Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- xmlschema — An XML Schema validator and decoder
- xoadmin — bindings and wrappers to manage an XOA instance
- XPipe — Standardize your ML projects
- xpotato — XAI human-in-the-loop information extraction framework
- xronos-dashboard — Dashboard for xronos programs
- xrpl-sidechain-cli — A CLI that helps you set up an XRPL sidechain.
- xsar — xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader
- xscaffold — Used to scaffold a project.
- xsdata — Python XML Binding
- XTestRunner — Modern style test report based on unittest framework.
- xtheme — theme generator
- xTool — A python script tools
- XtQuant-pro — 迅投QMT接口相关介绍和常用功能封装.
- xtyle — Xtyle (Toolkit)
- XueQiuSuperSpider — 雪球超级爬虫的所有组件互相没有任何依赖,包括参数。整体架构由Collector、Mapper以及Consumer三个接口支撑。功能分别为数据搜集、数据相关信息(分支信息)的组装、以及最终的数据分析,三个接口定义了整个数据抓取生命周期的三个阶段。Mapper组件可以进行多次嵌套,就像流水线一样,不同的Mapper负责自己对应的组装任务,经过N个Mapper,完成一个对象的N种属性组装,当然,如果你不需要某些属性,你完全可以跳过某些mapper,这样可以节省许多抓取时间。在参数传递方面,模块在处理参数之前会对参数进行深度复制,确保不会出现多线程同步问题,模块内部参数严格定义为只读。变量只局限在方法范围内,完全避免了线程间数据共享。.
- xunit-tools — xunit_tools: generate HTML reports and diffs from XUnit XML files
- xurpas-data-quality — XAIL Data quality
- ya-ecs-ctl — AWS ECS Control Tool
- yaasr — Yet another audio stream recorder
- yabi — A static blog generator
- yabs — Yet Another Build Script
- yace — yace aka Yet Another Code Emitter / Your Artisanal Code Emitter
- yacfg — Template based configuration files generator based on jinja2 and yaml.
- yaconfiglib — Another Config lib for python, basically load config/yaml/toml/... files and add some features like relative import and templating.
- yacron — A modern Cron replacement that is Docker-friendly
- yadocgen — Yet Another Documentation Generator
- yaes — Yet Another Expansion Syntax (pronounced 'Yasssss Kweeeeen')
- yager — Yet Another GEneric Reporter tool for parsing of XML data into an SQLite database and subsequent universal reporting based on SQL queries and Jinja2 templates.
- yaghm — Minimal git hook manager for the command line.
- yak-signals — A tool for auto generating libraries for different platforms to communicate with your API
- yamja — Opinionated library for handling yaml configuration files and jinja2 templates
- yaml-config-tags — Custom tags to extend YAML for managing advanced configurations easily within a file. Environment variables, includes, and jinja templating.
- yaml-editor — A web-based YAML editor with tabular interface
- yaml-parser-gces-italo — A biblioteca desenvolvida auxilia desenvolvedores a explorar os dados com funções essenciais para a identificação de outliers e anomalias e uma interface que auxilia a visualizar as informações de acordo com o arquivo de configuração.
- yaml-replace — Parse yaml files with variables.
- yaml-requests — A simple python app for sending a set of consecutive HTTP requests defined in YAML requests plan.
- yaml-tag-extension — Project with extended YAML functionality.
- yaml2ical — Convert YAML meeting descriptions into iCalendar files
- yaml2pyclass — Code generator that produces a Python class from a YAML input file. Can be used to facilitate code completion for config objects.
- yaml2resume — Take yaml files and convert them into a resume
- yaml4rst — Linting/reformatting tool for YAML files documented with inline RST
- yamling — Enhanced YAML loading and dumping.
- yamx — YAML parser that supports jinja conditional expressions
- yandex-captcha-puzzle-solver — no summary
- yandex-query-magic — The Yandex Query official Jupyter Notebook plugin
- yasca — Yet Another SCA tool
- yashiro — A cli template tool based on jinja
- yasim — Yet Another SIMulator for Alternative Splicing Events and Realistic Gene Expression Profile
- yawgbot — yawgbot - yet another wg bot
- yaz_templating_plugin — A templating plugin for YAZ
- ybckit — Python library kit for education with yuanfudao.
- ybe — Simple software package for storing exams.
- ycg — ycg (yaml config generator) merges and templates yaml files
- YD2SG — Ylaan's Discord Streaming Schedule Generator
- ydata-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-infoworks — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-thorrester — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydl-podcast — A simple tool to generate Podcast-like RSS feeds from youtube (or other youtube-dl supported services) channels, using youtube-dl/yt-dlp
- yehua — Yet another a project template tool for an organisation.
- yepcord-server — YEPCord - Free open source selfhostable fully discord-compatible chat
- yetl-framework — yet (another spark) etl framework
- yid-langchain-extensions — Useful classes extending langchain library
- YNAB-Weekly — Recieve top spending categories in YNAB weekly
- ynj — Compile Jinja templates with YAML variables
- yoke — AWS Lambda + API Gateway Deployer
- yolo — Manage AWS infrastructure and microservices across multiple stages/accounts
- yolo-extension — Manage AWS infrastructure and microservices across multiple stages/accounts
- yolotext — no summary
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- your-unique-simple-framework — A simple web framework for Python
- Youtiao — Micro Service Scaffold Generator and Toolkit
- youtube-dl-gui-server — GUI server for youtube-dl
- youtube2zim — Make ZIM file from a Youtube channel, user or playlist(s)
- yt-napari — A napari plugin for loading data from yt
- yt-xarray — interface between yt and xarray
- yt2doc — Transcribe any YouTube video into a structural Markdown document
- ytd — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- ytpb — A playback for YouTube live streams
- yuca — CLI tool for fast personal data processing and visualization
- yurumikuji — kamidana(jinja2 cli) slack additonal.
- yuuno — Yuuno = Jupyter + VapourSynth
- yzrpc — A gRPC framework for automatically generating protobuf files.
- z3-armor — Constraint-based obfuscation using z3.
- zadeh — Python package to build fuzzy inference systems
- zalando-kubectl — Kubectl wrapper in Python with OAuth token auth
- zander — Code Generator
- zaowr-polsl-kisiel — A simple Python package used by me and my friends at university in the 'Advanced Image, Video and Motion Analysis' course.
- zapy-sdk — Zapy SDK for Zapy REST client
- zarque-profiling — Data profiling tools for Big Data
- zasca — Yet Another SCA tool, but with Z
- zbuilder — Create VMs
- zbyte-polyfile — A utility to recursively map the structure of a file.
- zcp-alert-backend — This is the backend service for the alert management of the Cloud Z MP solution
- zed-assistant — Zed is an LLM-based CLI assistant built with python and Chat GPT
- zeitig — time tracker and reporter
- zelus-route-manager — Monitor and enforce routes.
- zen-dash — Simple yet scable and production ready python dashboard that is better than shiny application for business.
- zenbu — Jinja2 + YAML based config templater.
- zender — no summary
- zenmai — toy language on yaml or json