Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- updes — Universal Partial Differential Equations Simulator
- useful-moonshine — Speech Recognition for Live Transcription and Voice Commands
- vanilla-transformer-jax — JAX/Flax implimentation of 'Attention is All You Need' by Vaswani et al.
- VariationalHMM — Jax-Implementation of Variational Hidden Markov Model
- variPEPS — Versatile tensor network library for variational ground state simulations in two spatial dimensions
- vbeam — vbeam: a fast and differentiable beamformer
- vbjax — Virtual brains w/ JAX
- vijax — A JAX library to run VI.
- vipdopt — Package for volumetirc inverse photonic design and optimization
- vipurpca — Visualizing and propagating uncertainty in PCA
- visu3d — 3d geometry made easy.
- vit-flax — Vision Transformer, ViT - Flax
- vivs — Calibrated Variational Inference for single-cell omics.
- vqepy — An open source Python package for molecular and condensed matter VQE research
- vspec-vsm — The VSPEC Variable Star Model as a standalone package.
- waltlabtools — A collection of tools for biomedical research assay analysis in Python.
- wavejax — Tools and utilities for computational math and engineering in Jax.
- wax-ml — A Python library for machine-learning and feedback loops on streaming data
- wazy — Pretrained Bayesian Optimization of Sequences
- wcosmo — A package for cosmology calculations with arbitrary numpy-like APIs
- widetrax — Computes the Power Spectrum density (PSD) from SWOT data
- wolensing — A package for computing wave optics amplification factor.
- wrap-torch2jax — Wrap your PyTorch for JAX! This package allows no-copy PyTorch calling from JAX under both eager execution and JIT.
- wrongbutusefulsbi — no summary
- xaj — ODE integrator for JAX
- xarray-jax — no summary
- xax — The xax project
- xbi — Simulation-based Inference with JAX
- xcauto — xcauto: Arbitrary order exchange-correlation functional derivatives using JAX.
- xdsl — xDSL
- xlb — XLB: Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann (XLB) for Physics-based ML
- xlens — Add your description here
- xlumina — XLuminA: An Auto-differentiating Discovery Framework for Super-Resolution Microscopy
- xminigrid — JAX-accelerated meta-reinforcement learning environments inspired by XLand and MiniGrid
- xmmutablemap — Immutable Map, compatible with JAX & Equinox
- xomx — xomx: a python library for computational omics
- xorbits — Scalable Python data science, in an API compatible & lightning fast way.
- xpag — xpag: Exploring Agents
- xtrain — A Flax trainer
- yasmll — YASMLL: Yet Another Scientific Machine Learning Library
- yeah — yeah!
- yippy — A Python and JAX wrapper to create a coronagraph object from a yield input package
- yunta — Predicting protein-protein interactions and structures from multiple sequence alignments.
- zenflow — Learn distributions with normalizing flows.
- zernipax — Includes functions to generate Zernike modes and Calculate Zernike polynomials and their derivatives using JAX.
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics
- Zodiax — Equinox extension for scientific programming