Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- stadion — Causal Modeling with Stationary Diffusions
- stamox — Accelerate Your Statistical Analysis with JAX.
- starred-astro — A two-channel deconvolution method with Starlet regularization
- starspotter — Stellar contamination estimates from rotational light curves
- statedict2pytree — Converts torch models into PyTrees for Equinox
- statinf — A library for statistics and causal inference
- statistika — The ultimate statistics package in Python.
- statjax — Data science tools built with a Jax backend.
- stellar-spice — no summary
- stories-jax — Learn spatially informed Waddington-like potentials for single-cell gene expression
- strange — Online time series analysis
- stratmc — Bayesian statistical framework for reconstructing past Earth system change from the stratigraphic record
- streamfitter — Add your description here
- summerepi2 — Summer is a compartmental disease modelling framework, written in Python. It provides a high-level API to build and run models.
- supergrad — SuperGrad differentiable Hamiltonian simulator
- surjectors — Surjection layers for density estimation with normalizing flows
- swc-ephys — Manage extracellular electrophysiology analysis
- symjax — A Symbolic JAX software
- sympy2jax — Turn SymPy expressions into trainable JAX expressions.
- synecdoche — Synecdoche: Hypernetworks for Haiku in JAX
- synthax — SynthAX: A Fast Modular Synthesizer in JAX
- synthid-text — SynthID Text: Identifying AI-generated text content
- syrkis — no summary
- tables-io — Input/output and conversion functions for tabular data
- tax-dp — A fully sharded data parallel trainer for jax
- tcup — no summary
- tdsxtract — Tools for extracting permittivity values from Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy measurements.
- tencirchem-ng — Efficient quantum computational chemistry based on TensorCircuit
- teneva-ht-jax — Compact implementation of basic operations in the Hierarchical Tucker (HT) format for approximation and sampling from multidimensional arrays and multivariate functions
- teneva-jax — Compact implementation of basic operations in the tensor-train (TT) format with jax framework for approximation, optimization and sampling with multidimensional arrays and multivariate functions
- tensorcircuit — High performance unified quantum computing framework for the NISQ era
- tensorcircuit-ng — High performance unified quantum computing framework for the NISQ era
- tensorcircuit-nightly — nightly release for tensorcircuit
- tensorflow-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- tensorflow-federated — TensorFlow Federated is an open-source federated learning framework.
- tensorflow-federated-nightly — TensorFlow Federated is an open-source federated learning framework.
- tensorflow-ml — Tensorflow ML
- tensorflow-probability — Probabilistic modeling and statistical inference in TensorFlow
- tensorflowjs — no summary
- tensorshare — 🤝 Trade any tensors over the network
- tensorwaves — Python fitter package for multiple computational back-ends
- tensorwrap — TensorWrap: A high level TensorFlow wrapper for JAX.
- teos10 — Unofficial Python implementation of the TEOS-10 properties of water
- testax — Jit-able runtime assertions for jax in numpy style.
- tf-shb-gabriel-0302 — State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch
- tf2jax — TF2JAX: Convert TensorFlow to JAX
- tfc — Theory of Functional Connections (TFC): A functional interpolation framework with applications in differential equations.
- tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- tfp-nightly — Probabilistic modeling and statistical inference in TensorFlow
- tfx — TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
- theoval — Theoval
- thermoextrap — Thermodynamic extrapolation
- thermox — Exact OU processes with JAX
- thunderbeard — Minimal python deep learning library
- ticktack — Python package to build a carbon box model.
- tidy3d — A fast FDTD solver
- tidy3d-beta — A fast FDTD solver
- timecast — Performant, composable online learning
- timecast-nightly — Performant, composable online learning
- timesfm — Open weights time-series foundation model from Google Research.
- tinygp — The tiniest of Gaussian Process libraries
- tjax — Tools for JAX.
- tn4ml — Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
- toliman — A differential model of TOLIMAN telescope.
- tomographic-kernel — A Tomographic Kernel in JAX for tomographic Gaussian processes.
- topt — Tools for optimizing trajectories with direct collocation.
- torch-jax-interop — Utility to convert Tensors from Jax to Torch and vice-versa
- torch-xla2 — no summary
- torch2jax — Run PyTorch in JAX. 🤝
- TorchOpt — An efficient library for differentiable optimization for PyTorch.
- torchsparsegradutils — A collection of utility functions to work with PyTorch sparse tensors
- tornadox — no summary
- TorusImaging — Inferring the Galactic mass distribution with stellar labels
- totypes — Custom datatypes useful in a topology optimization context
- tracr-pypi — Compiler from RASP to transformer weights
- tractorun — Run distributed training in TractoAI
- trainax — Training methodologies for Autoregressive Neural Emulators in JAX built on top of Equinox & Optax.
- trajectory-manifold — Statistically Rigorous ODE Forecasting
- transformer-in-transformer-flax — Transformer in Transformer - Flax
- transformer_payne — no summary
- transformers — State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
- trax — Trax
- tree-math — Mathematical operations for JAX pytrees
- treescope — Treescope: An interactive HTML pretty-printer for ML research in IPython notebooks.
- treevalue — A flexible, generalized tree-based data structure.
- tridiax — Solving tridiagonal systems.
- triton-model-navigator — Triton Model Navigator: An inference toolkit for optimizing and deploying machine learning models and pipelines on the Triton Inference Server and PyTriton.
- tsuite — tsuite: Get your RL agent fixed today!
- tucker-riemopt — Tucker toolbox for Riemannian optimization.
- tunax — Differential calibrator of the vertical ocean turbulence closures.
- tune-jax — Microbenchmarking hyperparameter tuning for JAX functions.
- tux — Tools and Utils. Some tools and utils modified from many other code to fit my needs.
- tw-experimentation — Wise AB platform
- uat — Universal Approximation Theorem in JAX
- ued — Efficient baselines for autocurricula in JAX
- uMAIA — Toolbox for the processing and analysis of MALDI-MSI data
- uni2ts — Unified Training of Universal Time Series Forecasting Transformers
- unicycle-controller — A package for unicycle control and reachability analysis
- unxt — Quantities in JAX
- uom-project — Repository containing code and and other materials for my undergraduate project on numerical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations at the University of Manchester.