Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- mytree — Module pytrees that cleanly handle parameter trainability and transformations for JAX models.
- nadl — Nasy's Deep Learning Toolkit
- nannos — Fourier Modal Method for multilayer metamaterials
- nanodl — A Jax-based library for designing and training transformer models from scratch.
- nbodyx — A JAX simulator for N body problems.
- ndv — simple nd image viewer
- nearness — An easy-to-use interface for (approximate) nearest neighbors algorithms.
- nemos — NEural MOdelS, a statistical modeling framework for neuroscience.
- nerva-jax — An implementation of multilayer perceptrons in JAX.
- netket — Netket : Machine Learning toolbox for many-body quantum systems.
- neural-tangents — Fast and Easy Infinite Neural Networks in Python
- neuralgcm — no summary
- neuralmag — NeuralMag is a micromagnetic GPU code implementing the nodal FD discretization
- neuralstockprophet — LSTM-ARIMA with attention mechanisms and multiplicative decomposition for sophisticated stock forecasting.
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- nextgenjax — A JAX-based neural network library surpassing Google DeepMind's Haiku and Optax
- nfl-veripy — Formal verification of neural feedback loops (NFLs)
- ngclearn — Simulation software for building and analyzing arbitrary predictive coding, spiking network, and biomimetic neural systems.
- nichecompass — End-to-end analysis of spatial multi-omics data
- nifty8 — Probabilistic programming framework for signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying grids and their resolutions
- nitrix — Neuroimaging transformations in XLA
- nldesa — A package with tools to solve and analyse nonlinear differential equations Stability using DMD.
- nmfx — Stochastic Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
- nndp — Dynamic Programming using Neural Networks
- nnx — no summary
- noloadj — solving constrained optimization problem for the design of engineering systems
- non-local-detector — A python package to decode non-local activity from neural data
- non-param-score-est — Non parametric score function estimation library
- noxjax — Flexible Neural Networks in JAX
- noxnet — Neural networks with Noxjax
- npiv — Nonparametric IV Toolbox for Python
- nrel-bird — Bio Reactor Design (BiRD): a toolbox to simulate and analyze different designs of bioreactors in OpenFOAM
- nuance — Transit signals detection among correlated noises
- numba4jax — Usa numba in jax-compiled kernels.
- numderivax — Numerical differentiation in JAX.
- numdiff — Numerical backends in Python
- numpyro — Pyro PPL on NumPy
- numpyro-ncx2 — A non-central chi-squared distribution for numpyro
- nutpie — Sample Stan or PyMC models
- nux — Normalizing Flows using Jax
- objax — Objax is a machine learning framework that provides an Object Oriented layer for JAX.
- ojax — An extension for modular JAX code.
- openfermion — The electronic structure package for quantum computers.
- optax — A gradient processing and optimization library in JAX.
- optimaldesign — OptimalDesign
- optimistix — Nonlinear optimisation in JAX and Equinox.
- optispec — Simulate optical spectra with quantum mechanical models.
- optree — Optimized PyTree Utilities.
- optymus — no summary
- opyrability — Process operability analysis in Python
- orbax — Orbax
- orbax-checkpoint — Orbax Checkpoint
- orbax-export — Orbax Export
- orbix — A JAX library of functions useful for exoplanet simulations
- orthax — Orthogonal polynomials with JAX
- oryx — Probabilistic programming and deep learning in JAX
- ott-jax — Optimal Transport Tools in JAX
- outlines — Probabilistic Generative Model Programming
- overreact — ⚛️📈 Create and analyze chemical microkinetic models built from computational chemistry data
- pai-easydist — Efficient Automatic Training System for Super-Large Models
- PaLM-jax — PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways - Jax
- paltax — Strong lensing package using jax
- pancax — no summary
- pandas-toolkit — A collection of pandas accessors to help with common machine/deep learning related functionality.
- panpipes — Panpipes - multimodal single cell pipelines
- par-segmentation — Cell cortex segmentation and quantification in C. elegans PAR protein images
- parabellum — Parabellum environment for parallel warfare simulation
- paramax — Parameterizations and parameter constraints for JAX PyTrees.
- paramdiffusion — A package for deriving continuous score-based data solutions
- paranox — Simple parameterisations for equinox
- pastax — **P**arameterizable **A**uto-differentiable **S**imulators of ocean **T**rajectories in j**AX**.
- patato — A Python Toolkit for the analysis of photoacoustic tomography data.
- pathwaysutils — Package of Pathways-on-Cloud utilities.
- pax3 — A stateful pytree library for training neural networks.
- paxlib — JAX-like API on top of PyTorch
- paxml — Framework to configure and run machine learning experiments on top of Jax.
- pcgym — Reinforcement learning suite of process control problems.
- pcx — PCX is a Python JAX-based library designed to develop highly configurable predictive coding networks.
- pdequinox — Neural PDE Emulator Architectures in JAX built on top of Equinox.
- pdmp-jax — A general PDMP sampler in JAX
- pedestal-inference — A collection of Python tools for plasma-edge Thomson-scattering analysis
- penzai — Penzai: A JAX research toolkit for building, editing, and visualizing neural networks.
- perceiver-jax — Perceiver - JAX
- pfb-imaging — Radio interferometric imaging suite based on a preconditioned forward-backward approach
- pgmax — Loopy belief propagation for factor graphs on discrete variables in JAX
- pgx — no summary
- phlash — Bayesian inference of population size history from recombining sequence data.
- photon-weave — A quantum optics simulator for modeling and analysis of quantum systems.
- phyjax2d — 2D physics simulation by Jax
- piel — Photonic Integrated Electronics: microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.
- pinnde — A library for solving differential equations with PINNs and DeepONets
- pinnx — Physics-informed.
- piquasso — A simulator for photonic quantum computations.
- piscola — Type Ia Supernova Light-curve fitting code
- planet-harmonica — Light curves for exoplanet transmission mapping.
- plothelp — Simple auto-grid pyplot util.
- pore2chip — A package that takes 3D images of porous materials and generates representative micromodels
- pormake — Python library for the construction of porous materials using topology and building blocks
- portrait — Compute and visualize observations phase coverage
- POT — Python Optimal Transport Library