Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- riecovest — no summary
- riix — vectorized implementations of online rating systems
- ringattention — RingAttention for Transformers with Arbitrarily Large Context.
- ringdown — Bayesian analysis of black hole ringdowns in gravitational-wave data.
- ripplegw — A small jax package for differentiable and fast gravitational wave data analysis.
- rl-games-y — no summary
- rlai — Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- rlax — A library of reinforcement learning building blocks in JAX.
- rlmc — Python utils for AI 🚀
- rmsyutls — Utility functions for Ramsey
- RNAkinetics — Biological prior guided single-cell kinetics inference.
- rng-jax — JAX random number generation as a NumPy generator
- robo-transformers — RT-1, RT-1-X, Octo Robotics Transformer Model Inference
- rockpool — A Python package for developing, simulating and training spiking neural networks, and deploying on neuromorphic hardware
- roger — Runoff Generation Research - a process-based hydrological toolbox model in Python
- rogerluo-duck — A software framework for the duck (operator learning) renormalization group.
- rsnl — Package for RSNL algorithm for simulation-based inference
- rstojnic-tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- rswjax — A jax implementation of optimal representative sample weighting
- run-time-assurance — The run-time-assurance library provides an interface and implementations for Run Time Assurance (RTA) safety filters.
- s2fft — Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms with JAX
- s4-torch — S4 - Pytorch
- s5-pytorch — S5 - Simplified State Space Layers for Sequence Modeling - Pytorch
- safe-autonomy-dynamics — The safe-autonomy-dynamics package provides an API for dynamic systems supported by a library of common functions used to access and update system dynamics.
- safe-autonomy-simulation — A library for building continuous simulation environments, designed to support safe autonomy research.
- safejax — Serialize JAX, Flax, Haiku, or Objax model params with `safetensors`
- safetensors — no summary
- sake-gnn — no summary
- sax — Autograd and XLA for S-parameters
- SBGeom — Python package for creating stellarator geometry
- sbgm — Score-based Diffusion models in JAX.
- sbiax — Fast, parallel and lightweight simulation-based inference in JAX.
- sbmltoodejax — lightweight library that allows to automatically parse and convert SBML models into python models written end-to-end in JAX
- sbx-rl — Jax version of Stable Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
- scandeval — Evaluation of pretrained language models on mono- or multilingual language tasks.
- scarlet2 — Scarlet, all new and shiny
- scatrex — Map single-cell transcriptomes to copy number evolutionary trees.
- scdef — Extract hierarchical signatures of cell state from single-cell data.
- scenario-generator — Scenario generator for understanding Filecoin dynamics
- scib-metrics — Accelerated and Python-only scIB metrics
- scikit-jax — Classical machine learning algorithms on the GPU/TPU.
- scKinetics — Biological prior guided single-cell kinetics inference.
- scope-astr — Simulating high-resolution spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres.
- scoringrules — Scoring rules for probabilistic forecast evaluation.
- scud — Structured Principal Component Analysis
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- searchep — A module to search for exceptional points
- secretflow — SecretFlow Full
- secretflow-lite — SecretFlow Lite
- segnn-jax — Steerable E(3) GNN in jax
- Sella — no summary
- separable-operator-networks — Separable operator models for extreme-scale learning of parametric PDEs
- sepes — Visualize, create, and operate on nested trees in the most intuitive way possible.
- seqio — SeqIO: Task-based datasets, preprocessing, and evaluation for sequence models.
- seqio-nightly — SeqIO: Task-based datasets, preprocessing, and evaluation for sequence models.
- sequel-core — A Continual Learning Framework for both Jax and PyTorch.
- sequential-ft-transformer — FT Transformer applied to sequential tabular data
- serket — Finite difference tools in JAX
- SFcalculator-jax — A Differentiable pipeline connecting molecule models and crystallpgraphy data
- sgGWR — no summary
- SGMCMCJax — SGMCMC samplers in JAX
- shamnet — Differentiable abundance matching
- shbtf0302 — State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch
- shml — lightweight pdata cleaning/processing/plotting/ML training library for use with an ATLAS BSM dihiggs search
- sibylla — A Jax package for Gradient Descent Image Reconstruction
- sidious — no summary
- sigkerax — Signature kernel computations via PDE solvers in JAX
- signax — Differentiable signature calculations in JAX.
- simphony — Simphony: A simulator for photonic circuits
- simphox — no summary
- simple-pytree — no summary
- simsopt — Framework for optimizing stellarators
- SiSo — no summary
- sklearn-jax-kernels — Composable kernels for scikit-learn implemented in JAX.
- skrl — Modular and flexible library for reinforcement learning on PyTorch and JAX
- skscope — Sparsity-Constraint OPtimization via itErative-algorithm
- slax — An SNN/RNN training package in JAX
- smeagol-gw — Companion package to Golum package for selection effects
- snaxlib — A simple deep learning library for JAX.
- softclip — JAX/Flax implementation of softclip
- somap — Self-Organizing Maps in python
- souJpg-diffusers — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- sourceinversion — A Gaussian plume model simulator and gas emission source inversion package.
- spaceTree — PyPI package for multi-task label transfer from single-cell refrence data to spatial data
- spanking — 🍑👋
- sparsejac — Efficient forward- and reverse-mode sparse Jacobians using Jax.
- sparsenn — no summary
- spbessax — spherical Bessel functions for JAX
- SPEADI — A Python package that aims to characterise the dynamics of local chemical environments
- specsy — Model fitting package for the chemical analysis of astronomical spectra
- specterpy — framework for defining, building, and evaluating generalized shape observables for collider physics
- speech-intelligibility-index — Speech Intelligibility Index
- spey-pyhf — pyhf plugin for spey interface
- spikewrap — Run extracellular electrophysiology analysis with SpikeInterface
- spinn — Simple Physics Informed Neural Networks
- split-normal — A tiny package implementing functions of the split normal distribution compatible with Numpy and JAX.
- splotch-st — Splotch is a hierarchical generative probabilistic model for analyzing Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) data
- SpotDIPy — An Easy Way for Stellar Doppler Imaging of Cool Single Stars
- squishyplanet — A package for dealing with non-spherical exoplanets