Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- chrispile — Syntactic sugar for running ChRIS apps locally
- chromewhip — asyncio driver + HTTP server for Chrome devtools protocol
- chromoscope — no summary
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- ChuanhuChatGPT — 为ChatGPT API提供了一个轻快好用的Web图形界面
- ci-buildbot — Slack client for reporting on CodePipeline runs
- ci-cd-apier — ci-cd-APIer -- Flask-like API framework for GitLab CI/CD pipelines
- cibercca — CiberC Code Automation - reports excel and json formats and save data in MongoDB
- cibuildwheel-cn — Build Python wheels on CI with minimal configuration.
- — Power tools for CI/CD.
- cicsim — Custom IC Creator Simulation Tools
- cidc-api-modules — SQLAlchemy data models and configuration tools used in the CIDC API
- cidc-schemas — The CIDC data model and tools for working with it.
- cifer — Federated Learning and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- cijoe — A loosely coupled approach to systems development and testing
- Cilantropy — Cilantropy is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an "easy-to-use" visual and also a command-line interface for Pythonistas.
- cipher-bt — Cipher, a backtesting framework.
- ciqar — Ciqar is a tool for creating reports from different code quality analyzers output.
- circlecigen — Opinionated generation of continuation pipelines
- circles-file-iterator — Allows to iterate over CyVerse CIRCLES files
- circuitml — Generate C code for microcontrollers from Python's machine learning models
- cirdan — Decorator-based documentation generation for Falcon-based web applications.
- cisco-documentation — Gather information from switches to create documentation in excel.
- cisco_ip_phone_services — Cisco IP Phone Service Factory
- citationnet — Create a scientific network visualization.
- citrinedjangomodule — citrinedjangomodule
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- citus — Ultrafast web framework focusing on composing Web APIs all the more rapidly and with needless baggage.
- cityfront — no summary
- civ4save — Extract data from a .CivBeyondSwordSave file
- civic-jabber-ingest — Utilities for ingesting legislative data
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- ck-apstra-api — An implementation to use Apstra API
- ckan-harvester — Harvester Next Generation Core for CKAN
- ckan-harvesters — Harvester Next Generation Core for CKAN
- cl-runtime — CompatibL Runtime Community Edition
- cladetime — Assign clades to SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences at a point in time.
- claircli — Command line tool to interact with Clair
- clairview-boraq — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Clairview apps
- clana — CLANA is a toolkit for classifier analysis.
- claranet-tfwrapper — Claranet's `tfwrapper` is a wrapper for [Terraform]( implemented in python which aims to simplify Terraform usage and enforce best practices
- claraterm — let AI do the heavy lifting in terminal, CoPilot for your Terminal
- clarusui — Clarus UI Library
- class-email — A tool to output .eml files, because we can't add OAuth applications to use SMTP.
- classify — Generate concrete Class documentation for Python Classes.
- CLASV — CLASV is a pipeline designed for rapidly predicting Lassa virus lineages using a Random Forest model.
- clatter — A Doctest-stype Command Line Application Tester
- clav — helper modules
- Clay — An amazing web prototyping tool.
- cld-media-library — Import Cloudinary's Media Library Widget as a compoent
- cldfofflinebrowser — A cldfbench plugin to create offline broweable CLDF datasets
- cldfviz — A cldfbench plugin to create vizualisations of CLDF datasets
- clean-confluent-kafka — a clean interface for confluent_kafka
- clear-s2s — no summary
- cleaREST — Light-weight Python framework for building REST APIs.
- cli-pipeline — PipelineAI CLI
- clias — Turn shell script into cli command
- click-completion-dyncomplete — Fish, Bash, Zsh and PowerShell completion for Click
- click-schema-config — no summary
- click-web — Serve click scripts over the web with minimal effort.
- clickhouse-tools — clickhouse-tools is a set of tools for administration and diagnostics of ClickHouse DBMS.
- Client-API-VN — Python API to Biolovision API and applications using it
- ClientAgreement-Api — A small example package
- clientele — Generate loveable Python HTTP API Clients
- cliffy — $ cli load from.yaml
- Cligo — A Python CLI Framework.
- climate-guard-api — Climate Guard Api for boxes
- Climind — A python package for managing climate indicator information
- Clinamen2 — a versatile implementation of the Cholesky CMA-ES
- clingraph — A visualizer for graphs defined as facts with special integration for clingo
- clinica — Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
- clinja — A jinja command line interface
- clipkeeper — A Windows-based clipboard history manager
- clipper_admin — Admin commands for the Clipper prediction-serving system
- clippy-ai — Clippy AI is a set of command line tools that makes my life easier. YMMV
- clipunch — A CLI tool to create punchard visualizations.
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- clldappconfig — Remote control for DLCE apps
- cloneArmy — Analyze haplotypes from Illumina paired-end amplicon sequencing
- clooey — Converts CLIs into web forms
- clopy — General purpose templating program to quickly setup projects and files
- closer-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- cloud-audit-tool — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud-check1 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud-check2 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud-check3 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud-check4 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud-compose-image — no summary
- cloud-guardrails — no summary
- cloud-init-server — Simple HTTP serving cloud-init metadata files
- cloud-io — Handle I/O from cloud buckets
- cloud2 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloud23 — AWS Cloud Audit Tool
- cloudantic — no summary
- cloudbase-init — Portable cloud initialization service
- cloudbender — Deploy and maintain infrastructure in automated and trackable manner
- cloudcix — Python3 bindings and utils for CloudCIX API.
- cloudconnectlib — APP Cloud Connect
- cloudforet-identity — SpaceONE identity service
- cloudformation-cli — no summary