Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- eduMFA — eduMFA: identity, multifactor authentication (OTP), authorization, audit
- edx-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- Eel-n — For little HTML GUI applications, with easy Python/JS interop
- EelForkExcludeFiles — For little HTML GUI applications, with easy Python/JS interop
- Eelx — For little HTML GUI applications, with easy Python/JS interop
- eggcell — Add a short description here!
- eggfarm — A tool for generating stonewave table function
- eh-tabular-deepchecks — mantained deepchecks tabular module
- ehelply-microservice-library — no summary
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- eightbar — Add a short description here!
- eikobot — The eikobot desired state engine.
- eisenberg — no summary
- eks_switcher — A CLI utilitiy for for swapping your Kubernetes config amongst different
- ekscli — A simple and flexible commandline tool for AWS EKS management
- elastalert2 — Automated rule-based alerting for Elasticsearch
- elasticdl-client — The client command line tool for ElasticDL.
- elasticgraph — Network Graph using D3js with grouping of nodes and elastic edges.
- elasticsearch — Python client for Elasticsearch
- elasticsearch-dsl — Python client for Elasticsearch
- elasticsearch-faker — elasticsearch-faker is a CLI tool to generate fake data for Elasticsearch.
- elasticsearch-serverless — Python client for Elasticsearch Serverless
- elasticsearch7 — Python client for Elasticsearch
- elasticsearch8 — Python client for Elasticsearch
- elastictools — Useful tools to work with Elastic stack in Python
- ELDAM-LCA — Life Cycle Assessment data management
- elemeno-ai-sdk — A set of glue code and utilities to make using elemeno AI platform a smooth experience
- elementary-flask — Component based framework for Flask/Python
- elephant — Elephant is a package for analysis of electrophysiology data in Python
- eleuther-elk — Keeping language models honest by directly eliciting knowledge encoded in their activations
- ElexonDataPortal — no summary
- elf-diff — A tool to compare elf binaries
- eli5 — Debug machine learning classifiers and explain their predictions
- eli5-edgio — An updated version of eli5 to explain predictions of ML classifier
- elixir-nbc — Converting Elixir Notebooks
- elixir-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Elixir web applications.
- elixirlab-server — A set of server components for ElixirLab and ElixirLab like applications.
- ellar — Ellar - Python ASGI web framework for building fast, efficient, and scalable RESTful APIs and server-side applications.
- ELLIPTIc — A tool for building DSLs for scientific purposes.
- eln — A command-line tool for quick access to web services
- eltsnap — Third version test
- elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- elyra-server — The elyra-server package provides common core libraries and functions that are required by Elyra's individual extensions. Note: Installing this package alone will not enable the use of Elyra. Please install the 'elyra' package instead. e.g. pip install elyra[all]
- em-sqltask — A helper to populate jinja templates
- emailgen — Email Generation for Humans
- embarc_cli — This is a command line tool for embarc open source platform
- embedded-yaml-docs — embedded_yaml_docs is a CLI used for generating markdown documentation, from your YAML files. This can be useful for documenting YAML files such as CI pipelines.
- EmbeddedProto — EmbeddedProto generator
- emm — Entity Matching Model package
- emmet-api — Emmet API Library
- emmet-builders — Builders for the Emmet Library
- emmet-core — Core Emmet Library
- Emonic — Discover a user-friendly Python web framework designed to empower developers in building both standard and high-level applications. Crafted with simplicity in mind, this framework provides an intuitive environment for creating web applications that adhere to industry standards. Whether you're embarking on a straightforward project or aiming for a sophisticated application, our framework streamlines the development process, offering flexibility and tools to match your goals.
- emoter — A chatbot system integrated with a sentiment analyzer library (Emote) that is able to empathize with users.
- empower-functions — The empower_functions package provides a set of utility functions to run the empower-functions model
- emr-launcher — Launches an AWS Elastic MapReduce cluster using templated configuration files written in JSON. Meant to make deployments consistent and reproducable.
- emulsion — Epidemiological Multi-Level Simulation framework
- emva1288 — EMVA1288 reference implementation
- emzed — no summary
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- en16931 — A Python 3 package to parse, generate and manage the EN16931 Invoice format
- enb — Experiment NoteBook (enb): efficient and reproducible science.
- enchante — CLI tool to help scaffolding relational DB architecture as code
- encommon — Enasis Network Common Library
- endaq — A comprehensive, user-centric Python API for working with enDAQ data and devices
- endaq-ide — A comprehensive, user-centric Python API for working with enDAQ data and devices
- endoscopie — no summary
- endpoints — Get an api up and running quickly
- energy-assistant — Energy Assistant
- energy-dashboard-library — Energy Dashboard Library
- enferno_cli — A Python tool for setting up Ubuntu servers with the Enferno framework
- enformer-dna-diff — This is a package for that combines DeepMind Enformer model with DNA Diffusion project
- engineer — A static website generator.
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- engrave — Engrave is a static website framework
- enhanceezqq — 用于对ezqq模块增强功能,能够获取历史数据保存到数据库,并从数据库读取历史数据
- enlil — Automatic containerization of complete ROS workspaces.
- ennio — interstack orchestration framework for AWS CloudFormation
- enochecker — Library to build checker scripts for EnoEngine A/D CTF Framework in Python
- enot — Erlang package management and build system
- enrichsdk — Enrich Developer Kit
- entity-embeddings-categorical — no summary
- EnumECG — Generate Enhanced Enum definitions for C++
- envers — Envers is a tool for handling environment files (e.g. .env) for multiple kind of environments with versioning
- envgen — A Virtual Environment Generator
- envoy.base.utils — "A collection of utils used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.dependency.check — "Dependency checker used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.dependency.cve-scan — "CVE scanner used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envs — Easy access of environment variables from Python with support for strings, booleans, list, tuples, and dicts.
- envtpl — Render jinja2 templates on the command line using shell environment variables
- eo-learn — Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- epcpm — no summary
- EPCPyYes — EPCIS Python module for quickly developing EPCIS-enabled applications.
- ephemeris — Ephemeris is an opinionated library and set of scripts for managing the bootstrapping of Galaxy project plugins - tools, index data, and workflows.
- ephyviewer — Simple viewers for ephys signals, events, video and more
- epics-containers-cli — One line description of your module
- epicure-utils — A common utils Python library. Don't write that one little function again!