Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- duqtools — Dynamic uncertainty quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling
- dustapi — Fast light weight web server
- dverse-agent-python — A package for creating an Agent for the DVerse platform.
- dvh-analytics — Create a database of DVHs, views with Bokeh
- dvis — The best web-based visualizer
- dw-hamilton-sdk — Hamilton SDK for reading and writing to the Hamilton backend APIs that support the UI.
- dwatch — A tool to watch command output for differences and send notifications.
- dwave-tikz — Tools for generating pictures for various D-Wave topologies
- dwdsmor — SFST/SMOR/DWDS-based German morphology
- dwiprep — DWIprep is a robust and easy-to-use preprocessing pipeline for diffusion-weighted imaging of various acquisitions.
- dws-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- dxh-py — A Python CLI tool to generate PyPI packages effortlessly.
- dye-your-shell — Apply color themes to a variety of shell command line tools.
- dylunatj — A simple wsgi web framework
- dynaddrmgr — Tools to manage actions based on dynamic host address changes.
- dynamicprompts — Dynamic prompts templating library for Stable Diffusion
- dynamiq — Dynamiq is an orchestration framework for agentic AI and LLM applications
- dynamoplus-core — Core library for dynamoplus
- dyne — A light weight Python async framework with batteries included.
- dystic — a static site generator using dynamic principles
- dzbee — pack_name descr
- e-data — Python library for managing spanish energy data from various web providers
- e-protonvpn-cli — Linux command-line client for ProtonVPN
- e04go — 一個基於 FastAPI 的 MTV 架構生成器
- e2j2 — e2j2 is a commandline utility to render text/configuration files from jinja2 templatesfrom shell environment variables
- e2x-exam-sheets — no summary
- e3lm — e3lm CLI tool (3lm language) for managing .3lm projects and files.
- eaasy — Build your e-commerce ea(a)sily
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- EaglePick — Human-readable programming language for web, mobile, and backend applications
- earendil — machine-readable IRC protocol specification
- earlinet-reader — Package to read processed lidar data in the EARLINET NetCDF formats.
- earth-data-fetcher — Fetch remote sensing and reanalysis data from different sources
- earthkit-data — A format-agnostic Python interface for geospatial data
- earthmover — Transforms tabular data sources into text-based data via YAML configuration
- earwax — An audio game engine for fast prototyping
- earworm — Create a simple web page to listen to audio files in a directory
- easul — Embeddable AI and State-based Understandable Logic toolkit
- easy-automation-test — Easy to create a web or api automation test project
- easy-embed-rafaelolal — Simple self-hosted semantic search API
- easy-ge — A package that simplifies usage of Great Expectations tool for Data Validation.
- easy-grid-wdroz — Internal tools to use the SGE grid at Idiap Research Institute
- easy_oidc_flow — a Flask wrapper which handles OIDC authentication, authorization, and the OAuth flow for a given Identity Provider.
- easy_sge — Module that manage SGE experiences, from parameters to grid executions
- easybake — A static site builder
- easychart — Highcharts meets python in your Jupyter notebook
- EasyDeL — An open-source library to make training faster and more optimized in JAX
- easydiffraction — Making diffraction data analysis and modelling easy
- easygame — 一个写游戏的框架,封装pygame
- easyvvuq — Library to facilitate simple Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of simulation codes
- eavesdropper — Eavesdropper, an application-level gateway firewall proxy, gives you control over all network traffic. Or simply use its integrated mitmproxy 5.3.0 which can be completely controlled with Python code.
- eaw2web — no summary
- eb808 — eb808 Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- ebonite — Machine Learning Lifecycle Framework
- ebooks-lister — Get normalized metadata from paths with ebooks.
- ebrains-validation-framework — Python client for the EBRAINS Validation Framework web services.
- ebrow — Echoes Data Browser (Ebrow) is a data navigation and report generation tool for Echoes.
- ec2-demo — EC2 demo
- ec2-dev-machine — no summary
- echodataflow — Sonar conversion pipeline tool with echopype
- echopype — Enhancing the interoperability and scalability in analyzing ocean sonar data
- eclair-cli — A tool to create library wrappers for Blockchain Business Logic code.
- eclectic — Eclectic Python Web Framework built by Eclecticlly.
- ecoindex-cli — `ecoindex-cli` is a CLI tool that let you make ecoindex tests on given pages
- ecoindex-journey-gaston — Calcul du lecoindex du un parcours
- ecs-composex — Manage, Configure and Deploy your services and AWS services and applications from your docker-compose definition
- ecs-files-composer — Files and configuration handler to inject configuration files into volumes for ECS containers
- ecscmdb — Dump the OpenManage database.
- ecscontrol — Tool for automation of deployments to AWS ECS
- ECSctrl — ECSctrl - utility to deploy ECS services for humans
- eda-toolkit — A Python library for EDA, including visualizations, directory management, data preprocessing, reporting, and more.
- EDAeasy — Functions and tools for making Exploratory Data Analysis easy!
- edalize — Library for interfacing EDA tools such as simulators, linters or synthesis tools, using a common interface
- edam — An input template framework
- edaplore — EDA helper
- edatk — edatk: python exploratory data analysis toolkit
- edawishlist — A package that interfaces software to firmware and vice versa following a list of wishes
- edbojz — Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis.
- eddy-mc — Eddy, the MCNP and SCALE HTML output converter
- eddy-mc-core — Eddy, the MCNP and SCALE HTML output converter
- eddy-squeeze — Visualize extra information from FSL 6.0.1 eddy outputs
- edge-containers-cli — CLI for deploying and managing epics containers IOCs and services
- edgedb-dto — Edgedb DTO is a library that generates DTO pydantic dataclasses from edgeql files.
- edgedb-pydantic-codegen — Alternative Python EdgeDB code generator (Pydantic V2 + asyncio, FastAPI compatible)
- edgegap-service — The Edgegap Service library includes various tools and helpers for creating FastAPI Service with easy integration. It is designed for use within the Edgegap organization.
- edgy.project — Strongly opinionated python project management.
- edilkamin — Edilkamin Stove Python client
- editfrontmatter — Edit front matter with Jinja2 templates
- EditorMDiv — no summary
- edkrule — e5 规则引擎
- edlm — no summary
- edp-amundsen-databuilder — EDP Amundsen Data builder
- edri — Event Driven Routing Infrastructure
- EDS-Scikit — eds-scikit is a Python library providing tools to
- eds4jinja2 — Embed the data source specifications in your JINJA templates directly, and enjoy the dynamic data contexts.
- edsl — Create and analyze LLM-based surveys
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- edu-segmentation — To improve EDU segmentation performance using Segbot. As Segbot has an encoder-decoder model architecture, we can replace bidirectional GRU encoder with generative pretraining models such as BART and T5. Evaluate the new model using the RST dataset by using few-shot based settings (e.g. 100 examples) to train the model, instead of using the full dataset.
- eduardo-gces-poetry — no summary