BERT: Incorporating temporal information from structured EHR data to improve prediction tasks
- cekit — Container image creation tool
- celery-pipeline — Runtime-configurable execution pipeline built on celery.
- celery-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering.
- celeryt — no summary
- celescope — Single Cell Analysis Pipelines
- Cell-BLAST — Single-cell transcriptome querying tool
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- celldetective — description
- cellqc — Cellqc standardizes the qualiy control of single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA) data to render clean feature count matrices.
- CELLULAR-CL — A package for generating an embedding space from scRNA-Seq. This space can be used for cell type annotation, novel cell type detection, cell type representations, and visualization.
- cels — Patch your YAML and JSON files.
- cement — Application Framework for Python
- cenclave — Command Line Interface for Cosmian Enclave
- census-data-downloader — Download U.S. census data and reformat it for humans
- censusdis — US Census utilities for a variety of data loading, analysis, and mapping purposes.
- centralcli — A CLI for interacting with Aruba Central (Cloud Management Platform). Facilitates bulk imports, exports, reporting. A handy tool if you have devices managed by Aruba Central.
- cenv-tool — conda environment creation and update from meta.yaml
- ceos-ard-cli — CLI tools for CEOS-ARD