Reverse Dependencies of Jinja2
The following projects have a declared dependency on Jinja2:
- bsxplorer — Analytical framework for BS-seq data comparison and visualization
- btconfig — Module for reading configuration files
- btdashboard — Bert's Dashboard
- btls3 — Useful tools to work with Elastic stack in Python
- Bubba — Bubba Python Web Framework the simplest framework.
- bucket-dir — Generate directory listings for S3 statically hosted content.
- bucket3 — Static blog generator.
- bug-trail — Local static html error logger to use while developing python code.
- bugbane — application security tools for DAST
- bugwarrior — Sync github, bitbucket, and trac issues with taskwarrior
- buildbot — The Continuous Integration Framework
- buildbot-badges — Buildbot badges
- buildenv — Build environment setup system, based on Python venv
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- buildingspy — Package for simulating and testing models from the Modelica Buildings and IBPSA libraries
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- BuildStream — A framework for modelling build pipelines in YAML
- buildthedocs — A Sphinx documentation building tool on steroids.
- buildup — Static Blog Generator
- bulc — Build file generator for GNU Make.
- bulker — Manager of portable multi-container computing environments
- bulky — A library with bulk operations on SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL
- bumbo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-daniel — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-ekb — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-el — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-evgeny — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-guyincognito — Bumbo Python Web Framework for learning purposes
- bumbo-hiro — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-ivan — Bumbo Python Web Framework build for learning purpose.
- bumbo-izzy — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-junior — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-kindjo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-konrad — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-leo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes. Originaly designed by
- bumbo-lera — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-mikhin — Bumbo mikhin Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-mxb — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-plyshevyj — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-popova — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-roman-yank — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-shogo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-sonechka — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-tikey — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-yuzhanhuang1119 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo12345 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo2 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo73 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbojonasps — Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumboraphael — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbov — Bumbov Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumboyo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumplus — Bump the version in the project files.
- bundlewrap — Config management with Python
- bunnet — Synchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- bupap — no summary
- bupy — A Python toolkit for Butane and Ignition
- burdock — A Daikon frontend for Python data frames and CSV/TSV files.
- burette — A micro web framework
- burgher — Burgher - a static site generator focused on galleries
- burp-reports — Burp reports package
- burr — A state machine for data projects
- businessready — Transform Cisco CLIs and APIs into Business Ready Documents
- buzzerboy-saas-tenants — A reusable Django package containing multiple apps
- bw25ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- bw2ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- bws — Builder Web Services
- bws-boa — Builder Web Services
- byro — Membership and fees management for associations, clubs and groups
- byteapp-akt — AKTools is a tool for AKShare HTTP API!
- byteblower-test-cases-rfc-2544 — Perform throughput test based on RFC 2544 using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-cases-tr-398 — Perform traffic tests for TR-398 using ByteBlower.
- byteblower-test-framework — Test Framework for the ByteBlower Traffic Generator.
- byzerllm — ByzerLLM: Byzer LLM
- c-binance-future-quant — 这是一套经过长时间实盘验证,有超过100亿美金交易量,包含币安合约的数据录入,风控,交易的架构实现,但不包含具体的策略,仅提供一个简单的交易实践演示数据读取,开仓,平仓,以及止盈止损,风控,还有前端数据展示和分析(前端板块为react+redux+antd,开源还在准备中,因为现在还有维护一个左侧策略,打算直接把这个左侧策略的数据释放出来示范,应该在7月25号前发布上来)你可以利用它简单,低成本的实现你的交易逻辑,其大量运用阿里云服务器进行分布式架构,多进程处理,以及飞书进行异常报错和交易信息披露...如果你愿意详细阅读该readme的所有信息,尤其是 [模块详细解析](#模块详细解析) ,那么他同时也会是一部关于币安合约的交易风控,设计架构的经验理解历史,总结了几乎本人所有成功和失败的经验,希望能让后人少踩些坑
- c2c.template — Vars collector and template runner.
- c2cgeoportal_commons — c2cgeoportal commons
- c2cgeoportal_geoportal — c2cgeoportal geoportal
- c3loc — C3 Enhanced Proximity Location Services
- c50-wrapper — A python wrapper fot the C5.0 algorithm that works on linux applications;
- c6t — Unofficial Administrative Command Line Interface for Contrast Security
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- c7n-sphinxext — Cloud Custodian - Sphinx Extensions
- cacahuate — The process virtual machine
- cacaodocs — A lightweight Python package to extract API documentation from docstrings.
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cacp — no summary
- cada — Search and consult CADA advices
- cadwyn — Production-ready community-driven modern Stripe-like API versioning in FastAPI
- caf-verilog — CAF Verilog
- calamus — calamus is a library built on top of marshmallow to allow (de-)Serialization of Python classes to JSON-LD.
- calcprimenumbers — package example
- caldavctl — Command line utility to interact with CalDAV servers
- calisp — Isotope analysis of proteomics data
- calitp-data-analysis — Shared code for querying Cal-ITP data in notebooks, primarily.
- callattendant — An automated call attendant and call blocker using a Raspberry Pi and USR-5637 modem
- calligraphy — A static blog generator.
- calliope — A multi-scale energy systems modelling framework.
- callisto-nbviewer — Jupyter notebook viewer
- callystio — Jupyter notebook site generator