Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- django-utils2 — Django Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included with the standard Django install
- django-webpack-pages — Use webpack with your multi-page, multi-lingual django webapp
- django-xapp-render — Cross app rendering utilities.
- django-zero — Zero-configuration django projects.
- djangogoboot — Get a full Django stack up and running ASAP
- djangowiz — DjangoWiz: A simple and powerful toolkit to automate the generation of serializers, viewsets, URLs, and Docker configurations for your Django projects.
- djaodjin-deployutils — Deploy webapps hosted on
- djaodjin-extended-templates — DjaoDjin's Template wrappers for HTML email and PDF templates
- djay — The advanced Django CLI
- djedi-cms-jinja2 — Jinja variants of the Djedi template tags.
- djextra — Additional Functions for Django
- djingles — Set of django utilities
- djocker — Docker tools with a Django twist
- Djtools — DJ Tools is a library for managing a collection of music.
- djx-account — no summary
- djx-cmds — no summary
- DKCloudCommand — DataKitchen Cloud Command Line
- dkist-processing-core — Abstraction layer used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines with Apache Airflow
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dkube-cicd-controller — CICD controller to automate component building, pipeline deployment to DKube.
- dl-coursera — A simple, fast, and reliable Coursera crawling & downloading tool
- dl-translate — A deep learning-based translation library built on Huggingface transformers
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- dlhn — dlhn is a Python CLI script to download my comments and submissions from the Hacker News API and generate a static HTML archive with a Jinja2 template
- DLRN — Build packages
- dls-deploy-tools — A set of tools used for deploying applications to a shared filesystem.
- dls-rvc — no summary
- dlt-init-openapi — Generate dlt Python clients from OpenAPI
- dlt-plus — dlt+ is a framework for productionising dlt pipelines in teams and at scale, with support for Iceberg and AI workflows.
- dmb-cli — CLI for DreamBox
- dmd — Basic tools to transform gmbinder-style markdown to gmbinder-style html
- dmotd — Dynamic Message Of The Day.
- dms — database management service dashboard
- dmtgen — Python generator utilities for DMT
- dmtgenfor — Fortran generator for DMT based models
- dmttsgen — Typescript generator for SIMOS based DMT models
- dna-audit-new — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-audit-new1 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-audit-new2 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-audit-new3 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-audit-new4 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-audit-tool — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dna-tool — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dnac-sidekick — A CLI app used to interact with Cisco DNA Center
- dnanew — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dnaold — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dnaold1 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dnaold90 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- dnaold91 — Data And Analytics Audit Tool
- DnaWeaver — Make ordering and assembly plans for DNA sequences
- dnd-auction-game — An auction game for trading-bots based on d&d die rolls.
- DnDGMod — A Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers Modloader
- dnn-tts-torch — This is a library consisting of pre-trained models for the synthesis of Russian and English speech
- dnsctl — no summary
- doc-warden — Doc-Warden is an internal project created by the Azure SDK Team. It is intended to be used by CI Builds to ensure that documentation standards are met. See readme for more details.
- docc — Python code documentation compiler
- docchain — no summary
- docere — Tools for publishing analyses as a static site
- docfly — A utility tool to help you build better sphinx documents.
- dockable — ansible for dockerfiles
- docker-cluster-controller — A simple Python class to orchestrate cluster nodes within a docker environment.
- docker-compose-expand — Expand your docker-compose.yml file
- Docker-Compose-Templer — Render Docker Compose file templates with the power of Jinja2
- docker-composition — Docker-compose package manager
- docker-crane — A simple tool for building Dockerfiles
- docker-devbox-ddb — ddb - Erase environment differences, make developers happy !
- docker-droplet — Create a single digital ocean droplet and provision it to run the docker engine over a simple cli
- docker-jinja3 — Extend your dockerfiles with Jinja2 syntax to to more awesome dockerfiles
- docker-pkg — Build docker images programmatically from templates.
- docker-printer — Composer for dockerfiles
- docker-recipe — A way to cook multiple Dockerfiles
- DockerENT — A tool to analyse issues with running docker container(s)
- dockerfile-bakery — Generate Dockerfiles from Partial Dockerfiles
- dockerfile-generator — Jinja 2 templates (with example config files) to generate Dockerfiles.
- dockermatrix — Build Dockerfiles from matrices automatically using templates
- docknet — Python package template.
- dockumentor — Dockumentor is a Python utility that automates the generation of detailed documentation for Docker Compose projects. It interprets Docker Compose configurations to produce visual diagrams and markdown documentation, leveraging Mermaid diagrams and Jinja2 templates to provide clear and customizable representations of service architectures. Ideal for development teams and educators, Dockumentor streamlines the process of maintaining accurate and visual documentation for Docker environments.
- dockupdater — Automatically keep your docker services and your docker containers up-to-date with the latest version
- docmaker — no summary
- docplates — Docplates is a PDF document templater which uses Jinja2 and LaTeX/WeasyPrint backends to create documents.
- docpose — A small templating engine using a .docpose.yml file for generating documents
- docrepr — Renders Python docstrings to rich HTML
- docs-versions-menu — A versions menu for Sphinx-based documentation
- docscribe — A simple tool to generate documentation, reports, and more from your codebase.
- docsible — Document generator for ansible role/collection
- docsteady — Generate test relted documentation from Zephyrscale Jira Test
- docster — Automatically extract your python docstrings into arbitrary Jinja2 templates
- doctorr — Next level flexible autodocumentation tooling for python pros.
- docubox — single busybox like binary for document solutions
- doculib — Document generation library
- document-merge-service — Merge Document Template Service
- document-tools — 🔧 Tools to automate your document understanding tasks.
- docums — Open source documentation website
- docx-word-instance-generator — Generates docx from docs Jinja2 templates
- docxtpl — Python docx template engine