Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- croydon — a micro webframework based on fastapi and motor
- CRR — Tool for doing retention rate analysis
- crtools — Python tools for creating a clan management dashboard for Clash Royale
- crudadmin — FastAPI-based admin interface with authentication, event logging and CRUD operations
- crudeoil — CrudeOil is a wrapper around python socket server.
- crudhex — Java/Spring CRUD code generator
- crumbcutter — Template ONE gist file. Nothing else!
- crunch-uml — Crunch_uml reads UML Class model from multiple formats (including XMI, Enterprise Architect XMI, Excel, Json, and others), can perform transformations and renders them to other formats (including Markdown, json, json schema and many others).
- crutch — Get a project running quickly
- cruxctl — no summary
- cryio — Crystallographic IO routines
- cryoSPHERE — Structural heterogeneous cryoEM reconstruction:
- cryptdomainmgr — Software managing certificate, dkim and domain updates automagically.
- cryptoadvance.specter — A GUI for Bitcoin Core optimised to work with airgapped hardware wallets
- cryptobot-pro — # Cryptocurrency Bot ## Usage* Clone the repo and use and as normal modules.* API keys are required for each exchange you use..
- cryptolation — My short description for my project.
- cryton — Advanced scenario orchestrator
- cryton-cli — Command line interface for Cryton Core
- cryton-core — Advanced scheduler for attack scenarios
- — AWS account components
- CS-MINI-2024Z-AutoML — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- csc-recorder — CSC eRecording python wrapper
- cscmiko — cisco devices SDK based on netmiko
- cscwrapper — no summary
- CslBot — An easily extensible, modular irc bot.
- css-sprite — A simple css sprite generator.
- cssfinder — Tool for Hilbert-Schmidt distance calculation with Gilbert algorithm.
- cstack — Fullstack Python Framework. Built on Python, Vite, and Vue.
- csv-db-package — This package is found useful for those who wants to modify their CSV file without using database.It creates a local server that having a functionality of uploading a csv file and then perform crud operations through browser itself.
- csv-to-db-converter-saatwikmehta — This package is useful for someone who wants to make changes inside his CSV files.It creates a local server that provides the functionality of file upload to dbReading the data inside the db table created using the name of the file and applying CRUD operations as well.
- csv-to-dot — Convert a 2 columns CSV file to a .dot, who can be converted with Graphviz to .jpg, .ps, ...
- csvcubed-devtools — Development tools and dependencies for use in the csvcubed tooling.
- csvdeploy — A package for deploying tabular data files as static websites
- csvpath — A data preboarding framework for managing and validating CSV, Excel, and other tabular data files using a Collect, Store, Validate, Publish pattern to create a trusted publisher for downstream data consumers.
- csvtodatabase — This package add the data of csv file to database and allows to perform crud operations on it
- csvtotable — Simple commandline utility to convert CSV filesto searchable and sortable HTML table.
- CSVtoTableNameless — Simple commandline utility to convert CSV files to searchable and sortable HTML table.
- ctfdfetch — Fetch challenges from a CTFd competition
- ctm-python-client — Python Workflows for Control-M
- ctp-builder — no summary
- ctransformer-core — gguf connector core built on ctransformers
- ctrip-spider — 携程爬虫(破解eleven, 发现ctrip_ticket).
- ctshed — A Docker based CLI Tools manager.
- cu-cat — An end-to-end gpu Python library that encodes categorical variables into machine-learnable numerics
- cubed — Scalable array processing with bounded memory
- cubedtube — A video viewing webapp that organizes videos into channels and series
- cubicweb-rodolf — RDF data production monitoring (RODOLF)
- cubone — A pygame scaffold package
- cucu — Easy BDD web testing
- cuda-slic — CUDA implementation of the SLIC segmentaion algorithm.
- cujirax — Cucumber result to Jira Xray Test repository
- culting — Culting package manager.
- cumin — Automation and orchestration framework and CLI written in Python
- cumulus-library — Clinical study SQL generation for data derived from bulk FHIR
- cumulusci — Build and release tools for Salesforce developers
- cumulusci-extended — Unofficial Test tool for Salesforce Test Automation developers
- cupcake — Make C++ a piece of cake.
- cuppa — Cuppa, an extension package to simplify and extend Scons
- curio-http-server — High performance Curio based HTTP server with Jinja2 templates support.
- curricula-compile — An assignment bundler for the Curricula ecosystem
- curvenote-template — Jinja-style templating for LaTeX documents by Curvenote
- cushead — CLI that help you to improve the SEO and UX of your websites.
- custard — custard easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- custom-image-builder — A python package that enables user to build their custom singularity image on HPC cluster
- custom-json-diff — CycloneDx BOM and Oasis CSAF diffing and comparison tool.
- custom-manytask-checker — Students' solution checker
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cut-out-cookies — Jinja extension for optionally including files and directories
- cutecharts — Hand drawing style charts library for Python.
- cuteshop — Package manager for Qt projects.
- cutevariant — GUI to visualize and process variant data
- cutty — cutty
- cvapianalyser — plugin tool for capturing API coverage with input of a SPEC file against API shark of CloudVector
- cvapirisk — API Specification Analysis for Risks and Compliance
- cvascode — Utility to generate CVs from templates.
- cvcreator — An automated tool for creating CVs on the fly.
- cvdast — To regenerate pytest fixtures and test methods dynamically from OpenAPI spec and Cloudvector APIShark events
- cve-bin-tool — CVE Binary Checker Tool
- cvgen — A tool for easily creating a good-looking CV in PDF format from .yaml data, HTML & CSS.
- cvraft — Build your CV written in Markdown
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- cvxcooker — ...
- cwl-wrapper — CWL wrapper to add stage-in and stage-out to a base app package
- cwscript — CWScript compiler and standard tooling.
- cxbind — pybind11 binding generator
- CXRunner — Modern style test report based on unittest framework.
- cxsystem2 — A cerebral cortex simulation framework
- cyanobyte — A package that generates library files for a peripheral given an intermediary layer (YAML files)
- cyber-radar — A framework to support a Red-team Analysis, Documentation, and Automation Revolution!
- CyberArk-KeyVault — CyberArk python helper function
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- cyberrangecz-openstack-lib — Openstack Driver
- cybershuttle-tune — Parameter Tunning Library for CyberShuttle
- cylc — no summary
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- cylc-rose — A Cylc plugin providing support for the Rose rose-suite.conf file.
- CyroStack — CyroStack Is A Performant, Easy To Use Web Server Based On Python With HTTPS & Plugins Support.
- CyroWebB — Backend Framework To Go Together With CyroWebF Frontend Framework.
- cyvl-python-semantic-release — Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects