Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- dicom-parser — DICOM files parser meant to facilitate data access.
- dicomdeidentifier — Deidentifies Dicom tags
- dicomtrolley — Retrieve medical images via WADO-URI, WADO-RS, QIDO-RS, MINT, RAD69 and DICOM-QR
- dictum-core — Core library for Dictum
- didipack — Usefull time saver for data-science and finance with python
- diff-binom-confint — Computation of confidence intervals for binomial proportions and for difference of binomial proportions.
- diff_cover — Run coverage and linting reports on diffs
- diff_cover_shopee — Run coverage and linting reports on diffs
- diff_tracer — no summary
- diffa — A very simple python package for creating a HTML line diff between two files.
- DiffCapAnalyzer — A package for the quantitative analysis of differential capacity data!
- differentiable-voronoi — differentiable Voronoi tessellation
- diffsyncer — A tool to auto sync git diffs to a remote server
- diffusers — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- diffusers-qaic — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- diffusers-unchained — Diffusers
- diffusersv — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- diffxpy — Fast and scalable differential expression analysis on single-cell RNA-seq data
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- digemail — Digest emails from rss
- digicubes-flask — A digicubes flask addon
- digicubes-server — The digicubes api server
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- digitalmarketplace-content-loader — Digital Marketplace Content Loader
- diglett — Tools for data wrangling.
- diligence-fuzzing — A command line interface for the Diligence Fuzzing API
- dimensigon — Distributed Management and orchestration through RESTful, Mesh Networking and with a flair of IoT.
- dimserver — DNS and IP management Python server
- dimstack — no summary
- dinghy — Dinghy daily digest tool
- dinglehopper — The OCR evaluation tool
- DiPAS — DiPAS is a framework for differentiable simulations of particle accelerators.
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- directlfq — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- directord — A deployment framework built to manage the data center life cycle.
- dirimport — import your library without
- dirindex — make index.html
- dirsearch — Advanced web path scanner
- discolight — Flashy, ravey and state-of-the-art image augmentations to boost the performance of deep convolutional neural networks
- discopy — The Python toolkit for computing with string diagrams.
- discord-qalib — Discord library built on to simplify source code by rendering templates of embeds and menus
- discordtemplate — 🔹 A new and enhanced boilerplate template for
- discovereasy — Git-friendly versions of some of the methods from Continuous Discovery Habits
- discretisedfield — Python package for the analysis and visualisation of finite-difference fields.
- disk-objectstore — An implementation of an efficient object store that writes directly on disk.
- diskurs — A hackable and extendable framework for developing LLM-based multi-agentic systems.
- dispel — A python DIgital Signal ProcEssing Library developed to standardize extraction of sensor-derived measures (SDMs) from wearables or smartphones data.
- disseminate — A document processor and generation engine
- distgen — Templating system/generator for distributions
- distilabel — Distilabel is an AI Feedback (AIF) framework for building datasets with and for LLMs.
- distill-trainer — Knowledge distillation toolkit
- distribute-crawler — 使用scrapy,redis, mongodb,graphite实现的一个分布式网络爬虫,底层存储mongodb集群,分布式使用redis实现,爬虫状态显示使用graphite实现。
- distributed — Distributed scheduler for Dask
- distronode-core — Radically simple IT automation
- django-activity-tracker — A reusable Django application to track user actions through the database..
- django-alexa — Amazon Alexa Skills Kit integration for Django
- django_autocode_tools — Automatic Generation Interface and Database Operation tool based on django
- django-bootstrap5 — Bootstrap 5 for Django
- django-chili — Using static HTML files as templates with Django projects.
- django-clite — CLI for creating and managing Django projects
- django-cloud-deploy — Tool to deploy a Django App onto GCP
- django_csp — Django Content Security Policy support.
- django-deploy-templates — no summary
- django-etna — Django middlewares and helpers for ETNA
- django-flags — Feature flags for Django projects
- django-flower — Django Celery Flower
- django-fretboard — Responsive, powerful, simple Django forums.
- django-grainy — granular permissions for django
- django-handyhelpers — A collection of handy utilities to support django operations
- django-hogwarts — Django utilities for codegen and DX improvement
- django-icekit — A modular content CMS by Interaction Consortium.
- django-ilmoitin — Django app for sending notifications.
- django_includes — no summary
- django-jinja — Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django.
- django-jinja-knockout — Django AJAX ModelForms. Read-only display ModelForms. Django AJAX datatables with CRUD and custom actions. Supports Django Templates.
- django-jinja-markdown — Django-Jinja (Jinja2) extension and filter for parse markdown text markup.
- django-jira — Intergrates Jira library into django microservices
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-lazy-image — An image utility that renders images lazily as well as intrinsically sizes them.
- django-mails — A Django Library to Send Simple/HTML Emails
- django_make_app — Define models and fields using YAML and generate app for Django with views, forms, templates etc.
- django-marion — The documents factory
- django-massmailer — A standalone Django app to send templated emails in batch. Features a custom query engine and template editor with preview.
- django-migration-docs — Sync and validate additional information about your Django migrations.
- django-pyoidc — Authenticate your users using OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- django-render-block — Render a particular block from a template to a string.
- django-render-static — Use Django's template engine to render static files at deployment or package time. Includes transpilers for extending Django's url reversal and enums to JavaScript.
- django-require-i18n — Django management command for extracting and compiling localization strings used in the require.js i18n plugin.
- django-sage-invoice — A project for invoice generation and NFC integration.
- django-sage-model-generator — no summary
- django-scaffolding-tools — Tools to quickly scaffold django apps and templates.
- django-smart-pagination — Generate pagination links in Django Templates
- django-spinproject — Opinionated version of `startproject` with some popular third-party packages. Starter pack includes: whitenoise, django-environ, logging, GitHub Scripts to Rule Them All, basic Dockerfile and Makefile.
- django-sso-app — Django user profiles management app
- django-start-tool — A full-featured CLI for quickly creating django projects.
- django-test-tools — Simple tests tools to make testing faster and easier.
- django-tex — A simple Django app to render Latex templates and compile them into PDF files.
- django-torque — django app for torque
- django-uploads-app — Django uploads manager
- django-url-tokenizer — A python package that provides a Django app that allows you to generate tokenized urls and send them to users via email.