Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- cerebraai — Cerebra is an AI Orchestrator for LLM models.
- ceremony — Ceremony is a static site generator using Jinja2 and SASS
- cerializer — Even faster alternative to FastAvro
- cerotra-quorum — Quorum: A tool for managing proposals and reports
- certbot-dns-directadmin — Certbot plugin. Allows completing DNS01 challenge against a DirectAdmin Server
- certomancer — PKI testing tool
- certora-quorum — Quorum: Open-Source Governance Security Tool for Web3 Protocols
- cev — comparative embedding visualization
- cf-units — Units of measure as required by the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions
- cfaudit — The CityFibre AWS security group analyzer
- cfbc — CFB code generator
- cfclient — Crazyflie PC client
- cfdilib — Library to manage xml CDFI from python and sign with several pacs.
- cff2pages — This repository generates pages for GitHub or GitLab based on your CFF. This means that your CFF is well-suited for both machine processing and human readability.
- cfgen — Configuration tool for configuration files
- cfgengine — A simple Python library to manage and load configuration files
- cfgrw — Python library for reading and writing properties in configuration files
- cfgtemplater — A tool to generate templates based on Jinja and YAML
- cfly — Build python extensions on-the-fly. Run C++ code directly from Python
- cfn-ci-helper — A Cloudformation CI Helper System
- cfn-guard-rs-hook — Works with cloudformation-cli-python-lib to remove duplicate code when creating a CloudFormation registry hook that leverages the library cfn_guard_rs
- cfn-review-bot — CLI to manage CloudFormation stacks
- cfn-stk — Opinionated CloudFormation deployments
- cfnctl — Command line launch and management tool for AWS CloudFormation
- cfstacks — Manage CloudFormation sanely with templates written in YAML
- cfug — C++ project management utilities.
- cg — Clinical Genomics command center
- cg-maven — Store quality control metrics for cases in Clinical Genomics
- cgi-tools — Collection of tools for quick CGI scripts development
- cglbtest — cglbtest Framework
- cglbtrial4 — cglbtrial4 is cglbtrial4
- cglbtrial5 — cglbtrial5 is cglbtrial5
- cgt-calc — UK capital gains tax calculator for Charles Schwab and Trading 212 accounts
- chachacha — Chachacha changes changelogs
- chained-aws-lambda — chain work using AWS lambdas
- chainedci — Chaine Gitlab CI pipelines
- chainfury — ChainFury is a powerful tool that simplifies the creation and management of chains of prompts, making it easier to build complex chat applications using LLMs.
- chakraversiontracker — Software to detect packages in rolling repositories of Chakra that are out of date.
- chalice-babel — Chalice Babel Package
- chalice-http-toolkit — A Flask-like backend toolkit for building & deploying serverless websites directly to AWS Lambda
- chalice-mail — SMTP and SES mail integration with AWS Chalice
- chalpak — Chalpak - mini web framework like fastAPi, flask
- change-analyzer — Change analyzer
- — Website change detection and monitoring service, detect changes to web pages and send alerts/notifications.
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- changelog-gen — Changelog generation tool
- changelog2version — Update version info file with latest changelog version entry
- changelogd — Changelogs without conflicts.
- changelogged — Automated management of your changelog and other versioned files, following the principles of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.
- changeloggh — changeloggh is a command line tool that generates changelog files for github
- changy — Simplest changelog manager, oriented to human editing, not to special message formatting in commits and tags..
- chanjo2 — Next generation coverage analysis
- chans — dag/task runner backed by sqlite
- chant21 — Plainchant in Python
- chaostoolkit-k8s-wix — Extended version of Chaos Toolkit Kubernetes support
- chaostoolkit-reporting — Chaos Toolkit Reporting
- chapter-sync — no summary
- Chaqmoq — Chaqmoq Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- chariot-sdk — Chariot plugin maker
- charmcraft — The main tool to build, upload, and develop in general the Juju charms.
- charmed-kubeflow-chisme — A collection of helpers for Charms maintained by the Charmed Kubeflow team
- charpe — Sends messages from applications through different media
- chartify — Python library to make plotting simpler for data scientists
- chassisml — no summary
- chaste-codegen — Code generation for cardiac Chaste
- chastesweep — Parameter Sweeper for Chaste
- chat-async-client — description
- chat-async-server — description
- chat_llm_cli — Simple yet effective command line client for chatting with big LLMs using the llm_lite wrapper or ollama models
- chatgpt-on-wechat — ChatGPT近期以强大的对话和信息整合能力风靡全网,可以写代码、改论文、讲故事,几乎无所不能,这让人不禁有个大胆的想法,能否用他的对话模型把我们的微信打造成一个智能机器人,可以在与好友对话中给出意想不到的回应,而且再也不用担心女朋友影响我们 ~~打游戏~~ 工作了.
- chatgptTTS — This is the simplest module for AI Conversations with TTS.
- chatlas — A simple and consistent interface for chatting with LLMs
- chatmysql — A simple chat cli based on mysql cli.
- chatter-sdk — SDK to interact with Chatter!
- check-reserved-instances — Compare instance reservations and running instances for AWS services
- check50 — This is check50, with which you can check solutions to problems for CS50.
- checkbox-ng — Checkbox - Command Line Test Runner
- checkout-bot — A comprehensive, customizable, and scalable library for creating AI-enhanced checkout bots.
- checkpadis — PADIS library
- cheesechaser — Swiftly get tons of images from indexed tars on Huggingface.
- chem-mat-data — Interface with database of chemistry and material science datasets for machine learning
- chemical-safety — A package for retreiving chemical safety information
- chemotion-api — A Chemotion python API
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- cherryadmin — CherryPy admin framework
- cherrypy-jinja2 — CherryPy tool to render output through Jinja2 templates
- cherwell-pydantic-api — A pythonic, asyncio connector for the Cherwell CSM API with full usage of Pydantic 2 types
- chevette — Chevette is a MarkDown powered static blog engine.
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chillbox — Deployment scripts for websites that use Chill and custom Python services. Work in Progress
- chima-rufus — no summary
- chimed — Wind chime for your UNIX environment
- chinastock-pro — 中国股票行情数据分析。
- Chinese-Word-Vectors — This project provides 100+ Chinese Word Vectors (embeddings) trained with different **representations** (dense and sparse), **context features** (word, ngram, character, and more), and **corpora**. One can easily obtain pre-trained vectors with different properties and use them for downstream tasks..
- chipmunks — Chipmunks is lightweight api gateway based on nginx.
- chipshot — Set up game-winning headers!
- chk — Low-code API quality testing, and automation toolbox
- chlore — Web utilities with a good smell
- chmigrate — Utilites make ClickHouse migration
- chmpy — Molecules, crystals, promolecule and Hirshfeld surfaces using python.