Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- kira_llm — That's right, I'm Kira ✍️
- klujax — a KLU solver for JAX
- kornia-rs — Low level implementations for computer vision in Rust
- lacss — Tools for cell segmentation
- lagrangebench — LagrangeBench: A Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics Benchmarking Suite
- lambeq — A QNLP toolkit
- larch6 — no summary
- last-asr — The LAttice-based Speech Transducer (LAST) library
- learned-optimization — Train learned optimizers in Jax.
- lenscharm — A Charming, Bayesian, Strong Lensing Framework
- levy-stable-jax — Implementation of the Lévy alpha-stable distributions for Jax.
- liblaf-toolkit — Add your description here
- liesel — A probabilistic programming framework with a focus on semi-parametric regression
- lightning-thunder — Lightning Thunder project.
- lightweight-mcnnm — Leightweight Implementation of Athey et al. (2021)'s MC-NNM estimator
- lightweight-mmm — Package for Media-Mix-Modelling
- lineax — Linear solvers in JAX and Equinox.
- linpde-gp — Linear PDE Solvers as Gaussian Process Inference
- lipsutils — Internal utilities shared by the Princeton LIPS group.
- loadax — Dataloading for Jax
- local-attention-flax — Local Attention - Flax Module in Jax
- localmd — Method for compressing neuroimaging data using spatially localized low-rank matrix decompositions
- logbesselk — Provide function to calculate the modified Bessel function of the second kind
- long-range-models — Simple Flax implementations of long-range sequence models
- lovely-jax — 💘 Lovely JAX
- lpips-j — lpips-j – Minimal JAX/Flax port of `lpips` supporting `vgg16`, with pre-trained weights stored in the 🤗 Hugging Face hub.
- lqg — (Inverse) optimal control for linear-quadratic Gaussian systems
- lsqfitgp — A general purpose Gaussian process regression module
- luxai-s3 — Lux AI Challenge Season 3 environment code
- luxglm — A probabilistic covariate model for quantification of DNA methylation modifications with complex experimental designs
- madjax — differentiable matrix elements
- magyc — CoMPAS Lab Magnetometer and Gyroscope Calibration (MAGYC)
- mapc-dcf — IEEE 802.11 DCF Simulator
- mapc-sim — IEEE 802.11 MAPC (C-SR) simulator
- materials-spum-multi — Materials SPUM project.
- matfree — Matrix-free numerical linear algebra.
- matrixelement — no summary
- maxent_graph — Add your description here
- maxspin — Estimate spatial information in spatial -omics datasets.
- MBIRJAX — High-performance tomographic reconstruction
- MCCube — Markov chain cubature via JAX.
- mclmc — Faster gradient based sampling
- mctx — Monte Carlo tree search in JAX.
- MDSuite — A postprocessing tool for molecular dynamics simulations.
- meent — Electromagnetic simulation (RCWA) & optimization package in Python
- MeerKATgen — MeerKAT Radio Telescope simulation data generator
- mellon — Non-parametric density estimator.
- meloetta — no summary
- memo-lang — A language for mental models
- memory-efficient-attention — Memory Efficient Attention (O(sqrt(n)) for Jax and PyTorch
- menzalib — Funzioni utili per lab3
- meow-sim — Modeling of Eigenmodes and Overlaps in Waveguide Structures
- mess-jax — MESS: Modern Electronic Structure Simulations
- metax — A collection of extensions for meta-learning in JAX
- metrx — "A library containing a collection of distance and similarity measures to compare time series data."
- mewtax — Differentiable minimization in jax using Newton's method.
- mici — MCMC samplers based on simulating Hamiltonian dynamics on a manifold.
- microsim — Light microscopy simulation in python
- miiiii — mechanistic interpretability of irriducible integer identifiers
- miles-guess — no summary
- Minari — A standard format for offline reinforcement learning datasets, with popular reference datasets and related utilities.
- mingru-keras — This package contains a Keras 3 implementation of the minGRU layer, a minimal and parallelizable version of the gated recurrent unit (GRU).
- minimax-lib — Efficient baselines for autocurricula in JAX
- mistral-jax — JAX implementation of the Mistral model.
- mistral-v0.2-jax — JAX implementation of the Mistral v0.2 base model.
- mixcian — An advanced hybrid ranking engine for recommendation systems, designed to automate the optimization of algorithms and parameters tailored to diverse business objectives.
- mixician — An advanced hybrid ranking engine for recommendation systems, designed to automate the optimization of algorithms and parameters tailored to diverse business objectives.
- mjinx — Numerical Inverse Kinematics based on JAX + MJX
- ml-confs — A utility to handle configurations for machine learning pipelines
- ml-impute — A package for synthetic data generation for imputation using single and multiple imputation methods.
- mlax-nn — A pure functional machine learning library build on top of Google JAX.
- mlorax — MLoRAx is a minimalist library for low-rank adaptation designd to effortlessly enable parameter-efficient training for Transformer-based models.
- mlp-gpt-jax — MLP GPT - Jax
- mlsauce — Miscellaneous Statistical/Machine Learning tools
- mmpdenet — no summary
- mocat — Monte Carlo Testbed
- modularbayes — Modular Bayesian Inference.
- MOGPJax — Didactic multi-output Gaussian processes in Jax.
- moll — no summary
- momaland — A standard API for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Decision making and a diverse set of reference environments.
- morphine-optics — Physical optics propagation (wavefront diffraction) for optical simulations, particularly of telescopes, with analytic derivatives.
- morphomatics — Geometric morphometrics in non-Euclidean shape spaces
- mosmo — Molecular Systems Modeling toolkit
- moss-rl — A Python library for Reinforcement Learning.
- moveable-morphable-components — An implementation of the Moveable Morphable Components algorithm
- mpax — MPAX: Mathematical Programming in JAX
- mpcjax — A pure-JAX, CPU or GPU Model Predictive Control solver.
- mubelnet — Deep Bayesian unsupervised decoder networks. Use poisson or multinomial belief networks to cluster count data.
- mujoco_controllers — A repository for debugging controller implementations applied to mujoco models.
- mujoco-mjx — MuJoCo XLA (MJX)
- mujoco-sysid — MuJoCo System Identification tools
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- multigrad — Differentiable Multiprocessing for Gradient Descent with JAX
- multinterp — Multivariate Interpolation.
- mushi — 🍄 [mu]tation [s]pectrum [h]istory [i]nference 🍄
- muygpys — Scalable Approximate Gaussian Process using Sparse Kriging
- mvgkde — MultiVariate Gaussian Kernel Density Estimator
- mvtk — Model validation toolkit
- mw-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- mynx — no summary